
The Vietnamese army inflicted heavy losses on the tank regiment directly under the 41st Army, and the command made a serious mistake, why was no one held accountable?

February 18, 1979, is a date that has left a deep mark on the history of both China and Viet Nam. On that day, the Battle of Talan Village broke out in the Sino-Vietnamese War, and it was not only an ordinary battle, but also a turning point in the entire war, which had a profound impact on the strategic objectives of the Battle of Gao Ping.

Ta Lan Village, a small village on the border between China and Vietnam, was originally calm and tranquil, but the smoke of war gripped it mercilessly. On that day, Chinese forces launched an attack on Ta Lan village, a key operation aimed at cutting off the supply lines of the Viet Nam army. The Viet Nam army was also well aware of this, so it deployed heavy troops here in an attempt to stop the Chinese army from attacking.

At the beginning of the battle, the Chinese army adopted the tactics of advancing on multiple fronts, trying to break through the defensive lines of the Viet Nam army from different directions. However, the Viet Nam army was very stubborn in defense, and they took advantage of the terrain to build strong fortifications, which caused great obstacles to the Chinese army. Artillery fire was continuous, gunsmoke filled the air, and every corner of the battlefield was full of tension and danger.

Despite this, the Chinese army did not flinch, and they showed an extremely high will and courage to fight. In the fierce exchange of fire, the Chinese soldiers braved the hardships and dangers, bravely marched forward, and launched a desperate struggle with the enemy. With their flesh and blood, they built a line of defense and repelled enemy attacks again and again.

At the same time, I would like to say that the commanders of the Chinese army are also nervously analyzing the situation on the battlefield and adjusting their tactics. They realized that in order to achieve victory, it was necessary to break the enemy's defenses and force them to retreat. Therefore, they decided to adopt more flexible tactics, using the cover of night to launch surprise attacks and disrupt the enemy's deployment.

As night fell, the commandos of the Chinese army quietly approached the enemy's positions. Taking advantage of the cover of night and terrain, they quietly approached the enemy, and then suddenly launched a fierce attack. This move was completely unexpected by the enemy, and the defense line of the Viet Nam army was suddenly thrown into disarray.

As the battle deepened, the Chinese army gradually gained the upper hand. They not only managed to break through the enemy's defenses, but also captured a large amount of weapons, equipment and materiel. The victory in this battle not only won precious time for the Chinese army, but also laid the foundation for the realization of the strategic objectives of the Gaoping Campaign.

Although the Battle of Lan Village was only a battle in the Sino-Vietnamese War, its significance was much more than that. It demonstrates the combat effectiveness and determination of the Chinese armed forces, and also proves to the world China's determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. This battle became a landmark event in the Sino-Vietnamese War and will forever be remembered in the hearts of the people of the two countries.

During the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, the 123rd Division of the People's Liberation Army encountered an unexpected ambush while carrying out the mission of attacking the city of Gao Ping. The ambush, which took place on the road to Cao Bang City, was a well-planned trap in which the Viet Nam army took advantage of the terrain and intelligence to present a huge challenge to the PLA 123rd Division.

At that time, the soldiers of the 123rd Division were advancing along a winding mountain road, and their goal was to capture the city of Gaoping, a strategic location that played a pivotal role in the entire battle situation. However, they didn't know that what awaited them ahead was a life-and-death struggle.

The Vietnamese army chose a very clever location for the ambush, taking advantage of the terrain and choosing a high ground with a wide view but difficult to detect, from which they could overlook the entire valley and carry out precise strikes against the PLA below. When the soldiers of the 123rd Division entered the ambush circle unsuspectingly, the Vietnamese troops suddenly opened fire, and dense bullets and artillery fire rained down like drops, causing huge casualties to the PLA.

In the face of a sudden attack, the soldiers of the 123rd Division did not panic, they quickly looked for cover and began to organize a counterattack. The commanders quickly analyzed the situation, adjusted tactics and tried to find a breakthrough. The soldiers, taking advantage of the terrain and the available bunkers, engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the enemy. Although the situation is difficult, they do not give up, and everyone is doing their best to protect their comrades and strive for victory in the battle.

In this battle, the soldiers of the 123rd Division showed extremely high combat quality and courage. Many of them were wounded in battle, but they still fought and some even at the last moment of their lives, buying time for their comrades to retreat. This indomitable spirit has deeply touched everyone.

The Vietnamese army inflicted heavy losses on the tank regiment directly under the 41st Army, and the command made a serious mistake, why was no one held accountable?

At the same time, I would like to say that the rear support of the 123rd Division was also carried out intensely. The artillery units, based on intelligence from the front, carried out heavy artillery bombardment of the positions of the Vietnamese troops, trying to suppress the enemy's fire and give the soldiers on the front line an opportunity to counterattack. Medical teams are also busy on the battlefield, risking their lives to treat the wounded and move them to safety.

The battle lasted several hours, and both sides paid a huge price. With tenacious will and excellent tactics, the soldiers of the division finally broke through the ambush of the Vietnamese army and continued to advance towards Cao Bang City. Although the victory in the battle was not easy to come by, it laid a solid foundation for the PLA to capture Gaoping City, and also made an important contribution to the victory of the entire war.

This battle was not only a test of the courage and determination of the soldiers of the 123rd Division of the People's Liberation Army, but also a test of their wisdom and tactical application. In this battle, they showed the bravery and tenacity of the Chinese soldiers, and also showed the world the strong combat effectiveness of the Chinese army. This battle will forever be remembered in the long river of history and become an indelible part of the Sino-Vietnamese War.

During the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese border conflict, the Vietnamese army was carefully fortified near the village of Ta Lan, and they took advantage of the terrain and the tactics of surprise attacks to successfully block the PLA offensive. Although this period of history has passed for a long time, whenever it is mentioned, it still makes people's hearts surge.

Talan Village, a small and inconspicuous village, went down in history because of a battle. The Vietnamese army laid a wide net here, and they were well aware of the ferocity of the PLA's offensive, so they made full preparations in advance. Taking advantage of the complexity of the terrain, they chose a number of hidden locations, built strong fortifications, and quietly awaited the arrival of the PLA.

When the PLA troops approached the village of Ta Lan, the Vietnamese army did not immediately reveal its position. They patiently waited for the best moment until the PLA entered their ambush circle. Just when the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army thought that they could pass through this area smoothly, the Vietnamese army suddenly launched a fierce attack. Machine guns, rifles, rocket launchers, and all kinds of weapons opened fire at the same time, forming a dense network of firepower, which caught the PLA soldiers off guard.

Although the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army are well-trained, they will inevitably feel a sense of confusion under this sudden attack. But soon, they showed excellent military qualities and strong will. They quickly sought cover and organized an effective counterattack. The commanders quickly adjusted their tactics and directed their soldiers to retreat and counterattack in an orderly manner.

In this battle, the surprise attack tactics of the Vietnamese army played a huge role. Their firing points were distributed in various key positions, forming crossfire, which caused a great obstacle to the offensive of the PLA. Under the suppression of enemy fire, the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army had to adopt more flexible tactics, using the terrain to conceal and look for opportunities to counterattack.

At the same time, it would be said that the artillery units of the PLA also provide support in the rear. Based on intelligence from the front, they carried out precise artillery bombardment of the positions of the Vietnamese army, trying to break the enemy's defensive line. Medical soldiers were also busy on the battlefield, risking their personal safety to travel through the hail of bullets to treat the wounded and move them to safety.

The battle lasted a long time, and both sides paid a huge price. Although the surprise attack tactics of the Vietnamese army caused certain losses to the PLA, the soldiers of the PLA finally stabilized their position by virtue of their stubborn will and excellent tactics. Instead of being intimidated by the surprise attack of the enemy, they strengthened their determination to fight.

In this battle, both the People's Liberation Army and the Vietnamese Army showed extremely high combat quality and courage. They are not afraid of hardships and dangers, they are not afraid of sacrifice, and they bravely fight on the front line for the benefit of the country and the people. This battle was not only a contest of military strength between the two sides, but also a test of the will and courage of the soldiers. Although the outcome of the battle is not yet known, the heroic deeds of these soldiers will always be remembered by future generations.

In this fierce battle, although the PLA paid a heavy price, with 42 casualties and 10 tanks, the Vietnamese army was not unscathed, they lost 26 people killed and 1 person captured. Despite this, the Vietnamese army managed to win the initiative on the battlefield, and the reasons behind this deserve to be explored in depth.

The Vietnamese army inflicted heavy losses on the tank regiment directly under the 41st Army, and the command made a serious mistake, why was no one held accountable?

First of all, the Vietnamese army was able to win the initiative, largely thanks to their familiarity with and use of the terrain. They know every nook and cranny of the land and are able to flexibly use the terrain for tactical layout. During the battle, the Vietnamese army made full use of natural conditions such as mountains and jungles to build hidden fortifications, making it difficult for the PLA to discover their exact location.

Secondly, the surprise attack tactics of the Vietnamese army are also the key to their ability to win the initiative. During the battle, the Vietnamese army did not rush to engage the PLA head-on, but chose to launch a surprise attack at a critical moment. This tactic caught the PLA off guard and prevented it from effectively organizing a counterattack, thus allowing the Vietnamese army to take the initiative on the battlefield.

In addition, the command and coordination capabilities of the Vietnamese army are also important factors in their ability to win the initiative. In battle, Vietnamese commanders were able to make quick decisions, adjust tactics, and direct troops to carry out effective defenses and counterattacks. Their command and coordination capabilities enabled the Vietnamese army to maintain a high degree of unity and coordination in battle, so as to better respond to the offensive of the PLA.

In addition, I would like to say that the morale and will to fight of the Vietnamese army are also important reasons why they were able to win the initiative. Although the Vietnamese army paid a certain price in the battle, they did not back down because of this. On the contrary, they showed a tenacious will to fight and high morale, which allowed them to exert greater combat effectiveness in battle.

However, although the PLA suffered losses in this battle, they were not discouraged by this. On the contrary, they learned from this battle, summed up their experience, and prepared themselves for future battles. The soldiers of the PLA have shown a high degree of discipline and tenacious fighting spirit, which has allowed them to maintain their combat effectiveness in the face of adversity and continue to fight for the interests of the country and the people.

Overall, this battle was a challenging and testing one. Both the People's Liberation Army and the Vietnamese Army have demonstrated their courage, wisdom and combat effectiveness. Although the outcome of the battle is not yet known, the heroic deeds of these soldiers will always be remembered by future generations. Their fighting spirit and spirit of sacrifice will inspire generation after generation to bravely fight on the front line for the benefit of the country and the people.

In this tense border conflict, the Vietnamese army demonstrated their excellent tactical retreat ability. Not only did they succeed in avoiding the fate of being encircled and annihilated by the PLA, but they also skillfully used the complex environment of the battlefield to gain valuable time for their retreat. Although this retreat appeared to be a defeat on the surface, in fact it won the initiative on the battlefield for the Vietnamese army and had a profound impact on the course of the entire Cao Ping campaign.

Although the PLA showed a strong offensive in the battle, due to the sudden retreat of the Vietnamese army, they lost the best opportunity to pursue. The planned rapid advance and strategic encirclement were made difficult by the flexible maneuvering of the Vietnamese army. PLA commanders had to reassess the situation on the battlefield and adjust their tactical deployments to cope with this sudden change in the Vietnamese army.

The retreat of the Vietnamese army was not a disorderly rout, but a planned and organized operation. During the retreat, they still maintained strict discipline and efficient command. Vietnamese commanders used radio communications to coordinate the movements of various units in real time to ensure order and safety during the retreat. At the same time, I would like to say that they also set up multiple lines of defense and ambush points to slow down the pursuit of the PLA and buy more time for the retreat of the main forces.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is faced with the challenge of reorganizing its offensive after losing the best opportunity to pursue. They need to quickly find new breakthroughs in complex terrain and changeable battlefield environments. This not only tests the tactical wisdom of the PLA commanders, but also tests the soldiers' adaptability and will to fight. In this case, the reconnaissance units and special forces of the PLA played a key role, they went deep behind enemy lines, collected intelligence, and provided important support for the actions of the main forces.

At the same time, I would like to say that the PLA's logistical support is also facing tremendous pressure. Due to the retreat of the Vietnamese army, the originally planned supply lines and medical aid points had to be readjusted. Logistics units must quickly establish new supply lines on the premise of ensuring safety and ensure that front-line troops can receive adequate material and medical support.

Although this battle appeared to be a retreat of the Vietnamese army on the surface, it was actually a strategic adjustment and transformation. With this retreat, the Vietnamese army successfully avoided a head-on clash with the PLA, creating conditions for their follow-up. Although the PLA lost the best opportunity, they did not give up, but continued to look for new fighters on the basis of summing up lessons and lessons, with a view to achieving a final victory in the Gaoping Campaign.

The entire course of the Cao Binh campaign changed because of this retreat of the Vietnamese army. The planned rapid advance and strategic encirclement have become complicated and changeable due to the flexible maneuver of the Vietnamese army. This not only tests the tactical wisdom and command ability of the commanders of both sides, but also tests the soldiers' adaptability and will to fight. This battle, although full of challenges and uncertainties, also showed the cruelty of war and the bravery of the soldiers. These stories will be remembered by future generations and become an indelible part of the history of war.

The Vietnamese army inflicted heavy losses on the tank regiment directly under the 41st Army, and the command made a serious mistake, why was no one held accountable?

In the fog of war, communication is the nerve that connects all parts of the battlefield. However, in the 1979 conflict, the 41st Army made a major strategic mistake due to communication jamming and misunderstanding of orders. This mistake not only affected the local battle, but also caused a 20-kilometer-long defensive gap on the entire battlefield, bringing unpredictable changes to the situation of the battle.

At that time, the 41st Army was undertaking an important strategic task, and their position was a key link in the defensive line. However, at the critical moment, the communication equipment was disrupted, and the radio waves were filled with noise and chaotic signals, which blurred the connection between the command and the front-line troops. This situation is undoubtedly a disaster for modern armies that rely on precise command.

In this miscommunication, some key commands are not accurately communicated, or misunderstandings arise during the conveyance. The soldiers, having received vague instructions, were unable to react correctly, which directly led to the confusion of the troops' actions. Some units, without clear instructions, chose to retreat or stay put, while others, with a misunderstanding, carried out unnecessary offensives.

Over time, this confusion evolved into a gap in the line of defense. kilometers of defensive strips, which were supposed to be impregnable barriers, became vulnerable under the influence of communication failures. The enemy soon sensed this change and began to use the gap to infiltrate and attack in an attempt to expand the results.

The commanders of the 41 Army, realizing the seriousness of the problem, acted quickly. They sent communications teams to try to re-establish communications links on the battlefield, and they also sent reinforcements to try to fill the gap. However, due to previous mistakes, time has become very short, and the threat of enemy forces is getting closer.

In this case, the soldiers of the 41st Army showed an extremely high will to fight and a spirit of sacrifice. They knew that if this gap was not plugged in time, the entire front could be in danger of collapsing. Therefore, they threw themselves into the battle regardless of their personal safety. Some of the soldiers, without receiving clear instructions, spontaneously organized themselves and engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the enemy.

At the same time, I would like to say that the logistics units of the 41st Army are also working intensively, and they need to provide the necessary materials and support to the front-line troops in the shortest possible time. Medics are also busy on the battlefield, shuttling through the hail of bullets, treating the wounded and moving them to safety.

This strategic mistake caused by communication jamming and misunderstanding of orders brought great challenges to the 41st Army, but it also stimulated the combat potential of the soldiers. They have shown indomitable spirit in the face of adversity and fought bravely on the front lines to defend the security and territorial integrity of the country. Although this battle was full of difficulties and challenges, it also showed the heroism and tenacity of the soldiers. These stories will be remembered by future generations and become an indelible part of the history of war.

In a war, the modernization of technical equipment and the command system is one of the key factors that determine victory or defeat. However, in some cases, poor technology and too many layers of command can lead to sluggish responses and missed opportunities. This has happened in history and has taught the army a profound lesson.

Imagine that the army at that time, the equipment may not be as advanced as it is today, the communication equipment is old, the transmission of information depends on radio, and these equipment are prone to interference on the battlefield, and the signal is intermittent. The weapons in the hands of the soldiers may not be the most sophisticated, and they may be inferior in range, accuracy, and firepower compared to the enemy. Such a technological gap makes every encounter on the battlefield full of uncertainty.

Too many layers of command mean that orders are transmitted from the highest command to front-line soldiers, and need to be approved and forwarded at multiple levels. Commanders at each level need to interpret and re-communicate orders, which not only consumes a lot of time, but also increases the risk of misunderstanding or distortion of orders during the transmission process. In the rapidly changing battlefield environment, this sluggish command system is often difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing combat situation, resulting in the loss of fighters.

For example, when a unit discovers an enemy's weakness on the front line and prepares to attack, they must first report this information and then wait for approval from their superiors. But in the process, the enemy may have adjusted his deployment, and the original weakness no longer exists. Or, when a unit encounters a sudden attack from the enemy and needs to retreat quickly or call for support, they may not be able to get timely instructions due to the cumbersome command hierarchy and thus fall into passivity.

In addition, it is said that backward technology and too many layers of command can also lead to a decline in morale. Soldiers fighting bloodily on the front lines, only to find themselves in trouble because they are poorly equipped or orders are not conveyed in a timely manner, which will undoubtedly discourage them from fighting. Commanders who wait anxiously in the rear are helpless because of the inefficiency of the command system, and this sense of powerlessness can gradually erode their confidence in decision-making.

The Vietnamese army inflicted heavy losses on the tank regiment directly under the 41st Army, and the command made a serious mistake, why was no one held accountable?

Against this background, the army needs to undergo deep reflection and reform. First of all, it is necessary to increase investment in scientific and technological research and development, replace outdated equipment, and improve the overall technological level of the armed forces. Secondly, it is necessary to simplify the command hierarchy and optimize the command process to ensure that orders can be quickly and accurately communicated to every soldier. At the same time, I would like to say that it is also necessary to strengthen the training of soldiers and improve their battlefield adaptability and autonomous combat capability, so that they can make correct judgments and reactions according to the battlefield situation even without clear instructions.

In short, backward technology and too many command layers are the great enemies in war, and they will seriously affect the combat effectiveness and reaction speed of the army. Only by establishing a modern command system and armament system through constant reform and innovation can we seize the opportunity and win victory in war. This process, although full of challenges, is also pregnant with infinite possibilities and hopes.

Under the cruel test of the war, the command of the Eastern Front did not choose to evade responsibility in the face of defeat, but bravely faced the reality and deeply realized the technical shortcomings and the problems of the command system. They understand that only through reform can the combat effectiveness and reaction speed of the army be truly improved, and the mistakes of the past can be avoided in future battles.

First of all, the command of the Eastern Front conducted a comprehensive assessment of the existing communications equipment and technology. They found that the old communication equipment was susceptible to interference on the battlefield and the information transmission efficiency was inefficient, which greatly limited the combat capability of the troops. In order to solve this problem, the command began to introduce more advanced communication technologies, including encrypted communication, satellite communication, etc., to ensure the security and reliability of information transmission.

At the same time, I would like to say that the command is also aware of the problem of too many levels of command. On the battlefield, delays at every level can lead to the loss of fighters. As a result, they began to implement a flat command structure, reducing intermediate links and allowing orders to be conveyed to the front more quickly. As a result, commanders have a more direct grasp of the battlefield situation and can make quicker decisions.

In the course of the reforms, the Eastern Front Command also paid special attention to the training and education of soldiers. They believe that only by improving the individual abilities of soldiers can they be more flexible and autonomous on the battlefield. Therefore, the command has increased the professional training of soldiers, including tactical application, battlefield survival skills, etc., and also strengthened psychological counseling for soldiers to help them maintain a good attitude in a high-pressure environment.

In addition, I would like to say that the command of the Eastern Front also conducted the selection and training of command personnel. They believe that a good commander must not only have extensive battlefield experience, but also excellent leadership and strategic vision. Therefore, the command has conducted strict selection and assessment of commanders to ensure that they are competent for command work. At the same time, I would like to say that they have also been provided with systematic training, including the theory of modern warfare and the art of command, so as to enhance their command ability.

In this reform, the Eastern Front Command also particularly emphasized the importance of informationization. They recognize that in modern warfare, information is combat effectiveness. Therefore, the command has invested a lot of resources and established a complete intelligence collection and analysis system to ensure that the enemy situation can be grasped in a timely and accurate manner. At the same time, I would like to say that it has also strengthened its ability to coordinate operations with other branches of the armed forces, forming a pattern of joint operations.

Through this series of reform measures, the Eastern Front Command hopes to establish a more efficient, flexible, and modern command system. They believed that only by constantly learning and improving could they be invincible in the war. Although the process of reform is fraught with challenges and difficulties, they firmly believe that with perseverance, success will be achieved.

This reform is not only a profound reflection on the Eastern Front Command itself, but also an all-round improvement of the entire army. It demonstrates the courage and determination of the military in the face of challenges, and also shows the great importance attached to the safety of soldiers' lives and victory in battle. These reform measures will lay a solid foundation for the future development of the armed forces and create favorable conditions for winning future wars.

On the chessboard of war, every adjustment may affect the direction of the entire battle situation. After reviewing the defense work in the Guangxi and Yunnan directions, the Central Military Commission decided to make a series of adjustments to improve the response capability of the troops and ensure that they can respond quickly and effectively in the face of unexpected situations.

First of all, the Central Yang Military Commission has reconfigured the troops in the Guangxi and Yunnan directions. They optimized the deployment of troops according to the terrain, the enemy situation, and strategic needs. Some units were redeployed to key strategic locations to strengthen the defence of these areas; While others were redistributed to fill possible defensive gaps. Such an adjustment makes the entire defense line more balanced and stable.

Subsequently, the Central Military Commission strengthened the training and drills of the troops. They believe that only through constant training and actual combat exercises can the troops' reaction capability be truly enhanced. As a result, the troops began to receive more rigorous and diversified training, including rapid mobility, night operations, special operations, etc. These trainings not only exercise the physical fitness and skills of the soldiers, but also improve their tactical awareness and teamwork skills.

The Vietnamese army inflicted heavy losses on the tank regiment directly under the 41st Army, and the command made a serious mistake, why was no one held accountable?

In addition, I would like to say that the Central Military Commission also emphasized the importance of intelligence collection and analysis. They know that in modern warfare, accurate intelligence is the key to victory. Therefore, the Central Military Commission has invested more resources in strengthening the intelligence system, including establishing more advanced reconnaissance equipment and training professional intelligence analysts. Through these measures, the troops can obtain information about the enemy situation more quickly, so as to make more accurate judgments and responses.

While improving the reaction capability of the troops, I would like to say that the Central Military Commission did not ignore the importance of logistical support. They recognized that logistical support is the basis for ensuring the continuous combat capability of the troops. As a result, the CMC has reformed and upgraded the logistics system to improve the efficiency and flexibility of material supplies. At the same time, I would like to say that the medical care system has also been strengthened to ensure that soldiers injured in combat can receive timely and effective treatment.

In addition, I would like to say that the Central Military Commission has also strengthened its ability to coordinate operations with other services. They understand that in modern warfare, coordination between the various branches of the military is crucial. Therefore, the Central Military Commission has promoted cross-service joint training and exercises, thus enhancing the tacit understanding and cooperative combat capability of the troops. Such coordinated operations can not only bring into play the advantages of various branches of the armed forces, but also form a more powerful joint combat force.

Through this series of adjustments and reforms, the Central Military Commission hopes to build up a force that responds quickly and has strong combat effectiveness. They believe that only by continuously improving the overall quality and combat capability of the troops can they be invincible in the complex and ever-changing battlefield environment. Although this process was full of challenges, every member of the Central Yang Military Commission and the army was full of confidence and determination. They know that every effort and progress is to safeguard the peace and security of the country and the happy life of the people.

In the arena of war, every decision can affect the fate of a country. In the face of the challenges of war, the Vietnamese army failed to pay attention to the reform of the command system and the upgrading of technology in a timely manner, which to a certain extent led to the gradual decline of its comprehensive national strength.

First of all, there are obvious flaws in the command system of the Vietnamese army. In a rapidly changing battlefield environment, they have too many layers of command and cumbersome decision-making processes, resulting in slow responses. The rigidity of this command system makes it often impossible for the Vietnamese army to respond quickly and effectively in the face of unexpected situations. And this sluggish reaction not only affected the efficiency of the battle, but also weakened the morale of the soldiers.

At the same time, I would like to say that the lag of the Vietnamese army in technological upgrading has also seriously affected their combat capability. In modern warfare, advanced weaponry and information technology are the key to enhancing combat effectiveness. However, the Vietnamese army's investment and research and development in this area are relatively insufficient, and their equipment lags behind their opponents in many aspects. This puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to playing against more technologically advanced opponents.

In addition, I would like to say that there are also problems with the training system of the Vietnamese army. Due to the lack of adequate resources and advanced training facilities, the level of training of Vietnamese soldiers is uneven. As a result, their performance in actual combat was not satisfactory and they were unable to give full play to their due combat effectiveness. Moreover, due to the imperfection of the training system, the Vietnamese army is also relatively conservative and backward in terms of tactical innovation and tactical research.

These deficiencies of the Vietnamese army were gradually exposed during the war, affecting their overall performance. As the war dragged on, the comprehensive national strength of the Vietnamese army began to be questioned. Their military, economic, and technological prowess are all challenged, and these challenges are ultimately reflected in the overall strength of the country.

However, the Vietnamese army was not unaware of these problems. They have also tried to carry out some reforms and adjustments, but for various reasons, the process of these reforms has not been smooth. Reform takes time, money, and talent, and the lack of these resources makes the pace of reform slow.

Under these circumstances, the Vietnamese army faced a difficult choice: whether to continue with the existing system or carry out radical reforms. If we choose reform, we need to have the determination and courage to face the difficulties and challenges that may arise in the process of reform. And if they choose to maintain the status quo, then they may continue to struggle with backward technology and rigid command systems.

The story of the Vietnamese army is a story of challenge, choice and reform. It tells us that only by continuous learning and continuous progress can we maintain competitiveness in the fierce international competition. As for the Vietnamese army, they need to make wise choices and take effective measures to restore and enhance their comprehensive national strength. While the process may be fraught with hardships, it is only through reform that they can usher in new hopes and opportunities.

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