
The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

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The charm of oriental culture from the Olympic Games: cupping has become the new favorite of foreign athletes


In addition to the performance of athletes from various countries, some details and tidbits have often become a topic of conversation. For example, the special skills that some athletes have demonstrated in competitions, or some of their personal habits and hobbies, may become the focus of discussion.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

In this Olympic Games, some athletes from large eastern countries not only attracted the attention of the outside world with their outstanding performances, but also became one of the hot topics for some elements of "oriental culture" displayed by them.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

1. Cupping has become an "artifact" for athletes

In the various competitions of the Olympic Games, we can often see athletes from Eastern countries, Japan, Korea and other Eastern countries, they will do some special "sports" before and after the competition, such as cupping, scraping, etc.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

These seemingly "mysterious" oriental remedies may not be common in Western countries, so they will arouse the curiosity and interest of foreigners. In this Olympic Games, some athletes of the swimming teams of the major eastern countries were filmed doing cupping therapy before the competition, and this scene was also captured by cameras and transmitted to TV screens around the world.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

Cupping, as a traditional Chinese medicine method, can promote blood circulation, relieve muscle soreness, and have a good health care effect for athletes. Therefore, in some sports competitions, especially water sports competitions, cupping has become a "magic weapon", which is very popular with athletes and coaches.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

In addition to the athletes of the swimming teams of the big countries in the East, athletes from other countries, such as swimmers from Russia, United States and other countries, often undergo cupping therapy before and after the game, and even some NBA stars have been photographed using cupping.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

2. Foreign athletes emulate oriental cultural habits

The use of cupping by athletes from major eastern countries in the Olympic Games has not only attracted the attention of domestic audiences, but also attracted the attention of foreigners. Some habits and behaviors of athletes in the big Eastern countries are not uncommon in international sports events, such as drinking hot water, using wind oil essence, etc., which are part of the traditional culture of the big Eastern countries, and now it seems that foreigners are accepting and identifying with these Eastern cultural habits.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!
The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

Among the foreign swimmers, there are also many who have become interested in cupping, including the famous swimmer Michael · Phelps in United States. Phelps once said in an interview that he likes the culture of the big Eastern countries very much, and he often uses cupping before competitions, which he thinks will be a great help to his training and competitions.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

It can be said that the performance of athletes from major Oriental countries in international sports events is not only a competition in sports competitions, but also some elements of oriental culture that they show have also influenced and changed foreigners' cognition and understanding of oriental culture to a certain extent, making them more curious and interested in oriental culture.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

3. The influence and attractiveness of oriental culture

The use of cupping by athletes from major Eastern countries in the Olympic Games not only makes foreigners curious, but also allows them to have a better understanding of traditional Chinese medicine culture, which is actually a "showcase" of oriental culture on the international stage.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

It can be said that the popularity of cupping is a "endorsement" of the traditional culture of the great oriental countries in international sports events, and it also shows the influence and attractiveness of oriental culture. Not only cupping, in other international competitions, such as the Olympic Games, the World Cup, etc., elements of oriental culture often become hot topics, such as oriental power kung fu, Japan song and dance performances, etc., are loved and sought after by foreigners.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

In fact, this also reflects the recognition and acceptance of cultural diversity in the world today, whether it is Eastern culture or Western culture, each culture has its own unique charm, and being loved and accepted by the outside world is also a manifestation of cultural exchange and integration.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

Fourth, correctly understand and respect cultural differences

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

Although foreigners' interest in cupping and other oriental cultural habits has increased, we also need to realize that the transmission and exchange of culture is not simply "imitation" and "imitation", but must be able to correctly understand and respect cultural differences, so as to achieve "exchange" and "integration" in the true sense.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

For example, when foreigners use cupping, there may be some different methods of operation and use techniques, which is understandable, because people may treat the same thing differently in different cultural contexts. As people from the big countries in the East, we see that foreigners are interested in cupping, and we can also take the initiative to communicate with them and introduce the origin and role of cupping, so that foreigners can better understand and accept the traditional culture of the big countries in the East.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

In this era of highly developed information exchange and the Internet, the dissemination and exchange of culture has become very convenient, and everyone can become a "messenger of culture" to show and disseminate their own cultural concepts through their own behaviors, words and deeds, so that the world is more diversified and colorful.

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

Coco, thank you all for reading!!


Whether it is in the Olympic Games or in daily life, we can see people from different countries and regions, showing and spreading their own culture, and when we face other people's cultures, in addition to having an open and inclusive mind, we must also learn to understand and respect the cultural differences of others, so as to achieve a true sense of "harmonious coexistence".

The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!
The mysterious power of the East appears at the Paris Olympics! Finished! Finished! They were all learned by foreigners!

It is hoped that through an international event such as the Olympic Games, more people will be aware of the importance of culture, enhance cultural self-confidence, and be able to have a deeper understanding and understanding of the cultures of other countries, so as to make their own contributions to the world's cultural diversity and equal exchanges.

Dear friends, this is the end of this issue. I'm Coco, and I thank my friends for their support and companionship. Welcome to leave a comment!

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