
Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents
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Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

In a quiet residence in London, 62-year-old Fei Xiang sits quietly in front of the window, his eyes deep and far-reaching. Two lazy cats snoozed at his feet, as if they were the former superstar's only companion today.

Fei Xiang's eyes seem to contain countless stories: inferiority complex and struggles in childhood, the pain caused by the death of his sister, his mother's expectations and pressures, the glory and turning points of his career, and the sweetness and frustration of love.

What kind of life process made this heartthrob finally choose loneliness? Let's unveil the mystery of Fei Xiang's legendary life and explore the key moments that shaped his fate.

Fei Xiang was born in Taiwan in 1960 to a wealthy family. However, the privileged living environment did not bring happiness to him at a young age. At the age of 13, Fei Xiang's weight climbed sharply, reaching an astonishing 200 pounds.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

This once pampered boy became the object of ridicule from his classmates overnight.

Going to school every day is an ordeal for Fei Xiang. He cowered in the corner of the classroom with his head down, trying to make himself "invisible." Those sharp gazes and whispers were like invisible blades, constantly eroding his self-confidence.

Gradually, Fei Xiang began to avoid school, locked himself in his home, and filled the emptiness in his heart with food.

Just when Fei Xiang was about to be completely swallowed by low self-esteem, his sister became a light in his life. Instead of pointing fingers at her brother's size like the others, she gave him encouragement with gentle words.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

More importantly, his sister took the initiative to accompany Fei Xiang to go out to exercise, becoming the most solid backing for him on the road to weight loss.

With the unremitting support of his sister, Fei Xiang gradually regained his self-confidence and reintegrated into campus life. This experience made him secretly vow: When he grows up, he must repay his sister well and let her live a happy life.

In 1978, Fei Xiang was admitted to the medical department of Stanford University in United States with excellent results. However, fate is unpredictable, and in this year, the beloved sister was diagnosed with cancer.

Fei Xiang stayed in front of the sickbed, looking at his sister's increasingly thin face, his heart was like a knife. When his sister finally passed away, Fei Xiang's world seemed to collapse in an instant.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

The departure of his sister made Fei Xiang fall into a deep confusion. He began to question the meaning of medicine and was confused about the direction of his life. During those days, Fei Xiang locked himself in his room, immersed in endless sadness.

However, on the seventh day of his sister's death, a fortuitous discovery changed the trajectory of Fei Xiang's life. He accidentally saw a poster of his sister's participation in the orchestra, and suddenly realized that his sister had always harbored an unfulfilled dream of acting before her death.

At that moment, Fei Xiang seemed to have been enlightened. He decided to give up medicine and devote himself to the field of art as a way to inherit and fulfill his sister's last wish. In 1979, Fei Xiang resolutely embarked on the road of theatrical performance, a seemingly crazy decision, but it became his first step towards becoming a "male god for all".

From a fat boy who was ridiculed to an artist who bravely pursued his dreams, Fei Xiang's transformation is inseparable from the love and support of his sister. Even though his sister has passed away, her influence has forever changed the trajectory of Fei Xiang's life and pushed him forward on the road of art.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

In 1981, at the age of 21, Fei Xiang returned to Taiwan after graduating from Stanford University, with a love for art and persistence in his sister's last wishes. His handsome appearance and unique temperament soon attracted the attention of director Zhang Aijia.

Under the recommendation of Zhang Aijia, Fei Xiang participated in the TV series "Eleven Women" and officially stepped into the showbiz. He then signed with EMI Records and began his career as a singer.

In 1982, Fei Xiang released his first album "Lingering", which won the Golden Disc Award in one fell swoop. Just when his career was booming, fate gave him an unexpected surprise - he met Ye Qianwen.

The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. Fei Xiang was intoxicated with the sweetness of his first love, and even publicly declared in a TV show: "Ye Qianwen is my lover."

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

This sentence broke the hearts of countless girls, and also made Fei Xiang's life a huge turn.

However, this relationship was strongly opposed by Fei Xiang's mother Bi Lina. Bi Lina, who was born in a wealthy family in Harbin, has extremely high requirements for her son's other half.

In her heart, only the popular movie star Lin Qingxia is worthy of her son. Whenever she learned that Fei Xiang was dating Ye Qianwen, Bi Lina would keep calling and asking her son to go home immediately.

In addition to pressure from his mother, Fei Xiang also faced opposition from his agency. The company wants him to focus on his career, believing that romance will affect his development. Under the pressure of all parties, Ye Qianwen finally chose to break up, and this relationship became the only unforgettable love experience in Fei Xiang's life.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

Unexpectedly, although this sensational relationship ended, it opened a new door for Fei Xiang. After the news reached the mainland, it attracted the attention of many people, including Fei Xiang's mother Bi Lina's long-lost mother Li Mengbai.

In 1985, Fei Xiang received a letter from the mainland, signed by Li Mengbai. When he handed the letter to his mother, Bilina burst into tears. It turned out that this was her mother who had been absent for 36 years.

In order to help his mother reunite with his grandmother, Fei Xiang resolutely decided to take his mother on the road to find his relatives despite the strong opposition of the brokerage company.

This journey full of unknowns not only reunited the long-lost mother and daughter, but also completely changed the trajectory of Fei Xiang's career. Seeing the tears of his mother and grandmother when they recognized each other, Fei Xiang made a major decision: to stay in the mainland and develop.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

He signed with a record label in Guangzhou and began his music career in the mainland.

In 1986, Fei Xiang released his first album "Singing Across the Seas" released in the mainland. The album caused a sensation upon release, making him the first Taiwan singer to gain popularity in the mainland.

However, this decision also cost Fei Xiang a heavy price - he was banned from Taiwan's entertainment industry for 14 years.

Faced with the choice between career development and family responsibilities, Fei Xiang chose the latter. He firmly believes that he can fulfill his mother's wishes, and this price is nothing. This decision not only reflects Fei Xiang's deep affection for his family, but also shows his determination to face challenges.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

From giving up love to choosing to stay in the mainland, Fei Xiang's every decision was deeply influenced by his mother. These seemingly difficult choices opened up a new path in his life and allowed him to show his talents on a broader stage.

Fei Xiang's story teaches us that sometimes what seems like loss can be the only way to greater success.

Although banned by Taiwan's entertainment industry, Fei Xiang's development in the mainland is like a dark horse, unstoppable. In 1987, he was invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, and this stage became a great opportunity for him to show his talent.

When Fei Xiang sang "Hometown Clouds" and "A Fire in Winter" affectionately, audiences across the country were moved by his singing. Overnight, Fei Xiang went from a relatively unknown singer to a household name.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

In the following two years, Fei Xiang's popularity continued to rise. His singing voice spread all over the country, and almost everyone knew it. In 1989, Fei Xiang's career reached an unprecedented peak.

This year, he held an astonishing 65 concerts in the mainland, each of which was sold out and received an enthusiastic response. Fei Xiang's charm is not only reflected in his beautiful singing voice, but also in his love for the stage and sincerity to the audience.

However, at this seemingly glorious moment, a sense of crisis emerged in Fei Xiang's heart. He knows that in the entertainment industry, the glitz will eventually fade, and only by constantly learning and improving can he be invincible.

Fei Xiang began to think about his future direction, and he was eager to break through himself and explore a broader world of art.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

Just when everyone thought that Fei Xiang would continue to enjoy his superstar status in the mainland, he made a surprising decision - to leave the stage for a while and go to Broadway in the United States to further his studies.

This decision caused quite a stir at the time, and many people did not understand why a singer at the peak of his career would choose to give up everything he had.

But for Fei Xiang, this decision reflects his dedication to art and his desire for self-improvement. He firmly believes that only by constantly challenging himself can he achieve a true artistic life.

Fei Xiang's choice not only shows his courage, but also reflects his deep thinking about his artistic career.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

Fei Xiang's story tells us that true success is not only about reaching the top, but also about having the courage to make changes at the peak and pursue a higher artistic realm.

He interpreted the principle of "if you don't advance, you will retreat" with practical actions, and also set an example for later art workers. Fei Xiang's experience is undoubtedly one of the most dazzling chapters in his legendary life.

In 1991, Fei Xiang set foot on the land of United States and began his new journey on Broadway. It is the temple of the world's performing arts, and the competition is extremely fierce.

With thousands of actors vying for every role, Fei Xiang's challenges can be imagined.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

However, with his profound artistic skills and unremitting efforts, Fei Xiang successfully won the opportunity to participate in "Miss Saigon". This achievement made him the first Chinese-American musical actor in Broadway history, setting a new milestone for Asian artists on the international stage.

On the Broadway stage, Fei Xiang showed amazing adaptability and diverse talents. He has starred in many well-known stage plays such as "Hot Key" and "Nico and Nora", and each performance has won the praise of audiences and critics.

Fei Xiang's professionalism and outstanding performance have won him a group of loyal overseas fans.

In 1994, Fei Xiang's talent was further affirmed. He was chosen by world-renowned directors Andrew · Roy · Weber to be one of the four principal tenors of his feature series.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

This award is not only a recognition of Fei Xiang's personal strength, but also a great affirmation of Chinese artists.

In 2001, Fei Xiang brought his Broadway experience back to China. He successfully brought the classic musical "The Phantom of the Opera" to the stage of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

This move not only demonstrated Fei Xiang's international vision, but also opened up a new path for the development of Chinese musicals, and became an important bridge for cultural exchanges between China and the West.

Fei Xiang's success on Broadway is not only the pinnacle of his artistic career, but also a model of the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. He has proved that with enough talent and courage, Asian artists can also shine on the world stage.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

Fei Xiang, who is now in his sixtieth year, lives in a corner of London. Despite his impressive career achievements, he has always maintained celibacy when it comes to his love life.

Since breaking up with Ye Qianwen, Fei Xiang seems to have never opened up to anyone again.

However, for his life choice, Fei Xiang has never shown regrets. In a rare interview, he calmly said: "All the experiences in life, whether happy or sad, seem insignificant when looking back.

This sentence is not only his summary of the past, but also his attitude towards the future.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

Fei Xiang's story tells us that the road of life is full of possibilities. We may change direction due to the influence of our loved ones, we may give up comfort for our dreams, or we may choose to be lonely for various reasons.

But no matter what, as long as we stick to our choices, we will never be truly alone.

Although Fei Xiang is far away from the hustle and bustle of the spotlight, he still maintains his love for art. His life was simple and fulfilling, as if he had found inner peace.

For him, the tranquility of this moment may be more precious than the glory of the past.

Fei Xiang: was changed by his sister, banned for his mother, and finally chose to be lonely for his life because of his parents

Fei Xiang's philosophy of life may be summarized as: have the courage to change, insist on self-cherishing the present. This attitude not only shaped his legendary life, but also provided us with the wisdom to face the ups and downs of life.

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