
Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

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Recently, Dong Yuhui, a star of New Oriental, decided to leave Oriental Selection and embark on a new entrepreneurial journey alone, Yu Minhong, chairman of Oriental Selection, personally announced that Dong Yuhui has decided to leave and no longer serve as a senior partner. This announcement shocked and reluctantly many people.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

Dong Yuhui has created countless glorious moments on the stage of Oriental Selection. His profound knowledge, humorous language style, and unique personal charm have made him quickly emerge in the field of live streaming and become a high-profile star anchor. Life is always full of changes and challenges. Dong Yuhui's departure was not an impulsive decision, but a brave choice after careful consideration.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

He bought all of the shares in Walk with Hui, which means that he will be responsible for the future development of the company on his own. For Dong Yuhui, this is a new starting point, and it is also an adventure full of opportunities and challenges. "Walking with Hui", this name carries Dong Yuhui's dreams and expectations. The company's net profit is entirely owned by him, which provides ample financial support for his future development.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

But at the same time, it also means that he needs to take on more pressure and responsibility. In the fiercely competitive market environment, how to make "Walking with Hui" stand out and achieve sustainable development has become a serious issue in front of Dong Yuhui. It is worth noting that Dong Yuhui's company has applied to change the trademark of "Walk with Hui" to "Walk with Yu Hui".

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

This may seem like a simple move, but there is a profound meaning behind it. It seems to convey a message to the outside world: Dong Yuhui hopes to continue to receive Yu Minhong's support and spiritual guidance in his new journey. Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, is a highly respected entrepreneur and educator. His entrepreneurial spirit, wisdom and charisma have always had a profound impact on Dong Yuhui.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

Although Dong Yuhui left New Oriental, the friendship between him and Yu Minhong was not interrupted. This kind of mentor-friend relationship is especially precious in the business world. Many netizens expressed firm support for Dong Yuhui's decision. They believe that Dong Yuhui has enough talent and ability to open up his own world. His performance in the Oriental Selection has proven his strength, and I believe that in the new journey, he will be able to create more brilliant achievements.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

Netizens also expressed their admiration for Yu Minhong's open-mindedness and atmosphere. In the face of Dong Yuhui's departure, Yu Minhong did not set up any obstacles, but gave full understanding and blessings. This relationship of mutual respect and mutual support sets a good example for the business community.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

Looking back on Dong Yuhui's days in the East, it was a time full of passion and struggle. He used his wisdom and hard work to bring huge traffic and sales to Dongfang Selection. His live broadcast is not only about selling goods, but also about conveying knowledge, culture and values. He let people see another possibility of live broadcasting, and made more people feel the power and charm of knowledge.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

Dong Yuhui stood at a new starting point. He faced many unknowns and challenges, but his eyes were still full of determination and confidence. He knows that the road to entrepreneurship will not be smooth, but he is willing to take risks, try and struggle. Because he believes that only by constantly challenging himself can he achieve greater value in life. In this era of rapid development, innovation and change are the eternal themes. Dong Yuhui's departure is not only a farewell to the past, but also an embrace of the future.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

His courage to step out of his comfort zone and pursue his dreams is something that each of us can learn from. Perhaps, in the coming days, Dong Yuhui will encounter all kinds of difficulties and setbacks. But we are confident that he will be able to overcome many difficulties and achieve his goals with his tenacity and wisdom. As he once said in the live broadcast: "When you decide to be splendid, the mountains are unobstructed, and the sea is unobstructed." ”

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

For the entire business community, Dong Yuhui's departure has also brought us some thoughts. In today's increasingly frequent flow of talents, how to retain outstanding talents and how to provide better development platforms and space for talents is a problem that every enterprise manager needs to think about seriously.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

For entrepreneurs, how to find their own positioning in the fierce market competition, how to continue to innovate and break through, is also the key to success. Dong Yuhui's new journey has begun, let us wait and see, and look forward to him continuing to shine in the coming days and bringing us more surprises and touches. I believe that with his efforts, "Yu Hui Peer" will be able to become a resounding brand and write its own legendary chapter.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

Dong Yuhui's story is like a moving and inspirational chapter, which profoundly explains to us that as long as we have dreams, courage and action, no difficulties and obstacles can stop us from moving forward. Dong Yuhui, a name that has risen from the ordinary, his experience has become a beacon in the hearts of countless people.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

When he resolutely embarked on the road of leaving Dongfang Selection and starting his own career, he showed not only fearlessness for the unknown, but also firm dedication to his dreams. His courage is not blind impulsive, but stems from a clear understanding of his own abilities and a strong belief in the future. This courage allowed him to say goodbye to his comfortable harbor and sail into the vast ocean full of wind and waves.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

With dreams and courage, action becomes a bridge to realize dreams. Dong Yuhui proved this with practical actions. He bought all the shares of "Walking with Hui", carefully planned every step of the development strategy, and devoted himself to the construction of the new business. He understands that there are dreams and courage, and without down-to-earth action, everything is just a castle in the air. He strives for perfection in every detail, thinks deeply in every decision, and waters the seeds of dreams with sweat and wisdom.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

Imagine that each of us has a unique dream, perhaps to become an outstanding artist, to paint the gorgeous world of our hearts with a brush; Perhaps it is to become an outstanding scientist and contribute his wisdom to the progress of mankind; Or maybe it's to become a volunteer full of love, sending warmth and hope to those in need.

No matter what the form of the dream, as long as we dare to pursue it and work hard for it, we will definitely be able to leave our own wonderful moments on the stage of life. Just like Dong Yuhui's talent and charm in the live broadcast, it is the result of his countless exercises and accumulations.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

We should also continue to sharpen and improve on the path we have chosen. We may encounter setbacks and doubts, but as long as we stick to our original intention and move forward bravely, those difficulties will become a stepping stone for our growth and bring us closer to the other side of our dreams.

Dong Yuhui resigned! Yu Minhong, who has applied for the trademark of "Yu Hui Peer": The company gave it to him!!

There is still a long way to go, and Dong Yuhui will take everyone's expectations and blessings and move forward step by step. He knows that the road ahead will not be easy, but he is well prepared. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth, and every difficulty is a grind for success. He will meet the rainbow of wind and rain in the future with firm faith and unyielding spirit.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

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