
Isolated Qin Haiyang, the two famous generals openly boycotted the Chinese frog king, and would rather be punished than flinch

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Isolated Qin Haiyang, the two famous generals openly boycotted the Chinese frog king, and would rather be punished than flinch
Isolated Qin Haiyang, the two famous generals openly boycotted the Chinese frog king, and would rather be punished than flinch
Isolated Qin Haiyang, the two famous generals openly boycotted the Chinese frog king, and would rather be punished than flinch
Isolated Qin Haiyang, the two famous generals openly boycotted the Chinese frog king, and would rather be punished than flinch
Isolated Qin Haiyang, the two famous generals openly boycotted the Chinese frog king, and would rather be punished than flinch

The resurgence of the Olympics: the conspiracy behind the "drug testing drama" in United States

With the Paris Olympics swimming competition approaching, the Chinese swimming team has fallen into an unprecedented off-court turmoil. This is not because of the strength or condition of the players, but because of the unwarranted rumors and slander of the United States and its pro-American drug testing agencies. They are trying to interfere with our preparations by imposing unfair drug tests on Chinese athletes with the support of the World Anti-Doping Organization and the International Olympic Committee. However, will this despicable tactic really work?

"Wolf Ambition": The True Purpose of United States

The United States did not really want to find out anything. After all, the innocence of Chinese athletes is well known, and no matter how many times you check it, the result is the same. United States are not yet able to directly falsify inspection reports, so their actions seem pointless and even ridiculous. But in reality, the purpose of the United States is far from so simple. They know that the inspection of Chinese athletes will not be fruitful, but they still insist on going their own way, and the conspiracy behind it is an attempt to brainwash athletes from other countries, create public opinion pressure, isolate our team members, and thus affect their performance in the competition. Today, that purpose seems to have been partially achieved.

Isolate Qin Haiyang: The boycott of two famous generals

Against this backdrop, Netherlands 200m breaststroke star and double World Championships and Olympic silver medallist Kaminga made it clear that he would not shake hands with Chinese frog king Qin Haiyang once he stood on the podium with him. More shockingly, Australia's double world and Olympic champion Cook expressed a similar position. Under the I.O.C.'s rules, athletes on the podium are expected to shake each other's hands, but Cook said he would not change that decision even if he faced an I.O.C.'s penalty. This kind of blatant boycott and discrimination is undoubtedly a great disrespect to Qin Haiyang and a provocation to the Chinese swimming team.

History repeats itself: Sun Yang's Encounters and Revelations

This scene can't help but remind people of the similar treatment that Sun Yang suffered back then. In previous races, Australia's Horton and Scott both refused to shake hands with Sun Yang on the podium. At that time, both of them stood on the podium alone with Sun Yang, and the other award-winning athlete on the podium did not go along with the same thing, and both chose to shake hands with Sun Yang. Today, Qin Haiyang faces a similar dilemma to Sun Yang. If Qin Haiyang did stand on the podium with Cook and Kaminga, it would be an extremely embarrassing scene. Behind this embarrassment, however, is the sinister intention of United States and his allies to damage the image of Chinese athletes and interfere with the preparation of the Chinese swimming team.

Stick to the original intention: respond to everything with strength

In the face of such off-court interference and public opinion pressure, the Chinese swimming team and Qin Haiyang himself need to stick to their original intentions and focus on the game. On the field, strength is the most powerful response. No matter how the opponent resists and provokes, as long as Qin Haiyang can give full play to his strength and speak with excellent results, then all rumors and boycotts will be self-defeating. At the same time, we should also realize that such boycotts and discrimination are not in line with the Olympic spirit. The Olympic spirit emphasizes friendship, solidarity and fair play. And the actions of Cook and Cumminga are undoubtedly a violation of this spirit. We hope that the IOC and relevant institutions will take this issue seriously and uphold the purity of the Olympic spirit. At the same time, we also expect the Chinese swimming team to show its strength and spirit at the Paris Olympics, and respond to all doubts and challenges with excellent results. Let the shameless little tricks of the United States completely fail in the face of strength!

The Olympics are back in the air, and the fans' voices: stick to the original intention and use strength to stop the rumors

As the swimming competition in Paris is approaching, my heart that loves swimming is also excited. However, the recent off-court turmoil encountered by the Chinese swimming team made me feel very indignant and unfair. United States and its pro-US drug testing agencies unwarranted rumors and slander attempted to impose unfair drug tests on Chinese athletes with the support of the World Anti-Doping Organization and the International Olympic Committee, which is simply trampling on the Olympic spirit!

As a fan, I am well aware of the strength and innocence of the Chinese swimming team. After years of hard training, our players have been able to make their mark on the international stage and bring glory to the country. Now, however, there are people who are trying to use despicable means to interfere with our preparations for war and to damage our image. This kind of behavior is not only disrespectful to the Chinese swimming team, but also a desecration of the Olympic spirit!

"Wolf ambition", the conspiracy behind it is despicable

The move of the United States can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye that they do not really want to find out anything. After all, the innocence of Chinese athletes is well known, and no matter how many times you check it, the result is the same. They are not yet able to falsify inspection reports directly, so this seemingly meaningless behavior is actually a manifestation of their wolf ambitions. They know that the inspection of Chinese athletes will not lead to results, but they still insist on going their own way, and the conspiracy behind them is to try to brainwash athletes from other countries, create public opinion pressure, isolate our team members, and thus affect their performance in the competition. This despicable means is simply despicable!

Isolated Qin Haiyang, the boycott of the two famous generals is chilling

In this context, the two famous players of Netherlands and Australia, Kaminga and Cook, even publicly stated that they would not shake hands with Qin Haiyang once they stood on the podium with him. This kind of behavior is simply a great disrespect to Qin Haiyang, and it is also a blatant provocation to the Chinese swimming team. As a fan, I feel injustice for Qin Haiyang and chill for the Chinese swimming team. In the Olympic arena, we should communicate with strength and friendship, not with boycott and discrimination to spoil the atmosphere.

History repeats itself, and Sun Yang's experience is heartbreaking

This scene can't help but remind me of the similar treatment that Sun Yang suffered back then. In previous races, Australia's Horton and Scott both refused to shake hands with Sun Yang on the podium. At that time, I felt sorry for Sun Yang and felt unfair for the Chinese swimming team. Now, Qin Haiyang is facing a similar dilemma. Behind this embarrassment is the sinister intention of United States and his allies to damage the image of Chinese athletes and interfere with the preparation of the Chinese swimming team. As a football fan, I strongly appeal to the IOC and relevant bodies to take this issue seriously and uphold the purity of the Olympic spirit.

Stick to the original intention and respond to all doubts with strength

In the face of such off-court interference and public opinion pressure, the Chinese swimming team and Qin Haiyang himself need to stick to their original intentions and focus on the game. On the field, strength is the most powerful response. No matter how the opponent resists and provokes, as long as Qin Haiyang can give full play to his strength and speak with excellent results, then all rumors and boycotts will be self-defeating. As a fan, I firmly believe that the Chinese swimming team has the ability to show its strength and spirit at the Paris Olympics. I also expect them to respond to all doubts and challenges with excellent results, so that the shameless little tricks of the United States will completely fail in the face of strength!

Spark a discussion: How to maintain the purity of the Olympic spirit?

This incident not only made me full of support and expectation for the Chinese swimming team, but also made me think deeply about the purity of the Olympic spirit. How should we uphold the principles of fair play and friendship first in the Olympic arena? In the face of off-field distractions and public pressure, how should athletes and national teams respond? These issues are not only related to the Chinese swimming team, but also to the development and future of the entire Olympic Movement.

In my opinion, the IOC and relevant institutions should strengthen the supervision and punishment of off-field interference and public pressure. Severe sanctions and penalties should be imposed on those who attempt to undermine the first principles of fair competition and friendship. At the same time, we should strengthen the protection and support of athletes so that they can focus on the competition itself and perform at their best.

In short, this incident has strengthened my support and trust for the Chinese swimming team. I also believe that they will be able to show their quality and spirit at the Paris Olympics. At the same time, I also hope that the entire Olympic Movement will be more pure and fair, so that every athlete can show their best in an environment of fair competition. Let's look forward to the Paris Olympics together!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

The changing Olympic stadium sticks to its original ambition like steel

When the Olympics are back in the storm, the drums of war are beating in the blue wave pool.

The athletes are ready to work hard, and the off-the-field turmoil suddenly hits.

The United States wolf has shown its ambitions, and rumors and slanders have been unprovoked.

The drug test conspiracy disrupts the preparation for war, what is the innocent body afraid of?

Qin Haiyang is famous in all directions, and his strength is outstanding.

However, the famous generals are narrow-minded and resist discrimination and arrogance.

Cumminga didn't shake hands, and Cook followed suit.

The embarrassing scene on the podium, the Olympic spirit is forgotten.

Recalling the past Sun Yang's suffering, history repeats itself and my heart is even more sad.

Horton Scott was in the same stream, and the boycott was a real deal.

Now Qin Haiyang has encountered this, sticking to his original ambition like steel.

Strength responds to all doubts, and rumors and boycotts are in vain.

See the real chapter on the field, fair competition and friendship are long.

What to fear from off-site interference? There are dreams in my heart.

The national honor is carried on the shoulders, and the athletes are bravely moving forward.

Paris Olympics show style, Chinese swimming must be the king!

Fans cry out for justice, and the Olympics need to be pure.

Fair competition is the cornerstone, and friendship and exchanges move forward together.

Resistance to discrimination should be severely punished, and the spirit of upholding should not be stopped.

Looking forward to the athletes showing their heroic posture and strength proving everything.

The changing Olympic stadium sticks to its original ambition like steel.

No matter how the opponent disturbs, the strength response is the most sonorous.

The Chinese swimming team is mighty, and Qin Haiyang's name will always be known.

The magnitude of the Paris Olympics has put the rumors to rest.

Fans are looking forward to this day, and their hearts are boiling.

I hope to see the national flag fluttering and singing when the athletes win the championship.

The strength proves all doubts, and the off-field turmoil subsided.

The Olympic spirit is here, and fair competition will always be inherited!

Let's look at the rise of the situation in Paris, and the innovation of Chinese swimming.

Qin Haiyang leads the way, and the heroes compete together.

Stick to the original intention and never give up, and the strength proves all the merits.

Looking forward to the athletes showing their majestic posture and writing a brilliant chapter in the Olympic field!

Finally, I would like to send my heart to look forward to a new chapter of the Olympic Exhibition.

Fair competition friendship is long, and the Olympic spirit is transmitted.

Resist discrimination and maintain purity, and protect athletes to move forward together.

Looking forward to the Paris Wind and Cloud Meeting, Chinese swimming will reach a new peak!

Sub-heading: The Olympic Games are changing, stick to the original intention and create brilliance

This ancient poem is set against the backdrop of the Olympic Games, depicting the off-field interference and public opinion pressure encountered by the Chinese swimming team in the process of preparing for the Paris Olympics. Through the original intention and strength response of Qin Haiyang and other athletes, they showed their defense of national honor and adherence to the Olympic spirit. At the same time, fans also called for maintaining the purity of the Olympic spirit and looked forward to the Chinese swimming team to create another glory in the Paris Olympics. The whole poem is majestic and sincere, which not only expresses the support and trust for the Chinese swimming team, but also profoundly expounds and calls for the Olympic spirit.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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