
Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

Having said that this time, Faye Wong, the queen of the Chinese music scene, scared everyone! thought that she had already lived a stable life like an idle cloud and a wild crane at this age, but who knew that her recent movements could blow up the inside and outside of the circle.

First of all, she mysteriously appeared in Taipei, wearing a low-key dress, but she was fascinated by the big man.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, Faye Wong wore black casual clothes and a loose coat, and walked into the high-end club in Xinyi District with an expressionless face.

I saw her walking side by side with a mysterious man, looking at each other with their backs, but they seemed to be familiar with each other.

As soon as this incident came out, there was an uproar on the Internet! Some people speculate that Faye Wong is planning a comeback plan in the club, and some people say that she is just going to the club to pass the time.

Some people even opened their minds and exclaimed, "Could it be that Faye Wong has empathized and said goodbye, this mysterious man is her new love?" For a while, all kinds of speculations disturbed one after another, and the atmosphere of the audience was hot.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

Not long ago, Faye Wong's only daughter, Li Yan, underwent the fourth cleft lip and palate repair surgery in her life, which suddenly became a hot topic after dinner.

Whenever the mother and daughter are mentioned, everyone will inevitably be moved to tears by their stories.

Faye Wong knew that her daughter was disabled from the beginning of her pregnancy, but she still gave birth to her without hesitation; Later, Li Yan was hospitalized for surgery again and again, and Faye Wong never left or right, in addition to using money, she also cared for this little life with strong maternal love.

Now, looking at Li Yan's sunny and gradually growing up, I believe Faye Wong must be extremely relieved in her heart.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

By the way, how can you not mention Faye Wong's wife Nicholas Tse! A while ago, he staged a wonderful drama of protecting his wife, which calmed many people.

Someone publicly insulted Faye Wong in front of everyone, Nicholas Tse immediately blacked the person in a fit of anger, and then personally called the other party's superiors to reprimand them.

This series of "crazy" operations gives people the feeling of "Wow, big brother, you are too fierce!" But on second thought, who hasn't been carried away by love? It's just that Feng Fei is affectionate and a little sensitive to the slander of outsiders.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

Speaking of Nicholas Tse's protection of his wife, don't underestimate the weight in his mobile phone address book! Back then, he and Faye Wong went through several twists and turns because of some rights and wrongs, and they almost broke up hopelessly.

Who knew that the two would later regain their happy marriage with the feat of "Match of the Century".

Since then, the celebrity couple has strangled all the root causes and hidden dangers in the cradle, and whoever dares to have any disrespect to the people of whom's family, they will be the first to scold and fight back.

Nicholas Tse's "telephone reprimand" behavior is the best footnote to this wife-protecting tactic.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

Not to mention anything else, just looking at Faye Wong now appearing beautifully in Taipei, you know that she has had a good life in this life.

That trip to the club must have been to catch up with my old friend Second Sister Lan, relax and relax, and no one should think about any big or small things.

How could a big man of Faye Wong's status pat his ass and run around for a little thing? As far as the eye can see, she has gained much, much more accolades than she has lost.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

Speaking of Faye Wong's "old age" and spending time in Taipei, everyone will definitely admire her so much! Let's think, at her age, can't she get rid of children and illness? Li Yan, a partial daughter, just came down from the operating table two days ago, and she faced such a big physical test.

But with such an old bone as her, her spirit has not faded at all, but she is getting younger and more energetic! It can be seen that when Li Yan wakes up, she is afraid that she will be happy to see her mother dressed up fashionably and radiantly, and she will smile! .

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

However, compared with Faye Wong, Nicholas Tse is really an obscure "obscure quality" with a capital letter! Obviously, she is a sister in the music world and a national treasure, but if he is beside him, he looks a little shorter.

Think about it, Faye Wong shows her royal demeanor everywhere and is loved by thousands of people everywhere, but he obeys orders behind his back, and even has to be careful when he goes out for a walk, for fear that the other party will be targeted and attacked.

Who said being a little white face is very moisturizing? Actually, that's called rotten and trivial, right?

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

However, sometimes it is not a kind of happiness to live as a "mini version" as cautious as Nicholas Tse.

How many people are eager for a star like Faye Wong! But has she ever thought that a life where she has to be accompanied by three or five friends when she walks and has to worry about every meal is actually quite good? And Nicholas Tse is precisely in this kind of "caretaker" like days, enjoying the most simple happiness as an ordinary person.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

To put it mildly, his happiness lies in not having to pay too much attention to his appearance when eating a hot pot; To put it more broadly, it is to grow old with his wife.

You see, Nicholas Tse is such a senior otaku who doesn't do anything but three times and gets something for nothing, and his biggest ability is to "survive".

But I don't know when this most inconspicuous life was actually lived by him into a complete life.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

remembers that Nicholas Tse publicly admitted a mistake he made a few years ago, which once made his life fall into a trough.

At that time, public opinion was in an uproar, some people were angry with him, and some people cheered for him.

But after this turmoil, everyone gradually relieved and understood that everyone makes mistakes and should be tolerated.

To put it bluntly, Nicholas Tse was briefly lost on the road to becoming a popular superstar, and he finally chose to sincerely atone for his sins, and with the tolerance of his wife Faye Wong, he regained a sunny life.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

Life is a cycle.

Some people are as invincible and prestigious at home and abroad as Faye Wong, but she will eventually be coerced by the fate of birth, old age, sickness and death; Some people are like Nicholas Tse, unknown but also happy, but who dares to say that they are really happy? Looking back at this pair of mandarin duck couples, perhaps it is precisely because of the repeated tempering of experience that they finally found the most suitable life philosophy for themselves on the road of no return in life.

That is to cherish each other, support each other, and work hard with both hands in exchange for the purest happiness.

Faye Wong's 54th birthday was pleasantly surprised, and the mysterious man accompanied the Taipei high-end club for the night

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