
Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

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Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

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The movie "All or Nothing" can be said to be popular all over the Internet, it is like a mirror, clearly reflecting the cruel reality of telecom fraud in northern Myanmar, which makes people frightened, you may say, don't you just go to northern Myanmar? Those who have been deceived are self-inflicted! But is that really the case? Do you think you can only be dangerous if you go to northern Myanmar alone? A piece of news has attracted widespread attention and has given everyone a deeper understanding of the risks in northern Myanmar

The "study group's" trip to northern Myanmar

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

The protagonists of the story are more than 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, all of whom have been in their field for many years, with a keen sense of smell and unique vision, and this time, they set their sights on the distant north of Myanmar, hoping to open up new business opportunities there

These bosses are not acting blindly, they are invited by Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar to inspect investment and factory construction projects, these Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar have cooperated with them for many years, and the business is booming, and they know each other well, and have established a certain foundation of trust

So, with a beautiful vision for the future, the delegation set off from the bustling city of Shanghai and embarked on a journey to Myanmar

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

"We are just ordinary businessmen, why should we be followed by the army?" The bosses were full of doubts and uneasiness in their hearts

The delegation was taken to a dilapidated factory, which is said to be a local "Internet company", but the scene in front of them has nothing to do with "high-tech", the dilapidated equipment and the simple environment do not look like a regular company, and what is even more creepy is that there are faint screams from the depths of the factory, which makes people shudder

Seeing all this, the bosses' hearts were half cold, and the original enthusiasm for investment was instantly extinguished, and they realized that the water here is very deep, far more complex and dangerous than they imagined

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

When "Trust" Encounters "Trap"

In the face of the sudden change, the bosses decided to confess to the Zhejiang businessmen who invited them to come to express the idea of giving up investment, thinking that they would get understanding and support, but they did not expect to fall into a greater predicament

Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar seem to have anticipated their reaction and said that they would "ask for instructions" from the local military, and the result can be imagined, and the military "graciously invited" the bosses to a slum for a "visit"

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

In the slums, where the ragged children have hollow-eyed eyes and scrawny bodies, the military commander points to the children and says to the bosses: "It's okay if you don't invest, but donate money to these poor children"

Faced with this situation, the bosses were in a dilemma, they knew that they were already in danger, and the slightest carelessness could get into trouble, and in the end, in order to protect themselves, they were forced to donate 50,000 yuan per person to get out

"50,000 yuan" in exchange for a "lesson"

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

After returning to China, a boss surnamed Qiu told about his experience in the live broadcast room, which attracted many netizens to watch and some people questioned: "Isn't the donation voluntary?" You can say no! ”

Boss Qiu shook his head helplessly and said, "You haven't been to northern Myanmar, you don't know the situation there at all, can you refuse when a group of armed soldiers stand in front of you?" What's the difference between that and robbery? ”

50,000 yuan may not be a big deal for these expensive bosses, but this incident has sounded the alarm bell for them, they once thought that with years of business experience and connections, they could show their strength in the land of northern Myanmar, but the reality gave them a slap in the face

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

In northern Myanmar, where law and order are non-existent, money and power are the only passes, and the so-called "trust" and "cooperation" are nothing more than carefully woven lies, and once you step into the trap, it is difficult to get out of it

Is it really safe to travel to Myanmar?

In recent years, with the rampant telecom fraud in northern Myanmar, more and more Chinese citizens have become victims, which has not only brought great harm to individuals and families, but also seriously damaged the national image of Myanmar

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

Myanmar used to attract countless tourists with its unique cultural charm and beautiful natural scenery, but now Myanmar has become a "dangerous place" in the eyes of many

According to statistics, in 2019, Myanmar received more than 4 million tourists, but this year, this number has plummeted to hundreds of thousands

In order to recover the decline of the tourism industry, the Myanmar government has also taken a series of measures, and even the prime minister personally stepped in to reassure Chinese tourists that Myanmar is safe, with little success

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

"I only have one life, and I don't dare risk my life," one netizen said

What is the way to deal with "stubborn diseases"?

The root cause of the chaos in Myanmar lies in its deep-rooted warlord separatism and social unrest, with more than a dozen warlords entrenched in one side and each in their own right, with the central government having very limited control

Outrageous! At the invitation of Zhejiang businessmen in northern Myanmar, 20 bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went to investigate, but were threatened by the army to force donations

The picture comes from the Internet

In such a situation, the law is useless, and violence becomes the last resort, which also provides a breeding ground for criminal activities such as telecom fraud

The Burmese government needs to take stronger measures to combat crime and maintain social order in order to rebuild the country's image and win the trust of the international community

The encounter of the boss in Jiangsu and Zhejiang has once again sounded the alarm for us, northern Myanmar, this land full of opportunities, but also hidden huge risks, I hope everyone will be vigilant, do not trust others, and avoid falling into the trap

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