
As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?

"Give people roses, and your hands will have a lingering fragrance." This quote comes from "Zengguang Xianwen", which tells us that if we give kindness to others, we will also reap happiness. But among the people, there is a saying: "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior", what are these four things, why can't you give them away? Let's find out today.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?

1. Spatula

There is a saying among the people that "give away a spatula and cut off the children and grandchildren". A spatula is a common tool in the kitchen and symbolizes the smoke and fire of the home. Giving away someone to a spatula means passing on the warmth and happiness of the family to the other person, which is to some extent an infringement on the family of others. In addition, the spatula also has the meaning of "pouring", and giving away the spatula may imply "pouring" good luck to the other person, and losing the good luck yourself.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?

Second, the broom

"Give away a broom, break a broom." The meaning of this phrase is that giving away a broom means passing on bad luck to the other person. The broom is used to clean up the garbage, which means to clean up bad luck. Therefore, giving away a broom may be considered unlucky.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?

3. Chopsticks

"Give away chopsticks, break chopsticks." Chopsticks are a traditional tableware in the mainland, symbolizing brotherly harmony and family reunion. Giving away chopsticks can mean destroying family harmony and turning brothers against each other. Therefore, chopsticks should not be given away.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?

Fourth, scissors

"Give away scissors, break scissors." Scissors are tools for cutting threads, which means cutting fate. Giving away scissors can mean cutting off contact with the other person and not interacting with each other again.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?

Why can't these four things be given away? In fact, these taboos originated from the observation and summary of life by the ancients. They reflect the values and morals of traditional Chinese culture. Of course, with the change of times, these taboos have become less strict, but in some regions and folklore, these traditional customs are still preserved.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?

In short, the saying "four things are not given away, and the descendants are superior" is not nonsense, but has a profound cultural connotation. In our daily lives, we can follow these customs and inherit the excellent culture of the Chinese nation. Of course, we also need to understand that these taboos are not insurmountable, the key is how we understand and use them.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?

Finally, let us conclude this article with a wise saying: "The people regard food as their heaven, and their homes as their homes." "Only family harmony and brotherly harmony can enable future generations to grow up healthily and become superior people. In the days to come, let us cherish these traditional customs, inherit the excellent culture of the Chinese nation, and create a better future together.

As the saying goes, "If you don't give away four things, your descendants will be superior": what are the four things, why can't you give them away?