
Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

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Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

Want good luck to be with you? Do you want the God of Wealth to visit every day? Then hurry up and follow me! I wish you all the best and all your wishes!

In 1936 in Sichuan, full of spring and vitality, the Red Fourth Front Army stationed, the singing was loud, the breath of youth and the enthusiasm of the revolution were intertwined, the sun was shining, the sky was blue like washing, a special "May Fourth" entertainment singing competition was being held here, the soldiers expressed their belief in the victory of the revolution with their singing, and also used their singing to briefly forget the cruelty of the war

A song in the Beacon Age

The humble stage, made of a few wooden planks, and the background of the red flags and slogans painted by the soldiers in paint, did not affect the enthusiasm of the soldiers in the slightest, and they sang with loud voices about their infinite loyalty to the revolution and their vision of a better future

Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

The picture comes from the Internet

In the audience, a young general, with blazing eyes, listened attentively to the singing of the female soldiers on the stage, he was Hong Xuezhi, who was then the director of the Political Department of the 30th Army of the Red Fourth Front Army, only 23 years old, but he was already a Red Army general who had experienced a hundred battles, he was brave and good at fighting, resourceful, and made great achievements on the Long March, and was deeply loved by the soldiers

This female soldier's name is Zhang Wen, is an ordinary soldier in the clothing factory of the Supply Department of the Red Fourth Front Army, she is petite, her face is delicate, a pair of big eyes are bright, her singing voice is sweet, like a lark as crisp and beautiful, a song "Fighting Cavalry Song" sang impassionedly, making people's blood boil, her singing, not only sang the heroic and fearless soldiers of the Red Army, but also sang the contempt for the enemy and the desire for victory

Hong Xuezhi was deeply moved by Zhang Wen's singing, he had never heard such a beautiful singing, as if the sound of heaven made him fascinated, he couldn't take his eyes off the petite figure on the stage, and an inexplicable impulse surged in his heart, he wanted to know this singing female soldier and wanted to know more about her

After the game, Hong Xuezhi couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, found Xie Qiqing, political commissar of the Ministry of Supply, and expressed his desire to know Zhang Wen, Xie Qiqing and Hong Xuezhi have been comrades-in-arms for many years, and they know Hong Xuezhi very well, he readily agreed to Hong Xuezhi's request, and personally went to Zhang Wen to explain the situation

Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

The picture comes from the Internet

Zhang Wen heard that Hong Xuezhi intended to know herself, she was surprised and apprehensive, she had heard of Hong Xuezhi for a long time, knew that he was a Red Army general with great achievements, her heart was full of admiration, she also heard that Hong Xuezhi had pockmarks on his face, which made her hesitate a little, in that war-torn era, love is a luxury, and marriage needs to be cautious

For the sake of prudence, Zhang Wen decided to ask his second brother Zhang Xihan's opinion first, Zhang Xihan is Zhang Wen's closest person in the army, he is loyal and honest, and he loves his sister very much, Zhang Wen told his second brother his concerns, hoping that he can give him some advice

True love for true revolutionary partner

After listening to his sister's concerns, Zhang Xihan pondered for a moment, and said earnestly: "Sister, we are a revolutionary team, we can't just pay attention to appearance like the old society, Director Hong Xuezhi is a fierce general, upright, and loyal to the revolution, this is the most rare, as for the pockmarks on the face, what is it?" That is the mark he left for the revolution, a symbol of glory! ”

Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

The picture comes from the Internet

The words of the second brother, like an initiation, made Zhang Wenmao suddenly, yes, in the revolutionary era, what is more important than common ideals and beliefs? Hong Xuezhi was an excellent commander of the Red Army, who was born and died for the revolution and made great achievements, and he should not only pay attention to his appearance, but ignore his excellent qualities

After thinking about this, Zhang Wen resolutely decided to meet Hong Xuezhi, she mustered up the courage and knocked on Hong Xuezhi's door

"Please come in!" Hong Xuezhi's loud voice came from the room

Zhang Wen pushed the door in, saw Hong Xuezhi sitting at the table, looked down at the map, heard the sound of the door opening, Hong Xuezhi raised his head, and saw Zhang Wen standing at the door, and suddenly showed a surprised smile on his face

Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

The picture comes from the Internet

"You're here, please take a seat!" Hong Xuezhi greeted Zhang Wen warmly and got up to bring a chair for her

Zhang Wen sat down a little stiffly, and secretly looked at Hong Xuezhi, Hong Xuezhi in front of him, burly, with blazing eyes, although his face was a little pockmarked, but it did not affect his handsomeness and might at all

"Your singing voice is so good, I've never heard such a beautiful singing voice," Hong Xuezhi broke the silence first, and he praised Zhang Wen a little awkwardly, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere between the two

"Director Hong has won the award, I just sing casually," Zhang Wen said modestly

Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

The picture comes from the Internet

"You are too modest, your singing voice is very infectious, I listen to it with enthusiasm," Hong Xuezhi said sincerely, "When I was a child, my family was poor and didn't read anything, and later joined the Red Army, so I slowly became literate and read, I don't know anything about music, but your singing voice made me feel the power of music"

Hong Xuezhi's words made Zhang Wen feel very cordial, she originally thought that a big hero like Hong Xuezhi must be serious and unapproachable, but she didn't expect him to be so approachable, and like herself, he had a difficult childhood

The two of them talked about the revolution from music, from ideals to the future, and gradually opened up the conversation, and they found that they had many common languages with each other, they both came from poor families, both experienced the baptism of war, and were full of infinite loyalty and love for the revolutionary cause

As time passed, the distance between the two became closer and closer, and so did each other's hearts, and they both felt the sincerity and kindness that emanated from each other, as well as their firm belief in the revolutionary cause

Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

The picture comes from the Internet

Soon after, Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wen held a simple and warm wedding with the blessings of their comrades-in-arms, no flowers, no candy, only sincere hearts and longing for a better life in the future

Giving up a small family is a difficult choice on the road to revolution for everyone

In 1938, Zhang Wen gave birth to a lovely daughter, Hong Xuezhi named her "Xinghua", implying the awakening of the Chinese nation, and the haze of war has always shrouded this young family

In that war-torn era, it was extremely inconvenient to march and fight with a child, and in order not to affect the revolutionary work, the higher-level leaders suggested that Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wen give the child to the common people to raise

Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

The picture comes from the Internet

Hearing this suggestion, Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wen's hearts hurt like a knife, Xinghua is their first child, the crystallization of their love, how can they be willing to give her away?

They also know that this is for the sake of revolutionary work, for the sake of the future of more children, they have to make sacrifices

In desperation, Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wen tearfully gave their daughter to a kind villager on the side of the road, and when parting, Zhang Wen hung a silver lock engraved with the word "Xinghua" on his daughter's neck, hoping to find his daughter with this silver lock in the future

After sending off their daughter, Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wenqiang endured their grief and continued to devote themselves to the intense revolutionary work, transforming their love for their daughter into infinite loyalty to the revolutionary cause and contributing everything to the liberation cause of New China

Hong Xuezhi fell in love with a female soldier, the female soldier thought that Hong Lao was full of pockmarks, and the second brother was well-informed and talked to the point

The picture comes from the Internet

Across the mountains and seas, they are finally reunited

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wen finally had the opportunity to find their long-lost daughter, and they inquired around according to the clues left back then, and after a lot of hardships, they finally found their daughter Xinghua after 16 years

The family of three was finally reunited, crying with joy, Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wen hugged their daughter tightly, as if they wanted to compensate their daughter for the lost 16 years of father's love and mother's love

Although she has never seen her parents for 16 years, she learned from her adoptive parents that she was a hero who sacrificed herself for the revolutionary cause

The story of Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wen is the epitome of countless revolutionary love in that war-torn era, they came together for common ideals and beliefs, for the revolutionary cause, they gave up their small family for everyone, sacrificed countless days and nights, and even sacrificed the opportunity to reunite with their own flesh and blood, their love story, touching, tear-jerking, is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation

The story of Hong Xuezhi and Zhang Wen tells us that love and ideals are not contradictory, in the revolutionary era, love is more pure, more great, they use their own actions, interpret what is true love, what is the real revolutionary spirit, their stories, will always inspire us to work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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