
Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

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Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

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The suspense short drama "Dislocation" ended in iQiyi Misty Theater, this series is few, the rhythm is tight, it has caused a lot of discussions as soon as it was broadcast, and the popularity has soared, becoming a hit in the Misty Theater this year, accompanied by high popularity, there are also some different voices, such as questioning the ending is unfinished, but the flaws are not hidden, "Dislocation" has gained the recognition of a large number of audiences with its ups and downs of the plot and the superb acting skills of the actors

Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

The picture comes from the Internet

The acting skills exploded, this is the actor's self-cultivation

Speaking of acting, the most surprising thing in "Dislocation" is the old pair of Ma Yili and Tong Dawei, I think back then, in "Struggle", they played a Beijing Da Sa Mi who dared to love and hate, and an interpreting a slightly indecisive "affordable man", the youthful image can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and this time, they transformed themselves in "Dislocation", respectively playing a haggard female policeman who is pregnant at an advanced age and her husband is suspected of cheating and a middle-aged man who is stuck in the quagmire and struggling to survive, this contrast is not too big!

Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

The picture comes from the Internet

What's more, Ma Yili and Tong Dawei's acting skills have also become more and more perfect with the precipitation of time, do you still remember the scene in the play where Ma Yili interrogated Tong Dawei? There is no hysterical questioning, no tearful accusations, Ma Yili just uses calm eyes to throw out questions word by word, but it makes people shudder, and you can feel the sense of oppression across the screen, and Tong Dawei, in the face of his wife's suspicion, he first flickered, his eyes dodged, and then he pretended to be calm, trying to cover up the truth, every subtle change in expression was handled by him just right, showing the character's inner struggle and uneasiness vividly

After watching it, many netizens exclaimed: "This acting skill is simply amazing!" "This is the self-cultivation of an actor! "Yes, good actors are never stereotyped by the role, they will constantly challenge themselves in different works to bring new experiences to the audience

Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

The picture comes from the Internet

refusing to lie flat, they are "killing" crazy in the entertainment industry

In fact, looking back on the acting careers of Ma Yili and Tong Dawei, you will find that they do not blindly pursue traffic, but always keep a clear head, choose roles that suit them at different stages, and constantly broaden their acting path

Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

The picture comes from the Internet

Ma Yili, from a young girl in her early twenties, to an independent woman in her thirties, and then to a mature mother in her forties, she has created a variety of female images on the screen, whether it is Charlene who dares to love and hate in "Struggle", or Luo Zijun, who transformed from a housewife to a workplace elite in "The First Half of My Life", or Su Wenli, an elegant and intellectual Shanghai socialite in "Cheongsam Beauty Detective", every role is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and unforgettable

As for Tong Dawei, he has already torn off the label of "Lu Tao", showing his versatility in different works, he can be the honest and honest Wang Yang in "Chinese Partner", or the brave and fearless soldier Instructor Li in "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", or the gentle and considerate "daughter slave" Xia Junshan in "Little Shede".

Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

The picture comes from the Internet

They are like two evergreen trees, deeply rooted in the soil of the entertainment industry, constantly absorbing nutrients, working hard to grow, and finally growing into towering trees, bringing a green shade to the audience

The supporting roles of the fairy lineup also hide "masters"

Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

The picture comes from the Internet

The success of "Dislocation", in addition to the wonderful performances of Ma Yili and Tong Dawei, is also inseparable from the outstanding performances of other actors

The joining of the old drama bone Wang Jinsong undoubtedly adds a sense of heaviness to this drama, he plays a retired old policeman in the play, although there are not many scenes, but he shows sophistication and calmness in his gestures, and interprets the wisdom and sense of justice of the character to the fullest

Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

The picture comes from the Internet

And Lan Yingying, who was once well-known to the audience because of the role of "Huanbi", played a shrewd and capable female lawyer in the play this time, changing her weak image in the past, showing a strong aura and self-confidence, many netizens said after watching it: "Lan Yingying finally got rid of the shadow of "Huanbi", and her acting skills are getting better and better! ”

The other supporting roles in the play also contributed wonderful performances, and they used their superb acting skills to present vivid characters in front of the audience, adding a lot of color to this drama

Ma Yili's suspense drama "Dislocation" is unfinished? It doesn't matter, it proves that the actor is still longer popular than the traffic

The picture comes from the Internet

The content is king, a good script meets a good actor

The success of a good drama, in addition to the wonderful performance of the actors, is also inseparable from the support of a good script, the plot of "Dislocation" is compact, suspenseful, and interlocking, which firmly captures the audience's attention

In the play, when the policewoman Lu Wenjing played by Ma Yili was investigating a case, she unexpectedly found that her husband Xu Songlin (played by Tong Dawei) was inextricably linked to the case......

Although the plot of "Dislocation" is exciting, there are also some shortcomings, such as the logic of some plots is slightly insufficient, and the ending is also a little hasty, leaving the audience with a lot of questions

But the flaws are not hidden, "Dislocation" has won the recognition of a large number of audiences with its compact plot, suspenseful storyline and superb acting skills of the actors

"Dislocation" is a suspense short drama worth watching, which allows us to see more possibilities of domestic suspense dramas, and also allows us to see the self-cultivation of good actors

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