
The women's volleyball team entered the main Olympic stadium for training, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying partnered in the opposite corner, and the starting lineup was about to come out

The women's volleyball team entered the main Olympic stadium for training, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying partnered in the opposite corner, and the starting lineup was about to come out

On July 25, local time in Italy, the Chinese women's volleyball team finally stayed in the Paris Olympic Village after nearly a week of training in Caen, France. It is reported that the Chinese women's volleyball team checked into the Olympic Village after about 3 hours by car from Caen in the morning, and came to the main venue of Hall 1 of the South Paris Arena in the afternoon for adaptation training. Judging from the photos sent by the reporters accompanying the team, the Chinese women's volleyball team girls are in very good condition.

The women's volleyball team entered the main Olympic stadium for training, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying partnered in the opposite corner, and the starting lineup was about to come out

The Chinese women's volleyball team first trained in the sub-venue for more than an hour, and then went to the main stadium for an hour, and successfully completed the first training at the competition venue at half past 6 in the afternoon.

In the group confrontation within the team, the players on one side are the main attack Zhu Ting and Li Yingying partnering diagonal combination, as well as the secondary attack Wang Yuanyuan, Gong Xiangyu, the second setter Diao Linyu, and the free man Wang Mengjie, these 6 people plus the deputy attack Yuan Xinyue who is not in the photo, is the starting lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and on the other side are Ding Xia, Wu Mengjie and other teammates. Several photos have been circulated showing Zhu Ting and Wang Mengjie, as well as Gong Xiangyu, engrossed in defensive training.

The women's volleyball team entered the main Olympic stadium for training, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying partnered in the opposite corner, and the starting lineup was about to come out
The women's volleyball team entered the main Olympic stadium for training, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying partnered in the opposite corner, and the starting lineup was about to come out
The women's volleyball team entered the main Olympic stadium for training, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying partnered in the opposite corner, and the starting lineup was about to come out

In the group stage, the Chinese women's volleyball team will play against the United States, France and Serbia women's volleyball in turn, and the first match with the defending Olympic champion United States women's volleyball team will be played at 23 o'clock Beijing time on July 29, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will strive to get off to a good start. Cai Bin said in the interview that the Chinese team is currently in good shape, and the preliminary training preparation revolves around the group stage, and the first preparation is for the match with the United States team. In addition, some netizens revealed that the adaptation training of the United States women's volleyball team is close to the Chinese women's volleyball team in terms of time.

Good luck to the Chinese women's volleyball team!

The women's volleyball team entered the main Olympic stadium for training, Zhu Ting and Li Yingying partnered in the opposite corner, and the starting lineup was about to come out

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