
The mother of the 3-year-old daughter was raised white and happy, and was snatched away by her father for 10 months and died, and she collapsed when she learned the truth

Every child who comes into the world is a lovely angel. They don't understand the joys and sorrows of the world, they don't know the joys and sorrows of life, and they come to this complicated world without a choice.

Recently, there is a mother in Hebei who has experienced the darkest time in her life, and when she sees the video of her baby daughter on her mobile phone, she often bursts into tears and regrets it.

The mother of the 3-year-old daughter was raised white and happy, and was snatched away by her father for 10 months and died, and she collapsed when she learned the truth

The ancients often said that tiger poison does not eat children. This means that even the most ferocious tiger in the animal kingdom will love its children, so as a human being with emotions, it is more important to pay more attention to the children born to them. But there are often accidents in life.

The mother of the 3-year-old daughter was raised white and happy, and was snatched away by her father for 10 months and died, and she collapsed when she learned the truth

In Hebei, there is a woman who married a favorite person at a marriageable age, and when she fell in love, the two of them were sweet and sweet, and gave birth to a lively and lovely girl after marriage.

However, the couple's relationship changed because of the trivialities of life, and the woman divorced her husband. This lovely child is cared for by a woman, and the mother and daughter depend on each other. Mom works in a store and sells clothes with her lovely daughter at the same time.

She bought a beautiful dress for her daughter, tied a high pigtail for her daughter, and teased her daughter in her spare time, and the mother and daughter lived a peaceful and happy life. Although life is a little busy, a woman's heart melts when she sees a child like an angel and a daughter who grows up happily and is chubby.

However, this quiet life only lasted until the daughter was three years old, and the ex-husband who ruthlessly abandoned their mother and daughter actually came to snatch her daughter from her.

In the days when the mother and daughter were separated, the mother missed her day and night, but ten months later, the bad news came that her beloved baby had passed away, and when she heard the news, the woman broke down and cried. She wondered who had taken her daughter's life.

It wasn't until after the incident that the police informed themselves that they knew the truth of the matter, and they were heartbroken when they learned the truth, regretting that they didn't leave their daughter with them in the first place.

The truth about the death of her daughter

It turned out that the lovely daughter was snatched away by her father and lived with him. At that time, her father already had a woman living together, and the two of them were not married, but somehow, neither of them liked the child very much, and they usually had any temper, and they were always at the child.

The mother of the 3-year-old daughter was raised white and happy, and was snatched away by her father for 10 months and died, and she collapsed when she learned the truth

During the 10 months she spent with them, her daughter was regularly beaten by them, and her death was related to beatings by her biological father and the woman she lived with. After learning this truth, the woman's heart was like a knife.

She said she would definitely seek justice for her daughter. Now that her ex-husband is in detention, the woman will embark on a long road to defend her rights.

The mother of the 3-year-old daughter was raised white and happy, and was snatched away by her father for 10 months and died, and she collapsed when she learned the truth

During these days, she looked at the child's video on her mobile phone, washing her face with tears every day, and now it is impossible to see her daughter again except for thinking about it and defending her rights.

The woman posted this experience on social platforms, and netizens discussed it after watching it:

Netizens said: "I obviously don't love children, why do you want to rob children?" ”

Netizens said: "How can a three-year-old child do it? ”

The mother of the 3-year-old daughter was raised white and happy, and was snatched away by her father for 10 months and died, and she collapsed when she learned the truth

Netizens said: "There are really fathers in this world who don't love their children." ”

Netizens said: "Tiger poison doesn't eat children, it's beyond the scope of humans." ”

The mother of the 3-year-old daughter was raised white and happy, and was snatched away by her father for 10 months and died, and she collapsed when she learned the truth

Many people blame the father for his ruthless indifference, and some people blame the mother for not caring for her child.

The occurrence of such a sad thing reminds us of a vicious criminal case that once occurred.

It was a vicious criminal case that occurred in Chongqing in 2020. In a community in Chongqing, a two-and-a-half-year-old girl and one-and-a-half-year-old son fell to their deaths.

After an in-depth investigation by the police, it was found that behind the child's fall from the building, the murderer turned out to be his biological father. His father divorced his mother, and in order to please the mistress, he designed to murder his two biological children, and in the end, the man and woman were also severely punished by the law.

Nowadays, it is chilling to see similar cases. What is the psychology of these fathers who murder their own children?

The mother of the 3-year-old daughter was raised white and happy, and was snatched away by her father for 10 months and died, and she collapsed when she learned the truth

A man who doesn't even love his own biological children, I don't believe that he will really love another woman, such a man is psychologically distorted, selfish, ruthless, indifferent, in order to achieve his own selfish desires, he actually attacks children who do not understand the world.

Tiger poison does not eat children, this father is more terrible than a tiger, such a man should be severely punished by the law. If a man doesn't love his children, wouldn't it be better to let her love her mother more together?

If you have won the child, why destroy her? In addition to family affection, there are also laws in this world, and you can't do whatever you want for your own selfishness. If you do something ungood, you will be damned.

I hope that this mother can seek justice for her child, and I hope that justice will always shine on the world!