
The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

The woman Li Xue and her husband Wang Gang have been married for seven years, and the relationship between the two has been very good in the past seven years. Li Xue is a gentle and virtuous wife, while Wang Gang is a hardworking and reliable husband. The two worked hard together in the city, and although they were not rich, they were stable. Whenever the neighbors mentioned their husband and wife, they were always full of praise and said that they were a model couple. My in-laws have been living in the countryside, which is Wang Gang's hometown, and the second elder is still quite strong, usually planting some vegetables, raising some chickens and ducks, and living a very comfortable life.

In the city, Li Xue and Wang Gang finally bought a house of their own with their own efforts. Although it is only a small two-bedroom apartment, it is already a hard-won achievement for them. The decoration of the house was also done by the two of them, and they arranged it little by little. Li Xue likes to put some flowers and plants on the balcony, while Wang Gang has installed a large bookshelf in the living room, full of his favorite books. Whenever friends come to visit, they will praise their little home for its warmth and comfort.

However, the pace of life never stops. As time passed, Wang Gang found that his parents' health was gradually not as good as before. Every time he called home, his mother always talked about his unwellness, and although his father always said that it was okay, Wang Gang still heard their concerns. One day, Wang Gang said to Li Xue after dinner: "Xue'er, I want to discuss something with you." Li Xue put down her chopsticks, looked at him, and asked, "What's the matter?" ”

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

"I want to take my parents over to live with them, they are old and not in good health, and I am worried that something will happen to them in the countryside." Wang Gang said seriously.

Li Xue was silent for a while and said, "But they are used to life in the countryside, can they adapt to life in the city?" ”

Wang Gang sighed and said, "I know it's not easy for them either, but it's better than having no one to take care of them in the countryside." Besides, we also have good hospitals here, and we can treat any disease in time. ”

Li Xue nodded, although she was a little worried in her heart, she still understood her husband's feelings. She said, "Then let's take them." However, you also need to help me with some of the housework, otherwise I will not be able to do it alone. ”

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

Wang Gang smiled and said, "Of course, we will share the burden and take care of them together." ”

Soon, Wang Gang's parents moved to the city. Li Xue and Wang Gang packed up a room for them in advance, and went to buy new mattresses and sheets, hoping that they would live more comfortably. When my in-laws first arrived, they seemed a little reserved and not very accustomed to the rhythm of the city. Li Xue and Wang Gang patiently familiarized them with their surroundings, telling them how to get to the supermarket, where the park was, and what they needed.

"Mom, look at this supermarket, it's quite complete, you can come over by yourself if you want to buy anything in the future." Li Xue said to her mother-in-law while pushing the shopping cart.

The mother-in-law nodded with a smile and said, "It's so nice in the city, everything is convenient, it seems that you guys are doing well here." ”

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

"Mom, you can rest assured to live here, don't worry about the countryside, we are here." Wang Gang patted his mother's shoulder and comforted.

The in-laws gradually adapted to the new living environment, and they began to help with some housework and help Li Xue take care of the children. The inconvenience of life that Li Xue was worried about did not happen, on the contrary, there were two more elders in the family, which made her feel a lot more relaxed. Once, when Li Xue came home from work, she saw her in-laws working in the kitchen, and the fragrance of food filled the entire room, and she felt a warmth in her heart.

"Xue'er, come back, wash your hands and eat, today we made your favorite braised pork." The mother-in-law greeted warmly.

Li Xue responded with a smile: "Mom, you are so good, you are so tired and cook for us." ”

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

The mother-in-law waved her hand and said, "Don't be tired, you young people are busy with work, so leave the affairs of the family to us." ”

Wang Gang looked at all this, and his heart was full of gratitude and happiness. He walked up to Li Xue, hugged her gently, and said, "Xue'er, thank you for your hard work, after your parents came, you have relaxed a lot, right?" ”

Li Xue nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I didn't expect our family to get along so harmoniously, such a day is really good." ”

Wang Gang held her hand tightly, his eyes full of expectations for the future. They know that while life will inevitably bring challenges, nothing can be overcome as long as the family works together.

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

After her in-laws moved in, Li Xue quickly noticed the change in Wang Gang. In the past, he was always busy with work, and Li Xue was basically in charge of the family affairs alone. But since her in-laws came, Wang Gang has become more considerate and caring about Li Xue than before. He not only took the initiative to share the housework, but also often told Li Xue to rest more.

"Cher, are you tired from work today? I'll wash the dishes for you. After dinner, Wang Gang took the initiative to pick up the rag.

Li Xue was a little surprised, but more moved, she smiled and said, "Okay, why are you so diligent today?" ”

Wang Gang scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "Mom and Dad are here, I also want to help you more to make it easier." ”

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

Li Xue looked at Wang Gang's busy back, and felt very warm in her heart.

At the beginning, Li Xue was still a little uncomfortable with the arrival of her in-laws. My mother-in-law sometimes nags about some trivial things in life, such as the way of cooking, the habit of tidying up the house, etc. Li Xue felt a little annoyed at first, but she soon discovered that her in-laws' nagging was actually out of good intentions.

Once, when her mother-in-law saw Li Xue coming back from work, she immediately greeted her and said, "Xue'er, are you tired from work today?" I cooked your favorite chicken soup, hurry up and drink a bowl to replenish your body. ”

Li Xue's heart warmed, and she said gratefully: "Mom, you are so caring." Usually I'm busy with work and don't take care of things at home, but after you and Dad came, I felt a lot more relaxed. ”

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

The mother-in-law patted her hand and said, "You young people have to work hard, and leave the affairs of the family to us." ”

Li Xue nodded, feeling that it was really a blessing for her to have such in-laws.

As time passed, the relationship between Li Xue and her in-laws became more and more harmonious. Li Xue found that although her in-laws were sometimes nagging, they were actually very capable, did housework in an orderly manner, and helped her take care of the children. In this way, Li Xue has more time to rest and do her own thing.

One day, Li Xue came home from work and saw her in-laws and children playing games in the living room, laughing constantly. She stood at the door, watching this scene, her heart was full of emotion and warmth.

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

"Mom, Dad, are the children obedient today?" Li Xue walked over with a smile and asked.

My father-in-law smiled and said, "Obedient and obedient, they have a good time with us." ”

The mother-in-law also smiled and said, "Xue'er, you don't have to worry, we can handle the affairs at home, and you can work with peace of mind." ”

Li Xue nodded gratefully, she felt that her life was getting better and better.

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

Li Xue began to understand that the arrival of her in-laws not only did not make life worse, but made the family's feelings deeper. Her relationship with Wang Gang has also become closer with the help of her in-laws. Wang Gang would take Li Xue out for dinner and a walk from time to time to surprise her and make her feel pampered and valued.

"Cher, let's go to the movies on the weekend, my parents said they can help us take care of the children." Wang Gang suddenly proposed one day.

Li Xue was a little surprised, but more happy, she smiled and said, "Okay, I haven't gone out on a date with you alone for a long time." ”

Wang Gang put his arm around her and said: "We have to cherish every moment together, and thank our parents for their help, so that we can have such an opportunity." ”

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

The family celebrates the festival together, goes out to play together, and life is full of warmth and happiness. Li Xue felt the warmth and strength of her family, and her heart was full of gratitude. She knows that while life is full of challenges, nothing is impossible to overcome as long as the family works together.

One day, Li Xue was cooking with her in-laws, and she suddenly said, "Mom, Dad, thank you so much." Your arrival has made our home even more warm. ”

The mother-in-law smiled and said, "Xue'er, we are a family, so there is no need to say these kind words." As long as you are good, we are happy. ”

Li Xue nodded, tears shining in the corners of her eyes. She knows that she has been given the best family and the best life.

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

Li Xue gradually discovered that her husband Wang Gang's concern for her was not only superficial, but from the heart. One night, Li Xue and Wang Gang sat on the balcony chatting, and the night breeze was light, and they felt the tranquility and warmth of this moment.

"Wang Gang, I think I'm so lucky to have such a good husband as you and such considerate in-laws." Li Xue leaned on Wang Gang's shoulder and said softly.

Wang Gang smiled, put his arm around her shoulder, and said, "Xue'er, in fact, I am the luckiest." With a wife like you, she is willing to give so much for the family. After my parents came, I also learned a lot and knew how to take better care of you. ”

Li Xue looked up at Wang Gang, her eyes full of gratitude and love. She found that Wang Gang was not only more active in housework, but also usually prepared some small surprises for her, such as a cup of hot tea after work, a well-prepared dinner, or even a romantic date.

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

The arrival of her in-laws also taught Li Xue how to better handle family relationships. She began to listen more to her in-laws, respecting their habits of life while also sticking to her own principles. Once, Li Xue and her mother-in-law made dumplings together, and her mother-in-law said while wrapping: "Xue'er, when making dumplings, the filling must be mixed well, so that it is delicious when cooked." ”

Li Xue nodded with a smile and said, "Mom, you are really an expert at making dumplings, I will learn more from you in the future." ”

The mother-in-law also smiled: "You, you're already great." In the future, we will be together as a family, and life will get better and better. ”

Li Xue felt the warmth and strength of her family, and her heart was full of gratitude. She understands that such harmony and happiness require everyone's hard work and dedication.

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

On a warm weekend, the family decided to go out. They went to a nearby park and brought simple picnic supplies. The scenery in the park is pleasant, the children are running on the grass, the in-laws are watching happily, and Li Xue and Wang Gang are preparing lunch.

"Mom and Dad, it's so fun here!" The children cheered and ran to Li Xue and Wang Gang, their faces filled with happy smiles.

Li Xue responded with a smile: "Yes, we will take you out to play more in the future." ”

Wang Gang also chimed in: "Yes, family time is the most important, and we should enjoy this kind of time more." ”

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

The family spread out a blanket on the grass and began to enjoy a delicious picnic. The mother-in-law took out the braised eggs and side dishes she made, Li Xue prepared fruits and drinks, and the children laughed and played beside them. The sun shines on everyone's face, and the whole picture is warm and beautiful.

Li Xue sat on the side, watching all this, her heart was full of happiness. She knows that although life can be a little tiring at times, these beautiful moments make her feel that everything is worth it. She smiled to herself and said, "It's worth it to be tired." ”

After returning home, Li Xue and Wang Gang packed up their things together, while their in-laws took the children to play in the living room. Wang Gang suddenly stopped, held Li Xue's hand, and said, "Xue'er, thank you for your dedication. Our home is so warm because of you. ”

Li Xue looked at Wang Gang and nodded slightly. She knows that family harmony and happiness require everyone's hard work and dedication, and she has been rewarded with the best.

The in-laws lived in the woman's house, and since then the husband has changed to a different person, and the woman laughed secretly: It's worth it to be tired

"When we are together as a family, it is the greatest happiness." Li Xue said with a smile.

At night, the family sat in the living room, watching TV and chatting. The in-laws teased the children from time to time, while Li Xue and Wang Gang snuggled together, feeling the tranquility and warmth of this moment. Li Xue feels that although this kind of life is sometimes a little hard, as long as the family is together, everything is worth it.