
Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

Recently, there seems to be a sudden increase in reports of sexual assault and harassment. This may be influenced by the previous case of Wang Di of the National People's Congress who successfully reported Professor Wang, making everyone feel that posting videos on social media can more effectively attract the public's attention and resonance. The latest case occurred in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, where someone posted a video online of a whistleblower who was accused of a county party secretary, and it seems that the seriousness of the problem should not be underestimated.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

On July 26, the hot incident in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province exploded the Internet again, this time the protagonist was Li Moumou (female), a township party secretary in Wannian County. One day on May 26, Li Moumou was suddenly taken away by the local Commission for Discipline Inspection, which was shocking enough in itself, but what was more dramatic was that before being taken away, Li Moumou mysteriously left a USB flash drive for her family, and emphasized that the contents of this USB flash drive could save her life.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

After Li's father read the contents of the USB flash drive, he immediately reported a heavyweight on the Internet with his real name - Mao, the secretary of the county party committee of Wannian County. At this moment, things are like a fryer, and there is an uproar on the Internet.

Li Moumou originally planned to report Mao, the secretary of the county party committee, because she found that Mao had a lot of improper behavior. However, just before she was ready to report, she was taken away by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and has been out of contact since. In this case, she quickly left a recording for her family, and this recording also became ironclad evidence for her real-name report later. The content revealed in the recording is quite shocking: Mao once made improper demands to Li in his office; Mao even called Li in the middle of the night to go to his residence to "chat and drink tea".

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

Li's father felt that the reason why his daughter was taken away was because she tried to expose Mao's improper behavior, but was retaliated against. Because Li Moumou has been missing contact for a long time, as a father, he feels very helpless, and finally can only choose to expose all this through online real-name reporting.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

Back to Li Moumou herself, she couldn't stand Mao's harassment on May 23 and decided to have a showdown with Mao. The two had a big fight on the spot, and Li Moumou even claimed that he was going to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to denounce him, claiming that he had a recording in his hand to testify. Unexpectedly, just three days later, Li Moumou was taken away by the county Commission for Discipline Inspection, and they also searched her home. On June 17, the local government also officially announced that Li Moumou had begun to take the initiative to explain the problem on suspicion of major violations of discipline and law, and is still under review and investigation. Before being placed in liuzhi, Li Moumou handed over the USB flash drive that could save her life to her family. As for being sexually assaulted by Mao, she only mentioned it to her cousin, and the rest of her family didn't know.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

This series of situations was all said from the video released by Li's father. At present, a joint investigation team has been formed to begin an in-depth investigation into the incident, claiming that the results of the investigation will be announced to the public in the future.

This matter is getting bigger and bigger, and everyone is waiting to see what the outcome will be. It is unbelievable that a township party committee secretary dared to expose the ugly deeds of the county party committee secretary, but was retaliated against because of this. If this is true, then it is really "the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked", and social justice should also make people think about it.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

It is hoped that this investigation will have a fair result and that those who abuse their power will be punished as they deserve. No matter how great the power is, it cannot be above the law, let alone harm others at will. What the truth is, let's wait and see.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

This incident is really infuriating, a township party secretary was suddenly taken away because he wanted to expose the improper behavior of the county party secretary, and he lost contact for nearly two months. Come to think of it, this power is truly remarkable, it can make a person disappear at will, and it can also conduct a review investigation "reasonably and legally". What's even more outrageous is that before Li Moumou was taken away, he had to leave a USB flash drive to his family, hoping that this USB flash drive could save her life. It sounds like something out of a movie, but it actually happened in reality.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

Netizens are hotly discussed

Some netizens said that Li Moumou's father can only report through his real name on the Internet, what does it mean? This actually reflects several very real situations.

This shows that Li's father could not find an effective way to report in reality. In the face of Mao, the secretary of the county party committee with such a powerful power, he can only choose the relatively open and free platform of the Internet. In reality, it may be that due to various reasons, the reporting channel is not smooth, or he is worried that he will not be dealt with fairly after reporting, and may even face greater retaliation. Although the network is virtual, it gives him a chance to speak out in a way.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

This also shows that there are still big problems in the supervision and restraint of power. If the reporting channels are unblocked, and the relevant departments can handle the problem fairly and transparently, Li's father does not need to take the risk of reporting with his real name on the Internet. The reason why he chose this method is probably because in his opinion, only through online exposure can it attract greater attention and promote the matter to be taken seriously and dealt with.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

It also reflects the public's trust and reliance on the network. In real life, many people feel that their voices are difficult to be heard and justice is hard to be served. And the Internet, as a platform where everyone can speak out, has become their last hope. Through the Internet, things can spread quickly, arouse widespread concern and discussion in society, and then prompt relevant departments to take action.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

Li Moumou's father chose to report through his real name on the Internet, behind which is helplessness and an accusation of reality. This not only allows people to see the despair and struggle of a family, but also triggers a deep reflection on the current social system and power structure. It is hoped that through this incident, it can arouse wider attention and discussion, and promote social progress and change.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

Some netizens said that it was really disappointing to see such a young cadre doing this kind of thing.

Everyone usually hopes that the younger generation of cadres can bring some new atmosphere, new ideas and better work style. However, it is really disappointing to see a young cadre like Li Moumou actually involved in such a scandal. Young cadres should be full of enthusiasm and ideals and serve the people, but they did not expect that they would use their power to do such unseemly things.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

This kind of behavior not only seriously undermines the image of cadres, but also greatly harms the public's trust. The common people had hoped that young cadres could bring about change, but now that they see this situation, who would dare to believe it? I thought that young people would have new ideas and higher moral standards, but they turned out to be no different from those old fritters.

What is even more chilling is that once a young cadre like Li Moumou has power, he will abuse his power and disregard the rights and interests of others for his own selfish interests. This kind of behavior not only makes people disappointed with her, but also makes people feel disheartened with the whole system. Is this the so-called "back wave"?

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened


Seeing such a thing is really laughable. Li Moumou was originally a young and promising cadre, but he actually did such an ugly thing, and he had to rely on a USB flash drive to "save himself", which is really eye-opening. Mao, secretary of the county party committee, relied on the power in his hands and did whatever he wanted, did he really think he was an extralegal person? Ordinary people only want a fair and transparent environment, but now they see that their power is abused, which is really chilling. Young cadres are supposed to be the hope of society, but they have become puppets of another power. If this situation continues, it will be difficult to maintain the status quo, let alone any social progress. I really hope that this matter will be changed and that those who abuse their power will know that the legal net is restored and that there is no leakage.

Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee! was reported to have sexually assaulted a female subordinate, the recording was exposed, and the investigation team intervened

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