
Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

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Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

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In the ancient land, technology and war are intertwined, composing a thrilling music, when the sharp sirens break the silence, one rocket after another drags a long tail flame, with the breath of death, roaring from the sky, city after city, village, may be drawn into the abyss of war in an instant, in the face of such a serious threat, there is always a force, like an invisible shield, guarding people's lives and hopes, this is Israel, a country that has risen in the flames of war, An example of integrating the power of science and technology into the defense system, let's go into Israel and explore the "scientific and technological shields" that protect peace in the smoke of gunfire

"Arrow" Refers to the Sky: Constructing a "Missile Skynet"

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

In order to deal with this threat, Israel and United States have joined hands to create an anti-missile weapon that has attracted the attention of the world - the "Arrow-3" anti-missile system

Imagine, in the dark night sky, a missile is approaching the target at an astonishing speed, at this critical moment, the "Arrow-3" system quickly started, the super green pine radar is like a "fiery eye", accurately capture the target, and transmit the data to the command center, in an instant, an interceptor missile soared into the air, it at a speed of up to Mach 9, straight to the target, at an altitude of 400 kilometers away from the target, the interceptor missile collided violently, the latter was completely destroyed, turned into fragments in the sky, and this spectacular scene, perhaps, only a satellite can catch it

In April 2024, in the face of more than 120 ballistic missiles from Iran, the "Arrow-3" system stepped forward to intercept them one by one outside the atmosphere, successfully defusing the crisis and letting the world see the power of the "scientific and technological shield".Israel

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

In 2021, Israel exported it to Azerbaijan for the first time, building a security barrier for the country in the Caucasus, and in June 2023, Germany spent $3.5 billion to purchase the "Arrow-3" system, which is Israel's largest arms export contract to date, and also marks the official entry of the "Arrow-3" system into the European market and an important force for maintaining regional peace and stability

David's Slingshot: Precise Interception of "Long-Range Threats"

If the "Arrow-3" system is the "Skynet" for intercepting ballistic missiles, then the "David Slingshot" air defense and anti-missile system is the "nemesis" for dealing with long-range rockets, and this air defense system jointly developed by the Rafael Corporation of Israel and the Raytheon Corporation of United States is known for its rapid reaction capability and high interception rate, and has become a "defensive artifact" coveted by many countries

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

Different from the traditional air defense system, the "David Slingshot" system has a "strongest brain" - EL/M-2084 advanced multi-functional phased array radar, this radar can scan 360 degrees in all directions, the detection range is up to 350 kilometers, even if it is a high-speed missile, it is difficult to escape its "eye", more importantly, it can track 200 targets at the same time, and quickly identify, classify, provide accurate targets for the interception system

Once an incoming rocket is found, the "David Slingshot" system will immediately launch the "Stana" interceptor missile, which has a maximum range of 300 kilometers, an altitude of 50 kilometers, and a flight speed of up to Mach 75, which is equivalent to 7 times the speed of sound

On April 6, 2023, Finland officially joined NATO, just on Finland and Israel signed a contract worth 31.6 billion euros to purchase the "David Slingshot" air defense and anti-missile system, for Finland, joining NATO means that it will face greater security challenges, and the arrival of the "David Slingshot" system undoubtedly provides a reliable guarantee

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

Under the "Iron Dome": Propping up the "Urban Umbrella"

In the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip have always been a major problem for Israel, and in order to protect civilians from harm, Israel has developed a unique defense system, the "Iron Dome" defense system

Unlike traditional air defense systems, the "Iron Dome" system is not aimed at aircraft or missiles, but is specially designed to intercept rockets and mortars, and even 155mm howitzer shells, and its targets are often those "improvised weapons" that are cheap and inaccurate, but enough to cause great damage to cities

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

The core of the "Iron Dome" system is its powerful radar system and interceptor missile, EL/M-2084 multifunctional active phased array radar, which can detect 200 targets per minute, and quickly calculate their trajectory to determine whether it poses a threat to Israel, if the system judges that the target is a threat, it will launch the "Tamir" interceptor missile to intercept

The "Tamir" interceptor missile is about 3 meters long, 160 mm in diameter and weighs about 90 kilograms, it uses a combination of radio command and active radar guidance, and is capable of exploding in the vicinity of the target, forming a large number of fragments and destroying incoming rockets or artillery shells

Since its entry into service in 2011, the "Iron Dome" system has played an important role in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, successfully intercepting thousands of rockets and protecting the lives and property of countless civilians

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

Despite the controversy, the Iron Dome system remains an integral part of Israel's defense system, acting as a giant "umbrella" that holds up a safe sky for Israel's cities and people

The Guardian of Barak: Building a "Mobile Line of Defense at Sea"

In the rough sea, cleaving the waves, guarding the security of the country, modern naval warfare has long ceased to be the era of "giant ships and artillery"; all kinds of anti-ship missiles, cruise missiles, and air strike forces have posed a serious threat to surface ships, and in order to deal with these threats, Israel has developed the "Barak" shipborne air defense system, weaving an impermeable "defense net" for ships

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

The "Barak" air defense system is an advanced shipborne air defense system developed by Israel's Rafael company, which has been developed to the "Barak-8" type, which uses solid-state active phased array radar, which is currently the world's lowest volumetric and weight-based shipborne active phased array radar, with a maximum detection range of 470 kilometers, which can simultaneously detect and track 1100 different targets, even in a complex electromagnetic environment, it can maintain extremely high detection accuracy and anti-jamming capabilities

The "Barak-8" interceptor missile is the "killer feature" of the system, which is 45 meters long, has a diameter of 0,225 meters, weighs 275 kilograms, has a maximum flight speed of Mach 2, has a range of 70 kilometers, and adopts a vertical launch method, which can attack air targets within a range of 360 degrees

Another highlight of the "Barak-8" interceptor missile is that it adopts the advanced "active radar + infrared imaging" composite guidance mode, in the early stage of flight, the interceptor missile relies on the data link, receives the information provided by the shipborne radar, and after flying to the vicinity of the target, the active radar seeker on the interceptor missile is turned on, autonomously searching, locking on the target, and guiding the interceptor missile to attack

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

In November 2009, India signed a contract worth $1.1 billion with Israel to purchase 10 sets of "Barak-8" air defense systems, as well as supporting missiles, radars and other equipment, which will be installed on the new warships of the India Navy, greatly enhancing the air defense and anti-missile capabilities of the India Navy.India

In November 2023, Azerbaijan also signed an agreement with Israel to purchase the Barak-8 air defense system, with a total contract value of about $1.2 billion, which is the largest arms sales contract for the Barak-8 to date

Web of "Spiders": weaving a "land mobile air defense net"

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

In order to solve this problem, Israel developed the "SPYDER" missile air defense system to support a safe "sky" for mobile troops

The "SPYDER" missile air defense system is a vehicle-mounted mobile short-range air defense system jointly developed by Israel's Rafael Company and other companies, which can intercept fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, and precision-guided bombs and other targets, mainly providing air defense support for armored forces in motion, and can also provide air defense protection for fixed targets

The most important feature of the "SPYDER" missile air defense system is its high degree of mobility and flexibility, and all components of the system, including the command and control unit, the missile launch unit, the bomb supply vehicle, and the service vehicle, are installed on wheeled trucks, which can accompany the rapid maneuver of armored units and provide air defense cover anytime and anywhere

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

Another feature of the "SPYDER" missile air defense system is that it uses two missiles, the "Derby" and the "Strange Snake-5", both of which are advanced air-to-air missiles developed by Israel, which can be used in ground air defense operations after improvement

The "Derby" missile is guided by active radar, has a range of 60 km, and can intercept medium and high-altitude targets; The "Monster Snake-5" missile uses infrared imaging guidance, has a range of 15 kilometers, and can intercept low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude targets

At present, the "SPYDER" missile air defense system has been exported to India, Viet Nam, U.A.E. and other countries, becoming an important air defense force in the armies of these countries

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

From the "Arrow-3" anti-missile system, which refers to the sky, to the "Iron Dome" defense system that protects civilians, to the "Barak" air defense system that builds a "maritime mobile defense line", and the "SPYDER" missile air defense system that weaves a "land mobile air defense network", Israel's air defense system has won wide acclaim around the world for its advanced technology, rich combat experience and powerful deterrent power

Israel's air defense systems are not only the "patron saint" of its national defense and security, but also a symbol of its scientific and technological strength; these systems, which embody the wisdom and sweat of Israel scientists and engineers, represent the advanced level of world air defense technology

In the future, with the continuous development of science and technology, Israel's air defense system will be continuously improved and upgraded, and make greater contributions to safeguarding national security and regional peace

Israel's arms exports hit a new high! Because they have been tested in actual combat, the five major anti-missile systems are in hot demand

The picture comes from the Internet

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