
This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

The sorrow of a master of education

This Liu Chunyan can be said to be a master of education! It's a pity that there is a serious deviation in her view of education, which leads to her daughter Wang Yichen finally growing up to be a person who lacks basic social morality.

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

Liu Chunyan has been obedient to her daughter since she was a child, giving her unconditional love and indulgence, and never restraining and correcting her wrong behavior. Wang Yichen has developed a bad character of unscrupulous and disrespectful since he was a child, and frequently shows disrespect and contempt for his parents in daily life.

It is not difficult to see that it is Liu Chunyan's erroneous view of education that leads to this result. As a parent, excessive spoiling of children is not really good, but will promote children's conceit and dragging, and eventually lead to irreparable consequences.

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

Zhang Mo's case is a good warning. As parents, we should give our children proper guidance and restraint, and cultivate their sound personality and good behavior habits, rather than blindly conniving.

Although Liu Chunyan has realized that she has failed in education, I am afraid that it is already too late. We need to learn a lesson from this case and warn all parents that children's growth needs the correct guidance of parents, rather than blind doting.

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

I hope that Liu Chunyan can learn from this, correct her wrong practices, and do her best to save her daughter's future. At the same time, I also hope that all parents can take warning, cherish the plasticity in their hands, and cultivate their children in the right way. Isn't the future of children the education of those of us parents?

Liu Chunyan's erroneous education left a deep impression

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

Liu Chunyan's education method is despised, and people can't help but question her educational wisdom.

We all know that children's growth is inseparable from the guidance of their parents, but Liu Chunyan obviously dotes on her daughter too much and completely ignores the necessity of the child's correct personality development.

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

We can imagine that under Liu Chunyan's favor, Wang Yichen has developed a bad character of self-centeredness and disrespect since he was a child. This kind of child is naturally difficult to be liked by teachers and classmates at school, but often causes trouble and causes chaos for teachers.

And even in the face of these problems, Liu Chunyan still did not realize that there were serious problems with her education methods, blindly exonerated her daughter, and even connived at her rude behavior towards her father. This undoubtedly made Wang Yichen's problematic behavior more and more intense, and the bad habit of disrespecting his parents became more serious.

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

It is not difficult to imagine what the result would have been if Liu Chunyan had insisted on this wrong way of education. Wang Yichen is likely to become more and more unscrupulous, until he finally embarks on the road of breaking the law and discipline, bringing a heavy burden to his family and society.

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

At this moment, as a parent, has Liu Chunyan realized the seriousness of the problem? Does she have the courage and determination to correct her own concept of education and reshape her daughter's personality?

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

If this can be the case, I believe that Liu Chunyan still has a chance to redeem it, so that Wang Yichen can regain the respect and etiquette he deserves. But if she is still willful and reckless and meets all the requirements of her daughter, then I am afraid that Wang Yichen's future will become more and more degenerate, and eventually become a complete social scum.

This time, 58-year-old Liu Chunyan finally paid the price for her goddaughter Wufang!

As a parent, we must always be vigilant and not ignore the needs of our children's correct growth because of our own selfish feelings. Only with correct guidance can children grow up healthily and become adults who are responsible for their families and society. I hope Liu Chunyan can wake up in time and give her daughter a better future.

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