
The case of the doctor's elevator to dissuade the elderly from smoking was changed: the doctor was not responsible and donated 10,000 yuan to the family of the deceased

On May 2, 2017, Yang Fan experienced a moment that he may never forget. That day, he walked into the elevator as usual, ready to start his day. The elevator door slowly closed, and he noticed an old man, Mr. Duan Shi, who was smoking in the elevator. Yang Fan is a health-conscious person, he knows the dangers of secondhand smoke, and it is a basic public morality and legal law to prohibit smoking in public.

So, Yang Fan plucked up his courage and politely said to Mr. Duan Shi: "Hello, this is a public place, for the sake of everyone's health, please don't smoke here." His voice was gentle and firm, but apparently, this was not understood and accepted by the old man. Mr. Duan Shi may have felt offended, and his eyes revealed displeasure and even some anger.

Thus began the dispute. Mr. Duan Shi may have felt that his authority was being challenged, and his voice grew louder and more emotional. Yang Fan tried to stay calm, he didn't want things to escalate, but at the same time he stood his point. The atmosphere inside the elevator became tense, and the other passengers also felt uneasy.

At this moment, Mr. Duan Shi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, his expression became painful, and his body began to shake. Yang Fan immediately realized that the situation was not good, he quickly pressed the emergency button of the elevator and shouted for help. After the elevator door opened, Yang Fan and others helped Mr. Duan Shi lie down and tried his best to give first aid. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, Mr. Duan Shi died of a heart attack.

This incident has aroused widespread discussion in society. Some people think that Yang Fan is doing the right thing, and he is only maintaining public order and the health rights of others. But some people believe that Yang Fan's approach may be too direct and does not take into account the physical condition and psychological tolerance of the elderly. There are also people who wonder if the smoking ban in public places should be more humane and take into account the needs of different groups of people.

This incident also brought Yang Fan a deep reflection. He began to think about how to stick to his principles while saying that he was more mindful of the way he communicated and how the other person felt. He realizes that sometimes, a small conflict can lead to unpredictable consequences, which makes him cherish life more and pay more attention to harmony between people.

The incident also led to a re-examination of the anti-smoking policy in public places. It reminds us that laws and regulations are dead, but people are alive. Can we be more humane and take into account each individual's specific circumstances when implementing the regulations? At the same time, I would like to say that it also reminds us that health and life are precious, and that we should respect the right to life of everyone, whether smokers or non-smokers.

Although this incident is a tragedy, it also gives us an opportunity to think about how to get along better in society, and how to respect and understand others while adhering to principles. This is a complex question and there is no easy answer, but through events like this, we can learn, we can grow, we can become more mature and sane.

When Mr. Duan Shi's family learned that the old man had died suddenly of a heart attack in the elevator, they were undoubtedly saddened and angry. In their view, Yang Fan's dissuasive behavior was the direct cause of the old man's emotional agitation and heart attack. So, they decided to take legal action and sued Yang Fan to the court, claiming 400,000 yuan, hoping to seek a kind of psychological comfort and financial compensation.

At the first instance of the case, the atmosphere in the courtroom was tense. Mr. Duan Shi's family stated their reasons in court, arguing that Yang Fan's actions, although well-intentioned, were too direct and did not take into account the old man's physical condition. They believe that if Yang Fan could express it more tactfully, or choose to dissuade it at a more appropriate time and way, perhaps such a tragedy would not have happened.

Yang Fan also expressed his views in court. He insisted that his actions were in the public interest and for health reasons, and that he was courteous and respectful throughout the process. He stressed that he did not expect such a consequence and that he would rather remain silent if he knew that there would be such a risk.

After the trial, the court of first instance sentenced Yang Fan to pay 15,000 yuan in compensation. This verdict has caused widespread controversy in society. Some people believe that although Yang Fan's behavior was well-intentioned, he did affect the old man's mood to a certain extent, so he should bear some responsibility. However, there are also those who believe that such a verdict is a misinterpretation of public morality and the law, and that if everyone chooses to remain silent for fear of possible accidents, then the public order and healthy environment of society will not be maintained.

The case of the doctor's elevator to dissuade the elderly from smoking was changed: the doctor was not responsible and donated 10,000 yuan to the family of the deceased

However, this verdict did not become final. In the second instance, the court retried the case. After carefully reviewing all the details of the case, the court of second instance found that Yang Fan's actions were not at fault, that his actions were based on the public interest and the law, and that he always exercised restraint and respect throughout the process. Therefore, the court of second instance corrected the judgment of the first instance and ruled that Yang Fan was not required to pay compensation.

This result has caused a greater discussion in society. It has been argued that the verdict of the second instance is more just, that it protects the public interest and the rights of individuals, while also providing a clear guide for similar situations. But others believe that such a verdict may make some people choose to remain silent in the face of uncivilized behavior, because they fear that they may be held legally responsible for it.

This case is not just a legal issue, it is a social issue. It makes us think about how we can respect and protect everyone's rights and interests while maintaining public order and personal health. It also makes us think about how the law should balance the rights of individuals and the interests of society, and how to find a balance between justice and humanity. There are no easy answers to these questions, but through cases like this, we can think more deeply, understand more comprehensively, and maybe in the future, we will be able to find better solutions.

Yang Fan, a doctor who takes saving lives as his own responsibility, his professional mission is to save lives and give hope to patients. However, fate seems to have played a big joke on him, and he was unexpectedly involved in this turmoil. As a doctor, Yang Fan is accustomed to seeing life and death in the hospital, but this time, he is faced with a tragedy caused by the discouragement of smoking.

The scene that happened in the elevator was undoubtedly an accident in Yang Fan's career. He is well aware of the health hazards of smoking, especially the effects on the heart. During his days working in the hospital, he had seen too many patients with heart disease caused by smoking, and their pain and struggle gave him a deeper understanding of the dangers of smoking. Therefore, when he saw Mr. Duan Shi smoking in the elevator, out of professional instinct, he chose to stand up and dissuade him.

Yang Fan's dissuasion is out of concern for health and the maintenance of public morality. He didn't expect that his behavior would cause such a fierce dispute, let alone that it would become a fuse of a tragedy. At the moment when the old man had a heart attack, Yang Fan's first reaction was to save people, he quickly took first aid measures, although he failed to save the old man's life in the end, he tried his best.

This turmoil made Yang Fan feel unprecedented pressure. As a doctor, he was used to controlling life and death in the operating room, but this time, he felt powerless and frustrated. He began to reflect on whether he should pay more attention to the way he communicates, and whether he should take the other party's physical condition and psychological capacity more into account when dissuading.

Yang Fan's experience has also attracted the attention of the medical community. Many of my peers began to discuss how a doctor should act when faced with a similar situation in public. They believe that while maintaining public health, doctors should also learn to protect themselves and avoid getting involved in unnecessary disputes due to good intentions.

At the same time, I want to say that Yang Fan's experience has also triggered social thinking about the role of doctors. In the eyes of many people, doctors are angels who save lives, and their duty is to treat patients and give them hope. But in real life, doctors are also ordinary people, and they also face various pressures and challenges. Society should give doctors more understanding and support, so that they can give full play to their professional abilities in a more harmonious environment.

This turmoil is a profound lesson for Yang Fan. He began to think more deeply about how he could be considerate of the feelings and needs of others while staying true to his professional principles. He realized that as a doctor, his duty is not only to treat patients, but also to convey the concept of health and promote social harmony.

Yang Fan's story allows us to see another side of the doctor. They are not only the executors of medical technology, but also the disseminators of health concepts. Their job is not only to treat patients in hospitals, but also to maintain public health in society. Although this turmoil brought trouble to Yang Fan, it also made him more firm in his professional beliefs and more clear about his social responsibility.

After the incident, Yang Fan's mood became complicated. As a doctor, he has always believed that his professional mission is to save lives, but this time, he is unexpectedly involved in a life tragedy. Although legally he was ruled not responsible, his heart was filled with confusion and guilt.

The case of the doctor's elevator to dissuade the elderly from smoking was changed: the doctor was not responsible and donated 10,000 yuan to the family of the deceased

In the dead of night, Yang Fan often sat alone in front of the window, looking at the starry sky and contemplating. He recalls that day in the elevator, and every detail is vivid. He asked himself if he had chosen another way at the time, or had offered dissuasion at another point in time, would have the outcome been different? But there are no ifs in life, time will not go back, he can only accept this cruel reality.

Yang Fan's colleagues noticed the change. They saw that Yang Fan, who used to be always smiling and full of confidence, now became taciturn, and even seemed a little absent-minded at work. They tried to comfort him, telling him it wasn't his fault, but he seemed to have a hard time getting out of it.

Yang Fan's family also felt the change in him. They saw that Yang Fan, who was always optimistic and energetic, had now become a little depressed, and even rarely spoke at family gatherings. They tried to enlighten him and tell him to let go of his baggage, but he still couldn't seem to let go.

Yang Fan began to seek psychological help. He found a senior psychiatrist and hoped to relieve his psychological pressure through psychological counseling. Under the guidance of a psychiatrist, he began to try to look at the matter from a different perspective, trying to find a way to redeem himself.

Yang Fan also tries to divert his attention by participating in public welfare activities. He joined a team of volunteers who advocated for smoking cessation, using his expertise to help more people understand the dangers of smoking. He hopes that in this way, he can make up for the guilt in his heart and make his own contribution to the public health of the society.

However, Yang Fan's heart still couldn't be completely calm. He knew that no matter what he did, he couldn't change what happened in the elevator that day. He began to reflect on his professional mission, and he asked himself whether, as a doctor, he should pay more attention to the psychological needs of people than just physical health.

Yang Fan's confusion and guilt also triggered society's thinking about the doctor's profession. People are beginning to realize that doctors are also human beings and they also have their own emotions and confusions. Society should give doctors more understanding and support, so that they can use their professional abilities in a more tolerant and inclusive environment.

This turmoil is a profound life experience for Yang Fan. He began to think more deeply about how he could be mindful of the feelings and needs of others while staying true to his professional principles. He realized that as a doctor, his duty is not only to treat patients, but also to convey care and understanding, and promote social harmony and progress. Although his heart is still full of confusion and guilt, he is also trying to find a way to redeem himself, hoping to use his expertise and love to contribute more to this society.

When the first-instance verdict came down, Yang Fan's mood was mixed. He was told that he needed to pay 15,000 yuan in compensation, although the amount was not huge, but for him, it was not just a matter of money, but also a determination of responsibility. He was puzzled, could he be burdened with such consequences just because he discouraged an uncivilized behavior? His heart was full of contradictions and struggles.

Yang Fan's family and friends feel unhappy for him. They believe that Yang Fan's actions are motivated by public interest and concern for health, and that he has done nothing wrong. They encouraged him to appeal and fight for a just outcome. Although Yang Fan hesitated, he finally decided to listen to everyone's opinions and appealed.

In the process of the second trial, Yang Fan felt unprecedented pressure. He has to face not only the judgment of the law, but also the public opinion of society. Knowing that his actions might affect the public's understanding of public morality and the law, he prepared his defense materials more carefully and carefully.

Judges of the second instance pay more attention to facts and evidence when hearing cases. They carefully reviewed the verdict of the first instance, and also listened to Yang Fan's statement and defense. The judges held that Yang Fan's actions were based on public interest and the law, and that he was not at fault for his actions. In the end, the court of second instance corrected the judgment of the first instance and found that Yang Fan did not need to pay compensation.

The case of the doctor's elevator to dissuade the elderly from smoking was changed: the doctor was not responsible and donated 10,000 yuan to the family of the deceased

This result made Yang Fan feel a little comforted, but at the same time, it also made him feel deeply thoughtful. He realized that the fairness of the law is not only reflected in the outcome of the verdict, but also in the respect for facts and evidence during the trial. He began to understand more deeply the spirit and principles of the law, and also understood better how as a citizen should abide by the law while trying to protect his own rights and interests.

Yang Fan's case has aroused widespread discussion in society. Many people are beginning to reflect on how we should act when faced with incivility. Do you choose to remain silent, or do you stand up bravely? At the same time, people are beginning to think about how the law can better protect those who act with good intentions from suffering unnecessary losses as a result of their good intentions.

Yang Fan's experience gave him a deeper understanding of the law. He knows that the law is not a cold article, but needs to be combined with the actual situation to reflect the warmth and justice of human nature. He also began to participate more actively in the popularization of law and the construction of public morality, hoping that through his own experience, more people can understand the law, understand the law, and apply the law.

This case is a profound life experience for Yang Fan. Although he used to feel confused and guilty, he eventually found justice through the way of the law. His story teaches us that we should not give up on the pursuit of justice and truth, even in the face of injustice and misunderstanding. Through the power of the law, we can make society a more equitable place so that everyone can live and thrive in a just environment.

This event threw a pebble into a calm lake, stirring up ripples. Not only has it attracted wide attention in China, but even international media such as the BBC have reported on it. For a while, the story of Yang Fan and Mr. Duan Shi became a hot topic of discussion after dinner, and also triggered an in-depth discussion of the public's ban on smoking in public places and legal responsibility.

In international media coverage, the incident was portrayed as a complex case of morality, law, and social responsibility. The BBC report mentions that Yang Fan, as a doctor, discouraged smoking in public, which was supposed to be a responsible act, but ultimately led to a tragedy, which led to people's thinking about the boundaries and methods of maintaining a healthy environment in public.

As soon as the report came out, foreign netizens also expressed their opinions on social media. Some people believe that Yang Fan's actions are justified and that he is only maintaining public health and order; Others believe that although Yang Fan's intentions are good, he may have been too direct in his approach and did not fully take into account the feelings and health of the elderly.

Domestically, the incident has also sparked heated discussions. Many people are beginning to reflect on whether the ban on smoking in public places should be more explicit and humane. Should we pay more attention to ways and means to avoid unnecessary conflicts when implementing these provisions?

Legal experts also joined the discussion. They pointed out that the definition of legal liability should be based on facts and legal provisions, and should not be influenced by emotions or public opinion. In this case, the judgment of the court of second instance reflects the law's respect for facts and the protection of individual rights.

At the same time, I would like to say that this incident has also attracted the attention of public health experts. They believe that banning smoking in public places is a long-term and arduous task that requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society. Experts called on the government to step up anti-smoking publicity and raise public awareness of the dangers of smoking. At the same time, I would like to say that relevant laws and regulations should also be improved to provide stronger support for the anti-smoking work.

In addition, I would like to say that this incident has also caused many people to start paying attention to mental health issues. In the face of sudden conflicts and pressures, how to stay calm and take a reasonable way to deal with problems has become the focus of discussion. Psychologists suggest that the public should learn some basic psychological adjustment techniques to cope with the various stresses and challenges they may encounter in their daily lives.

In conclusion, this incident is not just a single legal case, it is a social phenomenon that reflects the complexity and diversity of contemporary society in terms of public health, legal liability, and individual behavior. Through this incident, people began to think more deeply about how to respect and protect the rights of individuals while safeguarding the public interest, and how to reflect the care and warmth of human nature while abiding by the law. The discussion continues, and we, as members of society, may all have some valuable lessons to learn from it.

The case of the doctor's elevator to dissuade the elderly from smoking was changed: the doctor was not responsible and donated 10,000 yuan to the family of the deceased

After the first-instance verdict, the family members of the elderly could not calm down. They could not accept such an outcome and insisted that Yang Fan was responsible. In their view, Yang Fan's dissuasive behavior was the direct cause of the old man's emotional agitation and heart attack. They believe that if it were not for Yang Fan's intervention, the old man might not have suffered such a misfortune. Therefore, they decided to file an appeal, hoping to get a verdict that they considered fair.

The insistence of the family is not only out of grief for the deceased relatives, but also their persistence in determining the responsibility for the incident. They hope to get an explanation for the old man through legal means. They began to run around, gathering evidence, looking for lawyers, and preparing appeal materials. In this process, they not only have to face the complexity of the law, but also face the pressure of public opinion.

The family's appeal has also aroused widespread concern in society. Many people began to pay attention to the case and discuss whether Yang Fan should really be held responsible. Some people supported the family's appeal, arguing that although Yang Fan's actions were well-intentioned, they caused a tragedy after all and should bear some responsibility. Others argue that Yang Fan's actions are justified and that he is only maintaining public health and order, and that he should not be punished for such a result.

As the case entered the second-instance trial process, the family's mood became more tense. They know that the outcome of the second trial will directly affect whether they can seek justice for the elderly. In court, the family's lawyers presented their views and reasons in detail, trying to convince the judge to accept their views.

At the same time, I want to say that Yang Fan also felt unprecedented pressure. He knows that this lawsuit is not only about his reputation and future, but also about public morality and the definition of legal responsibility. He began to reflect more deeply on his actions, thinking about how to protect the public interest while trying to avoid causing tragedy.

In the process of the second instance, the judges were faced with a thorny problem: how to balance the interests and emotions of both parties while respecting the facts and the law? They need to carefully review the verdict of the first instance, while also hearing the statements and defenses of both sides in order to reach a fair ruling.

This case not only tests the fairness of the law, but also tests the tolerance of society. It makes us think, how should we act when faced with incivility? Should we be brave enough to stand up for the public interest, or should we take into account the conflicts and consequences that could arise?

At the same time, I would like to say that this case also makes us think about how the law should better define responsibilities and protect everyone's rights and interests. In real life, many situations are complex and changeable, and the law needs to be flexible and humane enough to adapt to different situations and make fair judgments.

Although this case is only a single case, the discussion and thinking it has triggered are far-reaching. It allows us to see the interweaving and conflict between law, ethics and social responsibility, as well as the challenges and difficulties we need to face in the pursuit of justice and truth. Through this case, we can understand the spirit of the law more deeply, and we can also understand more clearly how we should act as citizens in order to protect the public interest while respecting and protecting the rights of individuals.

When the family learned the truth about the sudden death of the old man from a heart attack in the elevator, their emotions were like a volcanic eruption, and they could not suppress it. The grief and anger in their hearts intertwined, forming a strong emotional storm. In their view, Yang Fan's dissuasive behavior was the trigger that triggered the old man's heart attack, and they could not accept this fact.

The conflict between the family and Yang Fan occurred in an extremely emotional state. They were in the corridor of the hospital, facing Yang Fan, their voices trembling and full of anger and asking him, "Why did you do that?" If it weren't for you, he might still be alive! Yang Fan stood there, facing the accusations of his family, he felt unprecedented powerlessness and pain. He wanted to explain, to tell them that his original intention was for everyone's health, but the words swirled in his throat, and he couldn't seem to say anything.

The conflict quickly attracted the attention of those around him. Hospital staff and other patients' family members gathered around, some trying to calm the family's emotions and others trying to defend Yang. But no matter how much others tried to persuade them, the anger of the family seemed to be unquellable. What they need is not just an explanation, but a psychological comfort.

The case of the doctor's elevator to dissuade the elderly from smoking was changed: the doctor was not responsible and donated 10,000 yuan to the family of the deceased

Yang Fan felt deep helplessness in this conflict. He was a doctor whose duty was to save lives, but now he was seen as a "sinner". His heart was filled with self-reproach and confusion, and he began to question his actions, whether he had done something wrong, and whether he should have paid more attention to the manner and timing when dissuading.

The emotional agitation of the family has also made them more aggressive in dealing with the matter. They began to seek support in the hope of getting justice for the elderly through legal means. They contacted lawyers, prepared litigation materials, and even spoke out on social media, hoping to attract more attention and sympathy.

At the same time, I want to say that Yang Fan also felt a lot of pressure. He not only has to face the accusations of his family, but also the public opinion of society. He knew that this matter was not just a simple medical dispute, but had evolved into a social incident that affected his career and personal reputation.

This incident plunged Yang Fan and his family into deep pain and struggle. They all need to find a way to face and deal with it. For families, what they need may be an apology, an attitude of acknowledging mistakes, and some kind of commitment to the future. And for Yang Fan, what he needs may be understanding and tolerance, an opportunity to make amends for his mistakes, and the courage to get back on his feet.

This conflict is not only a contradiction between two people, but also a microcosm of a social phenomenon. It reflects people's emotional responses to unexpected situations and reveals the complex relationship between law, morality and social responsibility. Through this incident, we can think more deeply about how to respect and protect the rights of individuals while safeguarding the public interest, and how to find a reasonable and effective solution to conflicts and contradictions.

Although the verdict of the second instance has clearly pointed out that Yang Fan does not need compensation, his heart does not feel relaxed because of this. Yang Fan knew that no matter how the law decided, the death of the old man would be a huge blow to him and his family. After careful consideration, he decided to transfer 10,000 yuan to the family of the elderly in his personal name as an expression of sympathy and understanding for them.

Yang Fan's move was not out of any obligation or pressure, but out of his deep sympathy and humane care. In this way, he hopes to bring some comfort to his family, even if it is small. He knows that money cannot make up for the loss of a loved one, but at least it can show his sincerity and respect for them.

Before deciding to transfer the money, Yang Fan also experienced an ideological struggle. He worries whether it could be misinterpreted as dissatisfaction with the verdict or guilt for his actions. But in the end, he decided to follow his heart and do what he thought was right.

Yang Fan contacted the family of the old man and expressed his thoughts. "I know I don't have any legal responsibility, but as an individual, I want to express my condolences and support for you," he said on the phone. Although this money is not much, please accept it, this is a little bit of my personal heart. ”

After receiving Yang Fan's call, the family felt both surprised and moved. They didn't expect that after the law had already made a judgment, Yang Fan would take the initiative to lend a hand. This made them see Yang Fan's benevolence as a doctor, and also felt his sympathy and understanding as an ordinary person.

After receiving the money, a representative of the family expressed his gratitude to Yang Fan: "We are very grateful for your kindness, which makes us feel that you are not an indifferent person. Although we have lost loved ones, your sympathy warms our hearts. ”

Yang Fan's behavior quickly caused repercussions in society. Many expressed appreciation for his sympathy and understanding, believing it as a form of moral support for the family and a positive example to society. However, there is a different view that this may lead to confusion in the definition of legal and moral responsibility.

The case of the doctor's elevator to dissuade the elderly from smoking was changed: the doctor was not responsible and donated 10,000 yuan to the family of the deceased

However, for Yang Fan, he is not in the opinion of the unexpected world. He simply wanted to bring some comfort to his family and make them feel a little warmth during this difficult time. He believed that understanding and compassion between people were sometimes more important than the judgment of the law.

This incident gave Yang Fan a deeper understanding of life, law and morality. He realized that as a doctor, his duty was not only to treat diseases, but also to convey care and understanding. He also began to participate more actively in social welfare activities, hoping to use his professional knowledge and love to bring help and hope to more people.

Yang Fan's story allows us to see the benevolence of a doctor and the responsibility of a person. In this complex and ever-changing society, we need not only the justice of the law, but also the sympathy and understanding between people. Through Yang Fan's behavior, we may be able to find a more harmonious and humane way to solve problems.

The incident had a profound impact on Yang Fan's life, not only because he was involved in a legal dispute, but also because his actions and decisions received widespread public attention. Under the media spotlight, Yang Fan felt unprecedented pressure, but at the same time, he also wanted to say that he also realized that he had the opportunity to express his views and positions.

In an interview with the media, Yang Fan looked a little tired, but his eyes revealed firmness. He knew that the interview was not just about his personal experience, but also about public health and social responsibility. He hopes that through this opportunity, he can convey his sense of uncertainty about the future and his insistence on banning smoking in public.

Yang Fan said in the interview: "This incident made me deeply aware that as a doctor, my duty is not only to treat patients in the hospital, but also to maintain a healthy environment in public. While I feel uncertain about the future, I still firmly believe that we should ban smoking in public as a sign of responsibility for everyone's health. ”

There is a sense of responsibility and mission in his words. Although he knew that his actions could cause controversy and even cause trouble for himself, he still chose to stand up and express his position. He believes that only through continuous efforts and advocacy can society become healthier and more civilized.

Yang Fan's interview has attracted wide attention from the society. Many praised him for his persistence, believing that he was a responsible doctor and that his actions were a contribution to public health. But there are also concerns about his future, believing that he may be negatively affected by the incident.

In the interview, Yang Fan also talked about his confusion and struggles. "I know that no matter what I do, I can't change what has happened," he said. But I hope that through this incident, more people will be aware of the dangers of smoking and the importance of safeguarding public health. ”

Yang Fan's interview allowed the public to see the other side of a doctor. They saw his persistence and courage, but also his confusion and helplessness. This incident made Yang Fan think more deeply about his life and career, and also gave the public more awareness of public health and social responsibility.

Yang Fan's story shows us the perseverance and courage of a doctor in the face of challenges. His actions, although they caused controversy, also stimulated public attention and discussion of public health issues. His experience teaches us that even in the face of uncertainty and stress, we should stand up for what we believe in and contribute to the progress and health of society.

Although this incident had an impact on Yang Fan's life, it also made him more firm in his beliefs. He knows that no matter what the future holds, he will continue to work in the medical field and continue to contribute to the cause of public health. He believes that if each of us does our part, society will become healthier and better.