
Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

The cross talk world is rising again, and Guo Degang is calm as usual

As the saying goes, "If you are busy, you should wear your pants backwards".

This sentence is used to describe the current lively and extraordinary cross talk circle.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

However, in this hustle and bustle, there is one person who has always maintained a detached attitude, and that is Guo Degang, the head of Deyun Club.

In the face of all kinds of speculation and discussion from the outside world, he chose to remain silent and focus on his career.

This can't help but make people think: Is Guo Degang's attitude simply because he is too busy, or does it have another meaning?

Silence is better than sound: Guo Degang's cleverness

In this age of information explosion, silence is often more noticeable than chatter.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

Late at night on July 23, Guo Degang posted again, but he only used two simple words "sold out" to complete a beautiful personal liquidation.

This kind of clean and neat style has to be impressive.

Savor the meaning behind these two words, we can see that Guo Degang's career is thriving.

Following the success of Deyun Club's performance in Shenzhen, he went to the theater non-stop.

Every performance is full of seats, and the box office is sold out, which fully proves the strength and influence of the literary and artistic group headed by Guo Degang.

This success is not accidental.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

Since founding Deyun Club in 2006, Guo Degang has led the team through 18 spring and autumn seasons.

From the initial obscurity to today's prosperity, the rise of Deyun Club can be called a legend in the Chinese cross talk industry.

In this process, Guo Degang showed extraordinary business talent and artistic attainments, skillfully integrating traditional cross talk with modern elements, and won the love of the audience.

Keep the original intention: Guo Degang's way of life

Some people say that success is easy, but it is difficult to keep.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

However, Guo Degang used his own actions to interpret what it means to "never forget the original intention, so you have to always".

Although his career is thriving, he has not forgotten his roots and roots.

On July 20, after the performance in Shenzhen, Guo Degang made a special trip to the apprenticeship ceremony of his senior brother Chen Shaoyun despite his fatigue.

This move fully reflects the importance he attaches to the inheritance of traditional art and the cherishing of the friendship between teachers and disciples.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

You must know that in the entertainment industry, there are not many artists who can consistently respect their teachers.

Guo Degang's feelings undoubtedly injected a breath of fresh air into the impetuous entertainment industry.

This also proves from the side that Guo Degang is not ignoring the turmoil in the outside world, but has his own set of philosophy of life.

It's not that he's not really out of time, he just doesn't want to waste time on meaningless things; It's not that he doesn't understand the world, but he doesn't want to be tied up with some people into ineffective socialization.

This attitude of distinguishing between right and wrong and making trade-offs is the key to Guo Degang's ability to always maintain his original intention in the complex entertainment industry.

The Way of Balance: Guo Degang's philosophy of life

In Guo Degang's heart, there seems to be a scale.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

At both ends of this scale are attractive money at one end and a conscience that does not hurt at any time.

This balance allows him to find the perfect balance between commercial success and artistic pursuits.

For criticism from the outside world, Deyun Club and Guo Degang have long been accustomed to it.

They know very well that the mouth grows on others, and you can't care what others say.

The only thing you can do is to do things in a down-to-earth manner.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

There are performances, there is audience support, there is money to earn, and that's enough.

This kind of contentment and happiness mentality allows Guo Degang to maintain a rare calmness and calmness in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

The power of perseverance: Guo Degang's road to success

Looking back on Guo Degang's career in art, it can be said that harvest and hardship coexist.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

As we all know, the road of cross talk is not easy to follow.

In the early days of Guo Degang's entrepreneurship, there was already a distinction between mainstream and non-mainstream in the cross talk world.

With the gradual decline of the cross talk career, even Feng Gong, who once served as the chairman of the Music Association, turned to acting in sketches after losing his partner Niu Qun.

In the face of such a harsh living environment, Guo Degang not only persevered, but also made brilliant achievements.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

Many people believe that it was Guo Degang who single-handedly rejuvenated cross talk.

This kind of persistence and perseverance is undoubtedly worthy of our admiration.

Cross-border dating: Guo Degang's way of networking

Interestingly, Guo Degang's dating circle is not limited to the cross talk world.

He has contacts with people in the Peking Opera circle, the Pingju circle, the Bangzi circle, the hosting industry, and the film and television drama industry, but he seems to keep a certain distance from the cross talk industry.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

This phenomenon has raised many questions.

In fact, Guo Degang has long expressed his attitude towards the grievances of the rivers and lakes.

He believes that in the face of disputes, some people choose to huddle together for warmth, while others take the opportunity to hype up and increase traffic.

But as outsiders, we have neither inside knowledge nor the right to judge these things.

This detached attitude shows Guo Degang's wisdom and pattern.

The Art of Focus: Guo Degang's way of business management

Guo Degang once shared an interesting little story.

He saw two Internet celebrities arguing, and one of them said: "In the future, we will be Zhang Guolao riding a donkey upside down, and we will never see the face of the animal."

It means to break off friendship with the other person forever.

This story just confirms Guo Degang's views on interpersonal relationships.

He knows very well that people's energy is limited, and where the heart is placed, the achievement will appear.

If you waste all your time arguing with people, you will have less time to get down to business.

Therefore, Guo Degang chose to put all his attention on expanding the Deyun Club and operating the Qilin Opera Club, devoting himself to inheriting traditional arts and concentrating on making money.

This kind of focused attitude makes him have no extra energy to take care of the shortcomings of the east and the west.

Instead of spending time involved in meaningless disputes, wouldn't it be better to spend time with your family, accompany your eldest son Guo Qilin, and hurt your youngest son Guo Fenyang?

The future of Deyun Club: Equal emphasis on inheritance and innovation

Looking forward to the future, the development path of Deyun Club is still full of challenges and opportunities.

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

As a leading figure in the cross talk industry, Guo Degang shoulders the dual mission of inheriting traditional culture and promoting the innovation of cross talk art.

On the one hand, he needs to continue to train new people and deliver fresh blood to the cross talk industry.

Although the apprentice system of Deyun Club has been controversial, it is undeniable that it has indeed cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for the cross talk industry.

From Yue Yunpeng , Sun Yue to Zhang Helun , Lang Heyan, these excellent cross talk actors have all grown up on the stage of Deyun Club.

On the other hand, Guo Degang also needs to continue to innovate to keep the ancient art form of cross talk up to date.

In recent years, Deyun Club has made a lot of attempts in innovation, such as launching new forms such as cross talk dramas and cross talk movies, which not only retain the essence of traditional cross talk, but also give it new characteristics of the times.

The inheritance of the art of cross talk: there is a long way to go

As a leading figure in the cross talk industry, Guo Degang is well aware of the importance of inheriting the art of cross talk.

He has said many times that cross talk is not only a form of entertainment, but also an important part of traditional Chinese culture.

Therefore, he has been committed to passing on the art of cross talk and cultivating a new generation of cross talk talents.

In Deyun Club, Guo Degang has established a unique training system.

Newcomers need to start as apprentices and go through layers of assessment before they can perform on stage.

This kind of rigorous training not only allows young actors to master the basic skills of cross talk, but also gives them a deep understanding of the essence of cross talk art.

At the same time, Guo Degang also encourages young actors to innovate.

He often said: "Cross talk must keep pace with the times, but it must not lose tradition."

This attitude of respecting tradition and being brave in innovation has always kept the cross talk of Deyun Club vigorous.

The expansion of the business empire: the diversified development of Deyun Club

In addition to cross talk, Guo Degang is also actively expanding the business scope of Deyun Club.

From opening Deyun Club Network TV Station, to getting involved in the production of movies and TV dramas, to opening cross talk-themed restaurants, Deyun Club is gradually building a comprehensive cultural and entertainment industry chain.

This diversified development strategy not only brings more sources of income to Deyun Club, but also opens up new channels for the dissemination of cross talk art.

Through a variety of media, Deyun Club spreads the art of cross talk to a wider audience, so that more people can understand and love this traditional art.

Personal charm: Guo Degang's success code

Guo Degang's success is not only due to his attainments in the art of cross talk, but also due to his unique personal charm.

He has a sense of humor and quick thinking, and can easily cope with all kinds of scenes, whether on stage or in life.

At the same time, Guo Degang is also a person who is good at learning.

He is not only proficient in cross talk, but also has in-depth research on traditional art forms such as Peking Opera and storytelling.

This extensive knowledge reserve makes his cross talk works rich and fascinating.

In addition, Guo Degang also has a strong business acumen.

He is good at seizing market opportunities, combining traditional cross talk with modern business models, and creating a unique "Deyun Club Model".

This model not only made Deyun Club a commercial success, but also provided strong financial support for the inheritance of cross talk art.

[I have to say]: We can learn a lot from Guo Degang's way of life.

In the face of turmoil, stay calm; In the face of temptation, keep the original intention; Perseverance in the face of challenges.

As the old saying goes, "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself." "

Perhaps, this is the secret of Guo Degang's ability to always remain calm in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

In this impetuous era, should we also learn from Guo Degang, calm down, do our own thing, and let the results speak?

Guo Degang posted again late at night, and did a good job of personal liquidation with only two words, and netizens admired it with his real name!

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