
Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

Director Xie Jin's life legend

Do you know that in the Chinese film industry, there is such a famous director named Xie Jin. His film works such as "Red Detachment of Women" and "Furong Town" have not only won the love of the audience, but also made him synonymous with "film master".

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

However, this artistically brilliant director hides a sad family tragedy. Faced with three children with intellectual disabilities and his eldest son who died young, Xie Jin chose to face it strongly, and interpreted the purest father's love in his own way.

As an artist, Xie Jin's life path is destined to be extraordinary. Determined to devote himself to the theater career since he was a teenager, he still insisted on his choice in the face of his father's strong opposition, and eventually became the originator of the Chinese film industry. With his masterpiece "Red Detachment of Women", he became famous in one fell swoop and started his glorious creative period.

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

However, Xie Jin's family suffered a series of misfortunes. Three children have been diagnosed with intellectual disability, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to this family that should be laughing and laughing. What is even more heart-wrenching is that Xie Jin's eldest son Xie Yan died young at the age of 39, which became another tragedy for the family.

Despite such a huge family burden and endless grief, Xie Jin still unswervingly shouldered the heavy responsibility of caring for his disabled children. He devotes most of his energy to the lives of his children, keeping an eye on their situation. Whenever he saw the blank eyes of the children, as a father, he must have felt sad in his heart.

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

However, Xie Jin was not defeated by the "bad news" of fate. On the contrary, he used his actions to explain what fatherly love is. He did his best to take care of these children in need of special care, and warmed them with selfless love. This kind of deep fatherly love that blooms in the midst of difficult times is undoubtedly admirable.

It is inevitable that there will be some unforeseen blows in life, but the key is how to deal with them. Xie Jin is not only an outstanding director, but also a tenacious and unyielding father. He used his story to show us that even in the most desperate moments, as long as there is love, we can overcome any difficulty.

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

Such a life trajectory of brilliant achievements in art but suffering in the family is undoubtedly thought-provoking. We should not only appreciate his artistic achievements, but also learn from his tenacity and courage in the face of adversity. His story is not only a director's life experience, but also a family's helplessness and strength in the face of fate.

As Xie Jin sighed: "This sentence expresses a father's inner struggle and helplessness." Perhaps, this is the true meaning of life. We should cherish everything in front of us, learn to find strength in adversity, and use love to resolve the pain and helplessness in life.

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

The son of a tenacious director

Among Xie Jin's four children, there is one person who is particularly noteworthy, and that is Xie Jin's eldest son, Xie Yan. Although he is the son of a famous director, Xie Yan did not rely on his father's reputation, but relied on his talent and unremitting efforts to achieve remarkable achievements in his career.

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

Xie Yan's spirit of independence undoubtedly made his father Xie Jin feel very gratified. When facing his younger brothers with intellectual disabilities, Xie Yan took the initiative to take on heavy family responsibilities and made a solemn promise to his father: no matter when and where, he would do his best to take care of these ill-fated brothers. This commitment not only became a guide for Xie Yan's life, but also a comfort for Xie Jin's heart.

However, just when Xie Jin thought that his life had finally taken a turn for the better, tragedy struck again. In 2007, Xie Yan was diagnosed with cancer in the United States. Faced with this bad news, Xie Yan chose to bear it alone and did not inform his parents of his illness. Maybe he didn't want his parents to suffer more pain and blows.

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

In the fight against the disease, Xie Yan still maintained a tenacious fighting spirit. Instead of being crushed by his illness, he faced life with greater resilience. While he worked hard to treat his illness, he never forgot his commitment to his father and younger brothers, always paying attention to their needs.

Even in the last moments of his life, Xie Yan was still concerned about the safety of his father and younger brothers. In his own way, he conveys a child's deep gratitude to his father and deep love for his younger brothers. This spirit of self-sacrifice is undoubtedly moving.

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

Life is unpredictable, and it's hard to predict what the future holds. But as Xie Yan shows, as long as there is love in the heart, even in the face of the greatest difficulties, many obstacles can be overcome. He used his life to interpret what responsibility and responsibility are, which is undoubtedly the best reward for his father Xie Jin.

We can't help but sigh: in this family, there is not only a great director, but also an equally tenacious son. They used their own life stories to teach us a lesson: no matter how difficult life is, as long as we persist and do not give up, we will eventually usher in the dawn. The story of Xie Jin and Xie Yan is undoubtedly a family legend that makes people cry.

Famous director Xie Jin's sad life: calling his son their debt collector" and exhausting his efforts for his son

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