
Uncle caught the egret by the river, ignoring the dissuasion and not releasing it, it is really excessive, it really makes people worry about this egret!

In the midsummer of 2024, a heart-wrenching scene was staged by the riverside in Chengdu, Sichuan.

An old man captures an egret, causing strong discontent among the onlookers.


This incident not only violated the law, but also triggered people's deep thinking about ecological protection.

As the old saying goes, "Heaven and earth are born with me, and all things are one with me." "

However, in the face of such a beautiful gift of nature, why do people choose to ignore the law and harm living beings? What kind of social problems are reflected behind this incident?

1. Riverside Horror: Misfortune happens to the egret

On July 24, 2024, a shocking incident occurred along a river in Chengdu, Sichuan.

Uncle caught the egret by the river, ignoring the dissuasion and not releasing it, it is really excessive, it really makes people worry about this egret!

An old man with gray hair, for some unknown purpose, actually caught an egret that was foraging by the river.

This graceful bird, which was supposed to soar freely in the sky, unfortunately fell into the hands of humans.

The egret, this beautiful water bird, is not only a spirit in nature, but also a national second-class protected animal.

Their graceful posture is often seen in Chinese landscape paintings, and they are a symbol of the beauty of nature.

However, on this day, the fate of an egret takes a dramatic turn and it falls prey to human greed.

2. Voice of Justice: Dissuasion from passers-by

At the time of the incident, a passing lady witnessed the scene.

Her heart was instantly filled with anger and anxiety.

As a responsible citizen, she immediately stepped forward to dissuade the old man.

She painstakingly explained to the old man that the egret is a rare animal protected by the state, and it is illegal to capture it.

The lady's behavior is undoubtedly commendable.

In the face of injustice, she did not choose to remain silent, but bravely stood up.

Her actions not only reflect the sense of responsibility of citizens, but also show the importance that modern society attaches to ecological protection.

3. The stubbornness of the elderly: the lack of conscience

However, it was disappointing that the old man turned a deaf ear to the lady's advice.

Uncle caught the egret by the river, ignoring the dissuasion and not releasing it, it is really excessive, it really makes people worry about this egret!

He clung to the egret and had no intention of letting go.

The behavior of the elderly not only reflects a disregard for the law, but also a lack of awareness of ecological protection by some people.

The old man's stubbornness is incomprehensible.

Didn't he know that his actions were against the law? Or does he think his age can be a shield against the law? In any case, such behavior is inexcusable.

4. Dying: The fate of the egret

What's even more worrying is that during the whole process, some bystanders have made a terrible guess: the egret may have been pinched to death by the old man.

Uncle caught the egret by the river, ignoring the dissuasion and not releasing it, it is really excessive, it really makes people worry about this egret!

This speculation hit the hearts of all those who cared about the fate of the egret like a hammer.

If this speculation comes true, then the incident is not just an ordinary offense, but a serious criminal case.

It is undoubtedly a great tragedy for a life to die in the hands of human beings like this.

5. Legal Deterrence: Necessary Sanctions

In the face of such behavior, legal sanctions are indispensable.

Uncle caught the egret by the river, ignoring the dissuasion and not releasing it, it is really excessive, it really makes people worry about this egret!

The Wildlife Protection Law of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that it is forbidden to hunt or kill wild animals under national key protection.

Those who violate the regulations will face severe penalties, including fines and possible criminal penalties.

The law does not exist to punish, but to educate and warn.

Through strict law enforcement, we hope to make more people aware of the importance of protecting wildlife and consciously comply with relevant laws and regulations.

6. Age is not a talisman: a cry for fairness and justice

In this case, there is a question of concern: should the offender be dealt with leniently because he is older? The answer is no.

Equality before the law is the basic principle of a modern society governed by the rule of law.

Uncle caught the egret by the river, ignoring the dissuasion and not releasing it, it is really excessive, it really makes people worry about this egret!

Regardless of age, as long as they violate the law, they should bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

We cannot allow age to be a talisman for escaping justice.

On the contrary, the elderly should lead by example and set an example for the younger generation.

Only in this way can our society truly achieve fairness and justice.

7. Deep Reflection: The Importance of Education

The occurrence of this incident also made us realize the importance of environmental education.

Many people may not know which animals are protected or that some of their actions may cause harm to the environment.

Therefore, it is an urgent task to strengthen environmental education and raise the awareness of ecological protection among the whole people.

From schools to communities, from cities to villages, we need to popularize ecological protection knowledge through various means, so that everyone can become the guardian of the ecological environment.

Only with the participation of all people can we truly achieve the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

8. The responsibility of the media: to spread positive energy

Media coverage played a crucial role in this incident.

Through timely and objective reporting, the media not only made more people aware of the incident, but also sparked a widespread public discussion on wildlife conservation.

In the future, we hope to see more in-depth and warm reports.

The media should not only be the recorder of events, but also the disseminator of justice and guide the public to form correct values.

9. Public Participation: Everyone's Responsibility

This incident also shows us the importance of public participation.

If the brave lady hadn't stepped up to stop it, the fate of this egret might have been even more tragic.

This reminds us that protecting the ecological environment is not only the responsibility of the government and relevant departments, but also the obligation of every citizen.

When we see someone harming wildlife, don't choose to be silent.

Courageously stand up and take action to protect the ecological environment, this is the attitude that a responsible citizen should have.

10. Future Prospects: Harmonious coexistence between man and nature

This incident is a wake-up call, but it also gives us hope.

We have seen that more and more people have begun to pay attention to ecological and environmental issues and have begun to actively participate in environmental protection.

This is a positive sign that our society is moving towards a more civilized and environmentally friendly direction.

In the future, we look forward to seeing more green waters and green mountains, and more wild animals living freely.

Let us work together to build a better world where man and nature coexist in harmony, and leave a blue sky and clear water for future generations.

[I have to say]

The arrest of the egret is like a mirror that shows the shortcomings of our society in terms of ecological protection.

However, it is also a beacon of light that illuminates the way forward.

As the ancients said, "Heaven and earth are born together with me, and all things are one with me."

"We are one with nature, and to protect nature is to protect ourselves.

Let us work together to protect this beautiful home and create a harmonious and beautiful future for every life on earth! #大爷江边抓白鹭无视劝阻不放生#

Uncle caught the egret by the river, ignoring the dissuasion and not releasing it, it is really excessive, it really makes people worry about this egret!

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