
Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

The pace of the Paris Olympics is getting closer and closer, and the preparation of the Chinese table tennis team has also entered the final sprint stage. In this craze, one name is particularly conspicuous - Sun Yingsha. The highly-anticipated "rising star" is giving it his all to face the challenges ahead.

Sun Yingsha's training intensity has increased jaw-droppingly. Her usual lunch break is now also used by her to hone her skills. Watching her sweat on the training ground, everyone knows that she is facing the "death half" in the women's singles draw, which makes her dare not slack off. Sun Yingsha knew in her heart that this competition would definitely not be easy.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

In order to have a good performance in the competition, she put all her energy into training and did not let up for a moment.

Sun Yingsha often said to herself in her heart: "You have to work harder." She knows that against these tough opponents, she will only be able to do well in the ring if she gives more than usual. In training, she practices every movement over and over again, striving for perfection in every swing. Even when she was exhausted, she gritted her teeth and persevered, because she knew that this was the only way to have a better chance of winning the Olympics.

At this critical moment, Liu Guoliang, the head of national table tennis, personally joined Sun Yingsha's training. He not only accompanied her throughout the process, but also carefully observed her every move and style. Whenever she completes an action, Liu Guoliang always carefully evaluates it on the sidelines and then gives guidance. Whether it is singles or mixed doubles, Liu Guoliang has given her the greatest support on the sidelines. Sun Yingsha was very grateful in her heart: "With Liu's guidance, my heart is much more steady." ”

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

Liu Guoliang's special care for Sun Yingsha obviously shows that he attaches great importance to her. This is not only Sun Yingsha's personal expectation, but also the trust and expectation of the entire national table tennis team. During training, whenever Sun Yingsha felt tired, when she saw Liu Guoliang's focused eyes, she felt that she could not live up to this love and expectation, and she had to work harder.

Between trainings, Liu Guoliang asked Sun Yingsha if it was time to eat. Sun Yingsha responded with her characteristic wit: "Shouldn't we follow what you only have?" After saying that, he added: "So what do you eat?" Otherwise, we won't be able to go back to the village. This conversation sparked laughter, and the atmosphere instantly relaxed. Although it is a training ground, this kind of relaxed and pleasant conversation makes everyone feel the harmonious atmosphere of the team.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

Even with such a relaxing moment, Sun Yingsha knows in her heart that the real challenge lies ahead. She has a tough schedule and could face tough opponents Akula in the second round, as well as familiar old rivals Hina Hayada and Shiki Tada. Every time she thinks of this, the pressure in Sun Yingsha's heart is even greater. "There must be no slackening," she said to herself, "and all must be done." ”

Despite the pressure, Sun Yingsha is determined to embrace every day of training. She knows that only by doing her best in training can she have no regrets in the competition. Looking at the coaching team's expectations and support for her, Sun Yingsha secretly determined that she must shine at the Paris Olympics.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

Sun Yingsha's fighting spirit infects everyone, and her hard work and perseverance have also won her the respect of her coaches and teammates. In this challenging moment, Sun Yingsha did not back down, but trained harder to meet every upcoming test. She firmly believes that as long as she keeps working hard, she will one day realize her dream.

Some netizens commented: "God rewards hard work, unremitting efforts, and unremitting struggle Sun Yingsha will definitely live up to expectations, win three championships, show the national table tennis majesty in Paris, and win glory for the country!" These words are not only an expectation, but also an affirmation of Sun Yingsha's efforts.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

When Sun Yingsha saw this comment, a warm current surged in her heart. She knows that her hard work and dedication every day have not been neglected. This sentence was like a shot in the arm that made her more determined in her beliefs. She understands that her struggle is not only for personal glory, but also for the honor of the whole country.

When she feels the limits of her body, words of encouragement and expectation come to her mind. The support of netizens made her feel the invisible power. She thought to herself, "Everyone is cheering me on, and I can't let them down." This belief sustains her and helps her through difficult times.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

The hard work and pressure in training, Sun Yingsha is not without feelings. With the upcoming Paris Olympics heading away, she knows that her opponents are tough contenders. She could face Akula in the second round, as well as old rivals like Hina Hayada and Shiki Tian. These are all tough battles, but Sun Yingsha knows very well in her heart that this is also her chance to prove herself.

Whenever she thinks of these challenges, Sun Yingsha feels a little nervous, but more of a kind of excitement to try. She said to herself: "It's because of these strong opponents that the game is more meaningful. "Her heart is full of fighting passion, and she is eager to show her full strength on the field and win glory for her country.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

The comments of netizens are not only a recognition of her efforts, but also a spur. Sun Yingsha understands that she is carrying the expectations of the whole country. What she has to do is to keep working hard and live up to everyone's trust and support. Every time she swings the racket, every time she smashes the ball, she goes all out, because she knows that she represents not only the individual, but also the entire Chinese table tennis team and even the entire country.

Sometimes, after training, Sun Yingsha will sit down quietly and reminisce about the encouragement of netizens. She will silently say in her heart, "Thank you, I will go the extra mile to live up to your expectations." These supports and encouragement from all over the world have become the driving force for her to keep moving forward.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

However, Sun Yingsha is not alone. Her coaching team is very strong, in addition to Liu Guoliang, there are also singles head coach Qiu Yike and mixed doubles coach Xiao Zhan. These champion-level coaches have provided her with all-round support and guidance, giving her confidence in her preparations.

Every day of training, Sun Yingsha will feel the strength of the team. Liu Guoliang carefully guided on the side, and did not let go of every detail. Whenever Sun Yingsha completes a set of trainings, Liu Guoliang will seriously comment and point out the areas that need to be improved. Sun Yingsha knows how lucky she is to have such an experienced coach by her side. She thought to herself: "Coach Liu is so attentive, I have to work harder to live up to his expectations." ”

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

As the head coach of singles, Qiu Yike often discusses technical details with Sun Yingsha. After each training session, he would review with Sun Yingsha and analyze the day's performance. Sun Yingsha especially likes to discuss with Qiu Yike, and she feels that she can learn something new every time she communicates. She secretly made up her mind: "I want to memorize every detail that the coach taught me and strive to play perfectly in the game." ”

Xiao Zhan is Sun Yingsha's mixed doubles coach, and his coaching style is more delicate. In every training session, Xiao Zhan will patiently correct Sun Yingsha's movements and help her improve her technical and tactical level. Sun Yingsha is very grateful for Xiao Zhan's help, and after each training, she will carefully review the coach's advice, and then practice repeatedly until she fully masters it. She is full of gratitude: "With so many great coaches to support me, there's no reason why I shouldn't give my best. ”

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

With the support of such a strong coaching team, Sun Yingsha's confidence has doubled. Whenever she feels tired or stressed, the encouragement and guidance from her coaches always gives her strength. She understands that this is not only her own battle, but the joint effort of the whole team. Sun Yingsha silently said to herself in her heart: "I am not fighting alone, with the coaches, I will definitely succeed." ”

Every day of training, Sun Yingsha will feel the guidance of the coaches with her heart. She knows that she has to keep improving to be worthy of her coaches. Sun Yingsha often said to herself in her heart: "You have to work harder and live up to the expectations of the coaches." This belief supports her step by step towards her goal.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

Whenever the training is over, Sun Yingsha will discuss the gains and shortcomings of the day with the coaches. The coaches always went out of their way to explain to her and show her the way forward. Sun Yingsha is full of gratitude, she knows that with such a strong coaching team, her path will be more determined and steadfast.

In the days of preparation, Sun Yingsha not only felt the professional guidance of the coaches, but also experienced their care and support. Whenever she feels stressed and tired, the encouragement from her coaches always reinvigorates her. She said to herself: "With the support of so many people, I must work harder." ”

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

Sun Yingsha knows that behind the success is inseparable from the hard work of the coaching team. She feels that every training session, every detail, is the result of the coaches' hard work. She silently made a promise in her heart: "I want to repay the trust and support of the coaches with my best performance." ”

With such a strong coaching team, Sun Yingsha is full of confidence in the upcoming matches. She believes that she will be able to perform well at the Paris Olympics and achieve her dream. Every day, she works hard to turn the coaches' guidance into her own strength and fight for the ultimate victory.

No matter what the result is, Sun Yingsha's fighting spirit and tenacious will are worthy of everyone's applause. I look forward to her ability to break through many obstacles and shine her own light in Paris.

Yesterday, the news of Sun Yingsha and Liu Guoliang came from the national table tennis! "Little Demon King" Sun Yingsha is pinned on high hopes

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