
"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

As soon as the dust of war has been closed by Xiaoguan,

The river is cut off from the spring in a foreign land.

The Han is full of Hu'er language,

but scolded the Han people to the head of the city.

——Sikong Tu "River Huang Feeling"

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

In December 2011, three-term Mayor of Valenzuela, Teo Kiu Wei, received the Outstanding Young Men 2011 Awardee for Public Service from President Benigno Aquino III and Minister of the Interior Lim Bing Chi in the presence of his parents and friends. The figure below is the same.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

The day before yesterday, a friend sent this open letter. It can be seen that the writer of the letter is a Jinjiang Chinese living in the Philippines for many years, and he may have been naturalized through some inhumane ways. Although some of these points are not entirely consistent with ours; But after all, there is something to say and a good basis for what you say, and it does represent the voice of some Chinese in the Philippines, so I share it with you. In addition, in order to take care of most people's reading habits and our consistent writing style, it has been slightly deleted. To learn more about our views, please click on the previous article "Guo Huaping's so-called "death threat" public opinion battle with Chinese Senator Zhang Qiaowei will never be won, and his statement will even drag more Chinese in the Philippines into the water! 》。 And Zhang Qiaowei is staring at Guo Huaping's identity issue this time, and there is a faint sign of leading the fire to the Philippine Chinese and the Chinese in the Philippines, which must have its political purpose. It is almost certain that this is a letter of nomination handed by Zhang Qiaowei to the mainstream of the Philippines - he also has ambitions and intentions to run for president in 2028. However, the Zhang family's reputation and hard injuries in Philippine society may not make him get his wish.

知名华商张伟廉(原文为“张伟念”William Tiu Gatchalian)发迹于大马尼拉巴伦苏埃拉市(Valenzuela),是有名的塑料业大亨。 其中有三子从政,张侨伟(Sherwin "Win" Gatchalian)现任参议员,其弟张侨伦(Rexlon "Rex" Gatchalian)是现任社会福利和发展部(Social Welfare and Development)部长,另一个弟弟张侨利(Weslie "Wes" Ting Gatchalian)是巴伦苏埃拉市市长。

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

6月,社会福利与发展部部长(Social Welfare and Development Secertary)张侨伦等内阁成员与第一夫人丽莎·马科斯(Liza Araneta Marcos)一起来到西内格罗省博格市(Bago City,Negros Occidentail,丽莎·马科斯的家乡)的坎拉昂火山疏散中心(Kanlaon Volcano evacuation centers)为灾民发放救济物资。

We don't care about or want to know how the Cheung Wai Lian family got their way in the Philippines, today we want to meet Senator Cheung Kiu Wai. Born on April 6, 1974, he completed his elementary and secondary school at Grace Christian College in Quezon City, Metro Manila, in the 1980s; Bachelor's degree in Finance and Operations Management from Boston University, Massachusetts, United States, 1995; From 1995 to 1996, he studied Mandarin at Beijing Language and Culture University.

Chinese Senator Zhang Qiaowei has recently had a very high exposure in Philippine-Chinese social news, and can be described as an Internet celebrity political figure.

First of all, it should be stated that the vast majority of Chinese compatriots hate gambling, kidnapping, and all forms of criminals. But please don't fight crime by cracking down on illegal gambling, in fact, you are digging out the foundation of the survival of many Chinese and Chinese. Today, the extreme measures you have taken against the entire Filipino-Chinese society have seriously hurt the hearts of all Filipino-Chinese compatriots and made the Chinese community panic and restless.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

In May, the Philippine Federal Party (Partido Federal ng Pilipinas) joined forces with the Nationalist People's Coalition. At the ceremony, Valenzuela Mayor Zhang Qiaolun shook hands with Marcos Jr. To the left of Marcos Jr. is Tito Sotto, president of the Nationalist League party and former Senate Speaker · is expected to run for the Senate next year. Sotto is a member of the Yap family in Cebu, whose grandfather, Vi·cent Sotto Yap, is said to be the inventor of · Bisayan languages, the largest indigenous language in the Philippines, and a former senator. Since his grandfather, the Soto family has gradually moved to Metro Manila, abandoning the surname "Yap", which can trace the origin of Chinese origins, and fully integrating into the Philippines. If there is no reminder of folk archaeology like Xiaobian, probably the vast majority of Filipinos and Chinese will not remember that the Soto family is also Chinese.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

The boss of Sangli Group, Filipino-Chinese billionaire Ramon Ang, also appeared at the party alliance ceremony.

Every time most of the Chinese compatriots see someone of Chinese descent or even a little bit of Chinese blood elected to participate in politics, all Filipino Chinese, from the village elder to the president, are relieved and happy. This is not because they can help everyone get any benefits from their political career, but because we have the inherent feelings of the Chinese people from the bottom of our hearts, and we are proud that we are flowing the same blood.

Senator Zhang Qiaowei, do you remember when you were a member of the House of Representatives, in an interview with the Daily Inquirer on Facebook, a Filipino netizen questioned your response when you were of Chinese descent and not a "real Filipino". You say, "I was born here, my parents were born here, they are Filipino, but they are of Chinese descent," and "My grandparents were born in China." You've also countered that you can't tell if a person is a Filipino just by their physical features. You also commend the Filipino people for being one of the most diverse countries in the world in terms of race and nationality, with a very low level of discrimination. You also once said, "When Filipinos have nothing to do with blood, what matters is where the heart belongs".

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

In June 2023, Marcos Jr., Ambassador Huang Xilian, and Zhang brothers at the donation ceremony of 20,000 tons of fertilizer from China.

But today you have forgotten what you have said, and now what you have done has seriously hurt the hearts of all Chinese and Chinese in the Filipino-Chinese society. For your personal interests and political purposes, you have pushed yourself into opposition to the entire Chinese community. Delusional to use the power of one person to pry the entire Chinese community, the inherent survival of decades, or even hundreds of years.

We often say that the person who can hurt you the most and even make you fall into a place of no return is always the person closest to you and who understands you best. Senator Zhang Qiaowei: You are the "person around you". You betrayed your compatriots and dug deep into the centuries-old survival tradition of Filipino-Chinese society (see through it, but not say it) to curry favor with the Filipinos. You naively thought that your fellow Filipinos would affirm and appreciate your selfless actions and thus get more votes for yourself.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

The Zhang family had a dinner party many years ago

But you couldn't be more wrong! It doesn't matter if your surname is Zhang, Li or Wang, you are all Chinese in the eyes of Filipinos! Regarding the recent uproar over Mayor Guo's incident, I have seen such comments from Filipinos on Facebook, and one netizen wrote, "It's really ridiculous, a fake Filipino is exposing another fake Filipino's old bottom - the same fake Filipino Chinese."

was born as a human being, but he didn't even have the most basic morality of being a human being, and forgetting his ancestors was a wasted person. For their own political purposes, they can sell the interests of most of their Filipino-Chinese compatriots. This kind of behavior was a heinous traitor in the past! A person who can hurt and betray his people along with his clansmen, can he expect such a person to be loyal to the Filipinos and the Philippine nation?

Here, I would like to sincerely ask Senator Zhang Qiaowei, these words are also questions that most Filipino Chinese want to know.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

The Zhang family on vacation many years ago

Where did your ancestors come from? You say your parents were born here, is that true? The whole Chinese community knows that your parents are from Hong Kong, and their ancestral home is Chendai Xibin, Jinjiang. In the 78s of the last century, your father Zhang Weilian was reported for using fake birth papers, and later with the help of the older generation of overseas Chinese in Cebu, it took a lot of money to settle the situation. And today you let the same thing happen to your fellow citizens again.

Of course, you know the ins and outs of Mayor Guo's birth paper incident, because your family's Filipino identity has also evolved in this way. But you used this incident to attack the Chinese community. Many Filipinos are certainly aware of this, but most Filipinos are friendly and kind-hearted, and they all acquiesce in this situation in their hearts. Because Filipinos also know that most Chinese people do this just to survive, to better integrate into Filipino society, and also to make a certain contribution to the local society.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

On December 24, 2021, Zhang Qiaowei's mother, Dee Hua T. Gatchalian (white), attended the listing ceremony of Philippine Estates Corporation, of which she is the chairman, on the Philippine Stock Exchange.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

The Chang family's integration into Filipino society is clear and well-organized, and in addition to making great achievements in the economic and political fields, it even has its own religious organization, Jesus Our Life Christian Church in the Barangay Maysan neighborhood of Valenzuela.

Finally, I sincerely advise Mr. Zhang Weilian, the father of Zhang Qiaowei, that you are a highly respected and respected predecessor of the Chinese community! But the Son does not teach the Father! I believe that you are a person with family and country feelings, and you have also won important positions in several Philippine-Chinese associations. Your three sons are also very successful in important positions in the Philippine government. Such a family really makes many people envious, but if you really start from the perspective of good for the Philippines and the good of the Filipino people, please put more time and energy into improving people's livelihood and long-term peace and stability of society! In this way, we can truly get the support and love of the Filipinos and even the Chinese community!

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

In September 2018, Cai Congmiao, Zhang Weilian and other Philippine Silk Road International Chamber of Commerce met with Guo Shaochun, former Counsellor and Consul General of the Chinese Philippines and then Director General of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

At the end of February 2020, when the new crown epidemic had just spread from Wuhan to the whole country, Zhang Weilian and his son had a meal with Ambassador Huang Xilian and donated 5 million pesos to support China's anti-epidemic efforts.

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

In March 2024, Jinjiang Mayor Wang Mingyuan met with Zhang Weilian and his wife during a visit to the Philippines.

Please don't indulge your son in another harm to the entire Chinese community! Do you have to make the whole Filipino-Chinese society restless? There are so many people in the Chinese community, and one person can scold you for sue-siâu, Hokkien language, meaning "inverted frie")! Remember, the cycle of cause and effect, retribution is unpleasant!

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

In the flood caused by heavy rainfall the day before yesterday (July 24), Zhang Qiaowei and the Valenzuela City Hall evacuated 4,200 affected families to an evacuation center and provided them with dinner.

People are good, the lucky star has not come, and the disaster has been far away;

People are evil, although the disaster has not come, the blessing has been far away.

There will be afterglow in the house of goodness, and there will be aftermath in the house of evil, please do it yourself!!

Finally, let me ask you a question, are you really natural-born Filipino citizens, really born in the Philippines?

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

今天小马科斯在张侨伟兄弟的陪同下,来到洪水仍未消退的巴伦苏埃拉市及该市临时避难中心——马来代国民高中(Malanday National High School)看望灾民。

"Were you really born in the Philippines?" An open letter to the family of Senator Cheung Kiu-wai

The flood in the municipality of Valenzuela remained about 1 meter deep until this afternoon

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