
The years are like songs, the past is like smoke, they meet in the red dust, and the tears are lovesick

The years are like songs, the past is like smoke, they meet in the red dust, and the tears are lovesick

In a long time, some things and some people withered like falling flowers and passed away with the wind; Some love, some love, but it is as unforgettable as a brand. Looking back on the past, the red dust past is still so clear, as if it happened yesterday.

Time flies, and the years are like songs. The person who used to be accompanied him through that period of youth. I still remember that the sky was always so blue, and the sunlight sprinkled on the bluestone slabs through the treetops, leaving a dappled light and shadow. Two people, strolling along the forest path, chatting about each other's dreams and drawing a blueprint for the future.

The years are like songs, the past is like smoke, they meet in the red dust, and the tears are lovesick

The past is like smoke, and that time seems to be far away. Some of the dreams of the past have come true, while others have passed away with the wind. The years glide through the fingertips, leaving deep marks. Those former good things are now hard to find.

They met in the red dust, and the red thread of fate connected them closely. They once said that life and death are broad, and Zicheng said. However, the world is impermanent, and fate played a joke on them in their best time. He left, leaving her alone to bear the pain. Tears fell on the acacia buckle, wetting the beautiful memory.

The years are like songs, the past is like smoke, they meet in the red dust, and the tears are lovesick

Tear-stained lovesickness, she guarded the broken love, and lived like a year. In the dead of night, she would always think of him and the dusty past. Tears slid down her cheeks and dripped into her heart, turning into crystalline pearls.

The years are like songs, and the past is like smoke. Meet in the red dust, tears stained lovesickness. She understands that some people, once missed, are for life. Some things, once they happen, are irreversible. She began to learn to cherish, cherish the people around her, and cherish the happiness in front of her.

The years are like songs, the past is like smoke, they meet in the red dust, and the tears are lovesick

In this long time, she has gone through many detours and met many beautiful things. However, in her heart, that Hongchen past is still her most precious memory. Tears welled up in her eyes again, she gently stroked the acacia button, and silently prayed in her heart: may he be well, may they meet again in the red dust.

Time flies, and time is merciless. After all, she has to learn to let go and let go of that heavy past. Because she knows that only by letting go can she welcome a new life, and only by forgetting can she move on.

The years are like songs, the past is like smoke, they meet in the red dust, and the tears are lovesick

In the red dust, they once met and fell in love, and tears stained lovesickness. The years are like songs, and the past is like smoke. She firmly believes that one day, they will meet again. At that time, the prosperity was gone, the lead was washed away, and they could still spend the rest of their lives together and continue to write that unfinished beauty.

The years are like songs, and the past is like smoke. Meet in the red dust, tears stained lovesickness. In this long time, may they walk hand in hand and tide through the wind and rain forever.

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