
The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good
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The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

In this era of information, a revelation is like a whirlwind, sweeping the entire entertainment industry. "A certain respected actor actually has four lovers", such news instantly caused an uproar on the Internet.

Many netizens have set their eyes on Chen Daoming, who has always been known for his integrity, and there was a lot of discussion for a while, and it was very noisy.

Some people angrily accused, some shook their heads in regret, and even swore that "Chen Daoming has long been discredited."

This turmoil is like a mirror, reflecting today's society's concern about the ethics of public figures, and also exposing some of people's prejudices against the entertainment industry. But what is the truth? Is Chen Daoming's artistic virtue really vulnerable? Let's put aside our prejudices for the time being, approach this evergreen in the entertainment industry, and find out.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

In this farce, we see not only an image crisis of actors, but also a complex story of truth, morality, and public opinion.

From "The Last Emperor" to "Celebrating More Than Years": Chen Daoming's acting career

The year 1984 was a turning point for Mr. Chen. This year, he devoted himself to the filming of the large-scale historical drama "The Last Emperor" and launched his wonderful acting career.

In this work, Chen Daoming shows admirable professionalism and persistent pursuit of art.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

During the filming, Chen Daoming was not just as simple as memorizing lines and acting. Whenever he doesn't need to appear on the scene, he always holds the script in his hand and repeatedly figures out the inner world of the character "Pu Yi".

In order to better understand the character, he delved into the history of the late Qing Dynasty and even visited historians several times, striving to fully immerse himself in that turbulent era.

This dedication to the role and the pursuit of art have become a portrayal of Chen Daoming's entire career.

On the road of acting in the future, Chen Daoming has always maintained this rigorous attitude and pursuit of perfection. Whether it's the thrilling explosion scene in "One and Eight" or the elaborate design of the characters' costumes and mannerisms in "Black Hole", Chen Daoming is always breaking through himself and pursuing the ultimate.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

However, success did not stop Chen Daoming. In 2019, in the hit drama "Celebrating More Than Years", he once again created an impressive image of Emperor Qing.

Faced with the question of "why do you always play the emperor", Chen Daoming gave the best answer with his performance. Just like his widely circulated line in "Kangxi Dynasty": "Everyone plays Kangxi, only Chen Daoming is Kangxi."

This is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also a recognition of his depth of understanding of the role.

Chen Daoming's acting career is a road of continuous pursuit of excellence and self-challenge. From "The Last Emperor" to "Celebrating More Than Years", from a young newcomer to a respected actor, Chen Daoming has proved with his practical actions that a true artist will never be satisfied with the status quo.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

His study of the role has reached the realm of perfection, and the audience can not only see the charm of the character itself, but also deeply feel the self-soul that Chen Daoming poured into the role.

How can such an actor who always insists on honing his acting skills and pursuing artistic perfection be consistent with the accusation that "art is not good"? Chen Daoming's acting career is not only the growth history of an actor, but also a vivid portrayal of an artist's persistent pursuit of art.

The coexistence of luxury and indifference: Chen Daoming's philosophy of life

To outsiders, Chen Daoming's life seems glamorous, full of enviable luxury elements. He owns the "Ark of the Blue Sea", which is known as one of the top ten luxury villas in Beijing, and this unique residence reflects his taste and status.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

Not only that, Chen Daoming also owns a private jet, which allows him to stop at airports around the world as he wants, enjoying a high degree of freedom and convenience.

Chen Daoming also has an extraordinary love for luxury cars. He has a large collection of famous cars, including the latest models from top brands. He can sometimes even be seen driving the latest Ferrari through the streets, a reflection of his prestige and taste.

However, these external luxuries did not make Chen Daoming lose himself. Beneath the glossy surface, we see an artist who is always learning and pursuing self-improvement.

Chen Daoming has a deep admiration for literature and art, and he persistently reads and learns, constantly enriching his inner world.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

This pursuit of the spiritual world has been fully reflected in the "Inheritor" program in which Chen Daoming participated. Facing a performance team made up of farmers, Chen Daoming showed respect and love for traditional arts.

When some young judges questioned this traditional art, Chen Daoming did not hesitate to stand up and speak out for the inheritance of traditional culture. His fierce reaction not only reflects the importance he attaches to cultural heritage, but also demonstrates his deep understanding of the essence of art.

Chen Daoming's philosophy of life is the perfect combination of material and spiritual. He enjoyed the beauty of life, but he cherished the riches of the spiritual world even more. This balance shows the wisdom and cultivation of a mature artist.

He does not deliberately flaunt his wealth, nor does he seek to show off his noble feelings in a high-profile manner. On the contrary, he knows that only with sufficient knowledge can he maintain a humble attitude, and always bear in mind the truth that "there is no end to learning, and the road ahead is long".

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

In this materialistic era, Chen Daoming's lifestyle undoubtedly provides us with an example worth considering. He used his actions to show us that true success is not only material enrichment, but more importantly, spiritual enrichment.

Stick to the principle: Chen Daoming's professional ethics and social responsibility

In the impetuous entertainment industry, Chen Daoming has always maintained his principles and bottom line. When asked if he would like to participate in any type of theatrical production, his answer was impressive.

Chen Daoming made it clear that he only accepted invitations to anti-Japanese dramas and marginal costume dramas. Behind this seemingly strange choice, there is a deep sense of responsibility to the audience and to history.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

He worries that such works may mislead ordinary audiences and affect their perception and grasp of real history.

Chen Daoming's sense of social responsibility is not only reflected in the selection of works, but also in his concern for social issues. When it comes to the problem of drug abuse in the entertainment industry, he mercilessly points out the essence of the problem.

He believes that blaming stress for drug use is a poor excuse that essentially reflects a lack of upbringing. This outspoken attitude shows his deep thinking and firm stance on social issues.

In addition to expressing his views in speech, Chen Daoming also actively participates in public welfare undertakings and fulfills social responsibilities with practical actions. He selflessly dedicates his time and energy to teach his skills to children who are in need of life for free.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

In this way, he hopes to open the door to new knowledge for these children, and at the same time inherit the unique and precious art of the high platform flower drum in the mainland.

In the program "Inheritor", Chen Daoming's support for traditional art is even more vividly reflected. In the face of some young judges' doubts about traditional art, he did not hesitate to stand up and speak out for cultural inheritance.

His fierce reaction not only reflects the importance he attaches to cultural heritage, but also demonstrates his deep understanding of the essence of art.

Chen Daoming's actions all reflect his sense of responsibility and mission as a public figure. He is not only an excellent actor, but also a responsible social citizen.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

He used his practical actions to interpret what is the real art virtue and what is the social responsibility of an artist.

In this entertainment industry, which is often driven by money and fame, Chen Daoming's persistence is undoubtedly a clear stream. His professional ethics and sense of social responsibility set a noble example for the entire industry.

How can such an artist, who always adheres to principles and has the courage to assume social responsibility, be labeled as "not good at art"? Chen Daoming's behavior tells us that true artistic virtue is not only reflected in artistic creation, but also in the responsibility and responsibility to society.

"Fanghua" banquet incident: Chen Daoming's way of life

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

On the occasion of the movie "Fanghua", an important banquet in Beijing became a stage to show Chen Daoming's way of life. This seemingly mundane social occasion is intriguing by a small episode.

That night, director Feng Xiaogang proposed to let her perform a dance in front of everyone in order to promote the new heroine Miao Miao. The proposal immediately sparked an enthusiastic response from the guests present, but for Miao Miao, it was undoubtedly a confusing and overwhelming situation.

It was at this delicate moment that Chen Daoming showed his wisdom and thoughtfulness. He was keenly aware of Miao Miao's embarrassment, and immediately resolved this embarrassing situation in a considerate way.

Chen Daoming pointed out that because Miao Miao was wearing high heels, it was inconvenient for her to perform a complete dance performance. This seemingly simple move not only relieved Miao Miao, but also poured cold water on those who are keen to sow discord.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

But it doesn't end there. Some of the reluctant guests insisted that even a few simple dance steps would be fine. In the face of this unreasonable demand, Chen Daoming once again stepped forward.

He retorted unceremoniously, "Have you never seen a dance?" Although this sentence is short, it fully expresses his dissatisfaction with this kind of difficult behavior of strongmen and the protection of newcomers.

This incident fully demonstrated Chen Daoming's way of life. He not only cares about his juniors, but also dares to stand up in unfair situations. In the complex environment of the entertainment industry, Chen Daoming used his actions to interpret what is a real gentleman's demeanor and what is respect and consideration for others.

Although in the end, under the enthusiasm of everyone, Miao Miao still showed a dance, but Chen Daoming's behavior undoubtedly won the praise of many netizens. People have praised him for his warm-hearted behavior of defending younger generations and caring for female stars.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

This episode may be seen by many as an ordinary social occasion, but it profoundly reflects Chen Daoming's character and way of behaving in the world. In this circle, which is often dominated by interests and relationships, Chen Daoming's integrity and kindness are undoubtedly a clear stream.

How can such a person who can embody a noble character in every detail be labeled as "not good at art"? Chen Daoming tells us with his own actions that true artistic virtue is not only reflected in the performance on the stage, but also in the respect and care for others in daily life.

Conclusion: A clear stream in the entertainment industry

In the complex entertainment industry, Chen Daoming is undoubtedly a unique existence. From his acting career to his daily life, from his words and deeds in public to his way of behaving in private, we see an artist who always maintains himself and adheres to his principles.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

In the face of overwhelming rumors and negative news, Chen Daoming chose to respond with his own actions and works. He doesn't need to make high-profile arguments, and he doesn't bother to engage in pointless battles of words.

On the contrary, he uses his professional attitude and noble character to silently interpret what is true art.

In this era of information explosion, people are often confused by the superficial noise. However, Chen Daoming is like a hermit in Tao Yuanming's pen, maintaining inner peace in the noisy world.

As the famous poem says: "The knot is in the human realm, and there is no noise of cars and horses." How can you ask you? The heart is far away from itself. Chen Daoming is such a person who does not lose his authenticity in the glitz.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

His existence is undoubtedly a clear stream in the entertainment industry. He proved with his practical actions that even if he is in Vanity Fair, he can maintain his original intention and stick to his principles.

This persistence has not only earned the respect of the audience, but also set an example for the industry as a whole to follow.

Therefore, when we look back at the statement that "Chen Daoming's art is not good", we can't help but feel a little ridiculous. True artistic virtue does not rely on empty words, but on persistence and practice day after day.

Chen Daoming has used his entire career to tell us what it means to be a truly virtuous actor.

The biggest joke of internal entertainment is that Chen Daoming's artistic virtue is not good

In a circle often dominated by interests and relationships, artists like Chen Daoming are undoubtedly precious. His presence not only enriches the connotation of the Chinese film and television industry, but also points out the way forward for the younger generation of actors.

We look forward to more artists like Chen Daoming in the future, who will continue to light up the sky of the entertainment industry with their talent and character.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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