
James has successfully lost weight, his muscles are more defined, and his body is 5 years younger?

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James has successfully lost weight, his muscles are more defined, and his body is 5 years younger?

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"Slim King"! When LeBron · James posted this photo on their social media with this slightly ridiculous text, it is estimated that many fans can't help but rub their eyes to confirm that this is really the "little emperor" we are familiar with? James in the photo, the muscle lines are indeed clearer than before, and the whole person looks more capable, as if he is several years younger, although Lao Zhan did not disclose how many pounds he has lost, but the visual inspection must at least have a 20-pound start, right? You must know that this is not an effect that can be achieved by casually losing weight, and it must have taken unimaginable sweat and effort behind it

James has successfully lost weight, his muscles are more defined, and his body is 5 years younger?

You must know that last season's James, although he missed some games due to injury, he was still able to cut 27 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists in the regular season. Whether it's a tough under-the-basket confrontation, an explosive breakaway, or a precision-guided pass, James still shows a strong dominance on the court, and it is completely impossible to see that he is a veteran who has played for 16 seasons

So the question is, if he is still in excellent form, why did James choose to lose weight this summer? Could it be that the "little emperor" is also going to start pursuing the pleasure of "slimming success"? Of course not! For a superstar of James' level, any decision must be deliberate, and there must be a deeper reason behind it

James has successfully lost weight, his muscles are more defined, and his body is 5 years younger?

Let's talk about reducing the burden on the body first, as we all know, basketball is a sport with extremely high requirements for physical confrontation, especially players like James who often have to impact the basket, they are prone to various injuries, and as they get older, the body's recovery ability will naturally decline

Weight loss is also conducive to James to better adapt to the team's tactical system in the new season, according to some sports media reports, James is likely to change to the position of organizational guard in the new season, as we all know, James has always been known for his comprehensiveness, organizing offense is one of his strengths, if he really changes to the No. 1 position, with his excellent vision and overall view, coupled with a group of talented teammates around him, the Lakers' offense will become more difficult to stop, and after weight loss, James' footwork and lateral movement will improve, which will help him keep up with opposing defenders on the defensive end and launch fast breaks more quickly on the offensive end

James has successfully lost weight, his muscles are more defined, and his body is 5 years younger?

There are also some fans who are worried that James who has lost weight will not affect his ability to fight under the basket? After all, in the impression of many people, James has always been known for his "tank" body, and he can be described as "a man who is a man and a man who can't be opened" on the inside.

For this problem, in fact, there is no need to worry too much, James's physical fitness is there, even if he loses some weight, his strength and confrontation ability should not be underestimated, James can make up for the possible impact of weight loss through more scientific training methods, for example, strengthen core strength training, improve the stability and balance of the body, so that even in the confrontation, he can maintain a stable body posture and will not be easily knocked away by the opponent

James has successfully lost weight, his muscles are more defined, and his body is 5 years younger?

James' choice to lose weight this summer is a deliberate decision, and there are many considerations behind it, whether it is to prolong his career, or to better adapt to the team's tactical system, or to meet new challenges in the new season, we have reason to believe that the "Slim King" can still show strong dominance on the court and continue to write his own legend!

James has successfully lost weight, his muscles are more defined, and his body is 5 years younger?

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