
During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe


Today we will talk about what happened to Germany in Europe during World War II, especially how they controlled the economy of the occupied countries. This is not a simple matter, Germany has no small ambitions, they want not only land, but also the wealth and resources of those countries. Let's take it step by step and see how Germany is holding the economies of other countries in the palm of its hand.

During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe


Bohemia-Moravia: Protectorate under dual control

First of all, let's talk about the Bohemia-Moravian protectorate. The Germans played a game of double control here. On the surface, the Czechs were still managing their own affairs, but in reality, every decision was made under the watchful eye of Germany people.

During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe

The German protection chief had the power to block any measures that might harm Germany's interests, and also controlled transport, communications and foreign trade, turning the protectorate into part of the German economy. Germany's institutions, such as the Ministry of Armaments and Munitions Production and the Ministry of State, are directly involved in economic management and ensure that everything works according to Germany's will.

During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe

Viceroyalty: The economic yoke of Poland

Next, let's take a look at the Viceroyalty of Poland. The situation is even worse here, where the Germans have taken over almost all economic management. Poland could only do technical work and local affairs, and the general direction of economic policy was set by Goering.

During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe

The Germans set up various offices to manage production, distribution, and raw materials, and Poland's chambers of commerce and guilds were either dissolved or taken over by the Germans. The General Council of Economic Affairs became the only channel of communication with Germany, planning production and distributing materials so that Germany's economic policy could take root in Poland.

During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe

Eastern Occupation Zone: An economic colony of Germany

Speaking of the occupied territories in the East, that is where the Germans governed thoroughly according to the model of their own country. The central government of Germany, in particular the Four-Year Planning Organization and the Ministry of Economy, set the main economic policies. The Occupied Territories in the East were seen as an extension of the German economy, and Germany officials and businesses had great influence here.

During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe

Military areas are controlled by military commanders, but behind the scenes they work closely with Germany's non-military institutions. Germany's monopolies operated in the Occupy East, combining the powers of the German government, community organizations and local administrations, where German merchants dominated.

During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe

Balkan countries: puppet regimes and Germany economic experts

Finally, let's talk about the Balkan countries. Germany has set up a puppet regime here, but the real control is in the hands of the German military authorities. Germany sent economic experts, such as Hermann · Neubacher and Franz · Neuhausen, who oversaw key economic sectors, especially mining and the procurement of agricultural products. In Serbia, the Germans directly managed important economic activities, controlled key companies and banks, and ensured that all resources that would benefit Germany's war economy were firmly in their hands.

During World War II, Germany exercised direct economic control in the occupied countries in Europe


Germany during World War II used various means and institutions to firmly control the economy of the occupied countries in its own hands. Whether it was the dual administration of the protectorates, the direct occupation of the viceroyalties, the economic colonization of the eastern occupation areas, or the puppet regimes of the Balkan countries, Germany succeeded in imposing its will on these countries, realizing the plundering of resources and the economic exploitation. This was not just part of the war, but also a manifestation of Germany's ambition to reshape the European economic landscape.

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