
Hou Yaohua's disciple Xie Lei, shouted to Yang Yi: Fifth uncle, you apologize to the fifth aunt, don't shudder!

The entertainment industry is changing, and hot events are emerging one after another.

In July 2024, a seemingly ordinary live broadcast set off a monstrous wave in the cross talk world.

Hou Yaohua's disciple Xie Lei, shouted to Yang Yi: Fifth uncle, you apologize to the fifth aunt, don't shudder!

The names of Hou Yaohua, Yang Yi, Li Kuan and others suddenly became hot searches on the Internet, triggering a war of words that lasted for weeks.

As the saying goes, "no wind and no waves", what kind of grievances and hatreds are hidden behind this turmoil?

What kind of reversal will there be as events unfold?

Let's walk into this "summer storm" in the cross talk world and find out.

The live broadcast detonated the storm

At the beginning of July 2024, Hou Yaohua, honorary president of Deyun Club, made a high-profile live broadcast debut.

It was supposed to be an ordinary online interaction, but it unexpectedly became the prelude to a "cross talk drama" that lasted for several weeks.

During the live broadcast, Hou Yaohua interacted with fans warmly, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

However, no one expected that this live broadcast would spark a series of controversies and war of words.

Soon after the live broadcast ended, Yang Yi, Li Kuan, Zheng Hao and others spoke out one after another, questioning some of Hou Yaohua's words and deeds.

For a while, the discussion about Hou Yaohua on the Internet was in full swing, and all kinds of speculations and comments were overwhelming.

This turmoil is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples and affecting the nerves of countless melon-eating people.

Yang Yi shouted with tears

In this turmoil, the most eye-catching thing is Yang Yi's live broadcast by the Haihe River.

Hou Yaohua's disciple Xie Lei, shouted to Yang Yi: Fifth uncle, you apologize to the fifth aunt, don't shudder!

The veteran cross talk actor questioned Hou Yaohua in an emotional state.

Yang Yi's eyes were filled with tears, and his voice was choked, as if he had a thousand words to confide.

This scene was jokingly called "Haihe Tearful Gate" by netizens, and instantly became a hot spot on the Internet.

Yang Yi's performance surprised many people.

As a respected cross talk senior, why is he so emotional? What really happened between him and Hou Yaohua? These questions have sparked widespread discussion online.

However, in the face of Yang Yi's questioning, Hou Yaohua chose to remain silent.

This reaction intensified the speculation of the outside world and made the turmoil even more intense.

Li Kuan came on the scene to help

Just when people thought that this turmoil was about to subside, a young cross talk actor named Li Kuan suddenly joined the battle.

This young man, who "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", launched an attack on Yang Yi with a provocative attitude.

The addition of Li Kuan made this already complicated situation even more confusing.

However, Li Kuan's performance was a big surprise.

Facing the experienced Yang Yi, Li Kuan seemed a little powerless.

His rhetoric, while sharp, lacked sufficient convincing.

After a few rounds, Li Kuan was like a balloon that had been punctured, quickly wilting.

Hou Yaohua's disciple Xie Lei, shouted to Yang Yi: Fifth uncle, you apologize to the fifth aunt, don't shudder!

This confrontation, which was supposed to be fierce, ended in Li Kuan's desertion and escape.

Shere was born

Just when people thought that this farce was about to end, a character named Xie Lei suddenly appeared, injecting new life into the turmoil.

Xie Lei claimed to be a disciple of Hou Yaohua, and his appearance heated up the turmoil again.

Xie Lei first released a video saying that he wanted to "testify" for Yang Yi.

However, his next remarks were a big surprise.

Hou Yaohua's disciple Xie Lei, shouted to Yang Yi: Fifth uncle, you apologize to the fifth aunt, don't shudder!

Xie Lei mentioned an incident in 1993, saying that Yang Yi once invited him to dinner, but ordered two expensive bottles of wine, and finally asked Xie Lei to pay.

This way of "testifying" can't help but make people doubt Schery's true intentions.

Later, Xie Lei mentioned another incident in 2016.

He said that Mr. Hou had packed 12 boxes of vegetables for Mr. Yang, but Mr. Yang fed them to his pets.

The disclosure of these details has made this turmoil even more confusing.

Xie Lei's appearance seems to have injected a new element of drama into this turmoil.

Shere pressed forward step by step

In the following days, Xie Lei released videos one after another, questioning and accusing Yang Yi.

Hou Yaohua's disciple Xie Lei, shouted to Yang Yi: Fifth uncle, you apologize to the fifth aunt, don't shudder!

His rhetoric has become more and more strident and his content has become more and more controversial.

Hou Yaohua's disciple Xie Lei, shouted to Yang Yi: Fifth uncle, you apologize to the fifth aunt, don't shudder!

Xie Lei even involved Yang Yi's wife, which undoubtedly touched the bottom line of many people.

Xie Lei's behavior has caused a lot of controversy.

Some people think that he is standing up for his master Hou Yaohua, but others question his motives and methods.

In any case, the appearance of Xie Lei has made this already complicated turmoil even more confusing.

Yang Yi's attitude

Faced with Xie Lei's pressing step by step, Yang Yi chose to remain silent.

In a live broadcast, Yang Yi said that he would not respond to people who "don't have enough coffee seats".

This attitude is undoubtedly a silent protest against Shere.

Yang Yi's silence can be interpreted as a mature way of dealing with it.

As a respected predecessor of cross talk, he seems unwilling to continue to expand this controversy.

However, this silence also gave Xie Lei more room to play, allowing the turmoil to continue to ferment.

The impact of the turmoil

This turmoil, which lasted for several weeks, had a profound impact on the cross talk industry.

It not only exposed some contradictions and problems within the cross talk industry, but also gave the public a new understanding of the traditional art of cross talk.

Some observers pointed out that this turmoil reflects some contradictions in the transition between the old and the new in the cross talk world.

The younger generation of cross talk actors is eager to get more stages and opportunities, while the older generation of cross talk actors want to maintain tradition and order.

The existence of this contradiction may push the cross talk industry to carry out some necessary reforms and adjustments.

On the other hand, this turmoil has also aroused public attention to the private lives of cross talk actors.

Cross talk actors are humorous and funny on stage, but there will also be contradictions and disputes in life.

This contrast disappointed some viewers, but others felt that it just reflected the authenticity of the cross talk actors.

The way forward

As time went on, the turmoil seemed to subside.

However, some of the questions and thoughts it raises may have a long-term impact on the cross talk world.

Some people have called for the cross talk industry to establish a healthier communication mechanism to avoid similar controversies becoming public.

Some people also believe that this turmoil may push the cross talk industry to carry out some necessary reforms to adapt to the needs of the new era.

In any case, this turmoil has sounded the alarm for the cross talk industry.

It reminds every cross talk actor that while pursuing artistic achievements, they should also pay attention to their words and deeds.

Only in this way can the traditional art of cross talk continue to be revitalized in the new era.

[I have to say]

This "summer storm" in the cross talk industry is like a mirror, reflecting all kinds of situations in the entertainment industry.

It allows us to see that even cross talk actors who are known for their humor will have times when their emotions are out of control.

This is perhaps the charm of art – it allows us to see the complexity and multifaceted nature of human nature.

As the saying goes: "One minute on stage, ten years off the stage", behind every cross talk actor, there are unknown stories and emotions.

This turmoil may be an opportunity for us to rethink the relationship between art, life and human nature.

Hou Yaohua's disciple Xie Lei, shouted to Yang Yi: Fifth uncle, you apologize to the fifth aunt, don't shudder!

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