
It's useless for United States to come this time! Israel provoked something that should not be provoked, and the five countries suddenly attacked

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It's useless for United States to come this time! Israel provoked something that should not be provoked, and the five countries suddenly attacked

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When will the night sky in the Middle East be starry?

The dry wind whipped up the yellow sand, the ancient olive trees swayed in the wind, as if silently telling the long-standing lamentation of this land, the Middle East, the cradle of human civilization, is now mired in the quagmire of war, the smell of gunsmoke has replaced the fragrance of spices, and the deafening explosions have masked the melodious prayers

Rekindling the Beacon: Why is the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict so fierce?

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this scar in the heart of the Middle East, has never really healed, since the establishment of Israel in 1948, the contradictions between Jews and Arabs are like a latent volcano, from time to time erupting hot magma, burning the land to a thousand holes, this time, the war is rekindled, the intensity of the conflict is far greater than before, Hamas rockets rained down on Israel, Israel warplanes bombed the Gaza Strip fiercely, the two sides come and go, without concessions, Pushing this already devastated land to the brink of even greater danger

It's useless for United States to come this time! Israel provoked something that should not be provoked, and the five countries suddenly attacked

The picture comes from the Internet

What is it about the new Israeli-Palestinian conflict that makes it so shocking?

The long-standing contradictions and hatred are the root cause of the escalation of this conflict, with the Palestinians aspiring to an independent State and Israel consolidating its control over the disputed territories, and irreconcilable differences between the two sides on issues such as the status of Jerusalem, settlement construction, and the distribution of water resources

Hamas and other Palestinian militant organizations regard Israel as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, and constantly attack Israel's civilian targets through rocket attacks and other means, in an attempt to provoke Israel and trigger a larger conflict, while the right-wing forces in Israel advocate taking tough military measures against Palestine to completely eliminate the "security threat" from Palestine

What is even more worrying is that the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict is no longer limited to military confrontation between Palestine and Israel, but has gradually evolved into a proxy war in which many forces wrestle, which undoubtedly makes the already complicated situation even more confusing

Behind the scenes: What role did Russia and Iran play?

It's useless for United States to come this time! Israel provoked something that should not be provoked, and the five countries suddenly attacked

The picture comes from the Internet

Behind the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, there have always been some "off-the-field players" who have supported both sides of the conflict, either explicitly or covertly, trying to seize their own interests in this chaos, among which the roles of Russia and Iran are particularly eye-catching

Russia, a country that once had great influence in the Middle East, has gradually declined in the Middle East in recent years with the relative decline of its own strength and the strong involvement of United States in the Middle East, and after the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, Western countries have imposed all-round sanctions and isolation on Russia, which makes Russia more eager to open up the situation in the Middle East to break the blockade of the West

Supporting Palestine and opposing Israel is regarded by Russia as an important starting point for returning to the Middle East and competing with United States for regional influence, and Russia has continuously strengthened Palestinian resistance to Israel by providing weapons and equipment, financial assistance and intelligence support to Hamas and other Palestinian organizations, in an attempt to contain Israel and expand its own voice in the Middle East

Iran, a country with a deep hatred for Israel, regards supporting Palestine as its "sacred mission", and Iran not only morally supports the Palestinian people's "liberation cause", but also materially provides a large amount of weapons and equipment and financial assistance to Palestinian armed organizations such as Hamas and Jihad, and even sends military advisers to Palestine to help them improve their combat capabilities

The involvement of Russia and Iran has undoubtedly made it more difficult to balance the scales of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and the support of these two regional powers has not only strengthened the determination of Palestine to resist Israel, but also made Israel more reluctant in the face of attacks from Palestine, fearing that it would trigger a direct conflict with Russia and Iran

It's useless for United States to come this time! Israel provoked something that should not be provoked, and the five countries suddenly attacked

The picture comes from the Internet

American-style "peace"? Robbery while the fire is under double standards

In this "big drama" of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the most interesting "actor" is none other than the United States, which claims to be the "world's policeman." This superpower, which claims to maintain peace in the Middle East, is full of hypocrisy and double standards in its actions in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and people cannot help but wonder whether it is here to "put out fires" or "set fires."

The United States government has repeatedly called on the Palestinians and Israelis to exercise restraint and settle their disputes through negotiations, and has pledged to play a "constructive role" in promoting the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, but the other United States has been providing Israel with a large number of advanced weapons and equipment, including offensive and defensive weapons such as fighter jets and missile defense systems, which have undoubtedly enhanced the military superiority of the Israel and emboldened the Israel in the face of Palestinian resistance

What is even more ironic is that the blatant double standard of United States accusing Iran of supporting terrorism while conniving with Israel bombing of Palestinian civilian targets, resulting in a large number of innocent civilian casualties, has not only exposed the hypocrisy of United States on the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but also seriously damaged the credibility and moral image of United States in the Middle East

In fact, United States's "wishful thinking" on the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has long been seen through by the world, and United States hopes to maintain its hegemonic position in the Middle East and suppress Iran and other regional countries by supporting Israel, and the continuation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict provides United States with an excellent excuse to intervene in Middle East affairs and profit from it

It's useless for United States to come this time! Israel provoked something that should not be provoked, and the five countries suddenly attacked

The picture comes from the Internet

The Middle East Puzzle: How Long the Road to Peace Is

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is like an intractable historical puzzle that has plagued generations of people in this difficult situation

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