
Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

At that time, Tang Wei, how dazzling was the label of a goddess of literature and art! But during the promotion of the movie "The Whistleblower", an interview almost broke her down. Lei Jiayin, a young man from the north, made the whole scene embarrassed by an unexpected remark. At that time, Tang Wei had just made a comeback after giving birth, and he actually faced many challenges. This interview, which was originally unremarkable, suddenly smelled of gunpowder.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

The interview that day would have been quite harmonious. Lei Jiayin and Tang Weiwei sat in front of the camera one after another, ready to talk about the filming highlights of "Whistleblower". The audience is also gearing up, waiting to see the wonderful dialogue between the two celebrities. Who knows, the sudden sentence is like a freezing three feet of cold for a day, and the scene suddenly cools down.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

Lei Jiayin suddenly mentioned a "small episode" during filming. He said: "Let me tell you, Tang Wei and her, she always likes to go to the toilet when filming." I'm in the middle of a state and I have to stop all of a sudden, isn't that looking for trouble! As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene was a little wrong.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

Tang Wei's face was obviously embarrassed, and her eyes were red, the actress who had just made a comeback after giving birth was obviously hit by this sudden "cold arrow". In fact, everyone understands the physiological changes faced by postpartum women, especially public figures like Tang Wei, who are even more stressed.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

She was trying to adjust her form and wanted to put her best foot forward in front of the camera. But at this sensitive moment, Lei Jiayin's words not only embarrassed her, but also hit her self-esteem a lot. Tang Wei in front of the camera tried to stay calm, but he still couldn't hold back his tears.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

She didn't expect that her first big interview after returning to work would become so embarrassing because of such a topic. And Lei Jiayin didn't seem to realize the weight of his words, and continued to talk about him with a smile. The scene was very embarrassing for a while, and the host also felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly tried to mediate: "Lei Jiayin, you see Tang Wei is crying, should you ......?"

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

Lei Jiayin replied seriously: "What am I comforting?" As soon as these words came out, not only did the atmosphere at the scene become more rigid, but even the audience watching the live broadcast could feel the solemnity. Tang Wei finally couldn't help it, stood up, said "I'm sorry", and walked straight to the backstage. This scene has been remembered by countless audiences.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

I thought it would be a light-hearted interview, but it turned into an embarrassing episode. Lei Jiayin's remarks not only embarrassed Tang Wei, but also made many viewers feel unhappy. Afterwards, a video of this interview circulated on the Internet. originally thought that this matter would pass like this, after all, Tang Wei didn't mention it much later, and Lei Jiayin didn't say anything more.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

But unexpectedly, this matter was turned over again a few years later, because of Tang Wei's success in Korea. And this time, not only in China, but even netizens in Korea expressed their dissatisfaction with Lei Jiayin's words and deeds. After this matter was turned out again, Tang Wei's image was not greatly affected.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

Her achievements in Korea in recent years are obvious to all, and even the Korea Blue Dragon Film Award has been won. On the other hand, Lei Jiayin, this time his image has really been impacted. Many netizens began to question that he can be seen in the New Year stalls every year, is he really liked by so many audiences?

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

The fermentation of things has undoubtedly brought a lot of pressure to Lei Jiayin. On his Weibo and social accounts, netizens kept leaving messages accusing him of inappropriate behavior. As for Tang Wei, although she did not clearly respond to the re-fermentation of this incident, her career is still rising steadily.

Abandoned by Tian Yu and married a Korea director, Tang Wei appeared in a high-profile manner with "this attitude" in the past 10 years

In this way, a casual sentence not only affected the present of the two people, but also became the focus of people's discussion in the next few years. And this may be the most impressive side of the entertainment industry - every word and deed may become a good story or a bad account in the future.

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