
The situation between China and India has changed, and the Indian army has found the key to winning the PLA?

Text | Xiao Yang, who loves to drink Coke

Edit | Xiao Yang, who loves to drink Coke

The situation between China and India has changed, and the Indian army has found the key to winning the PLA?

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When the Himalayas blow the horn of steel

The roof of the world, the Himalayas, the towering snow-capped peaks, the eternal glaciers, here is a miracle of nature, but also a natural barrier between countries, in this seemingly calm land, a tense atmosphere is spreading, in recent years, with the changes in the international situation, the Sino-Indian border area has once again become the focus of global attention, and the military wrestling between the two countries is becoming increasingly fierce, and in this war without gunpowder, the emergence of a land weapon is particularly eye-catching, it is - light tank

Light tank, as the name suggests, is lighter and more flexible than the main battle tank, it is more suitable for fighting in complex terrain such as mountains and jungles, so it is also known as the "king of the mountains", in the Himalayan border area, due to the rugged terrain, inconvenient transportation, heavy weapons are difficult to deploy, light tanks have become an indispensable "killer weapon", India announced in a high-profile manner that their self-developed new light tank Z is about to come out, and plans to deploy it on a large scale to the Sino-Indian border, as soon as the news came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions among all parties

The situation between China and India has changed, and the Indian army has found the key to winning the PLA?

The picture comes from the Internet

The latest toy for the "South Asian Tyrant"?

Is this weapon, touted by the India media as a "game-changer", really that god? Let's first take a look at its "resume", Z, named after the famous Sikh monarch in India's history, which shows that India has high expectations for it, according to official data released by India, this tank weighs about 25 tons, is equipped with a 105 mm main gun, as well as various advanced fire control systems, protection systems, and even reserved interfaces for installing drones and artificial intelligence systems

Judging from the data on paper alone, Z seems to really have a bit of the momentum of the "plateau eagle", and the India media is even more stingy with praise and praise, calling it "the pride of the India Army" and "the nemesis of Chinese tanks"...... Anyone who knows India's military industry knows that India's manufacturing has always been known for its "open-hanging" operation and unreliable quality, from the glorious record of the "king of crashing planes" to the "indefinite sea trial" of domestic aircraft carriers, the "rollover scene" of India's military industry is simply innumerable

Is the birth of Z a counterattack of "Made in India" or another "self-confidence" performance? Let's wait and see, one thing is for sure, India's eagerness to introduce new light tanks and high-profile announcements of border deployments has made its intentions against China clear

The situation between China and India has changed, and the Indian army has found the key to winning the PLA?

The picture comes from the Internet

Plateau Eagle: Type 15 Light Tan is not a vegetarian!

In the face of India's menacing new tanks, what is China's reaction? The answer is: calm! Because in the field of light tanks, China has long had a trump card - the Type 15 light tank

Type 15 light tank, nicknamed "Black Panther", is a new generation of light tank independently developed by China, officially unveiled in 2017, and quickly installed troops, this tank is designed for plateau and mountain operations, the total combat weight of 33-36 tons, equipped with 105 mm high pressure artillery, as well as advanced fire control system, information system and active defense system, with strong fire strike capabilities, battlefield survivability and information combat capabilities

Compared with India Z, the advantage of Type 15 light tank can be described as all-round crushing, in terms of firepower, the main gun of Type 15 has a larger caliber, longer range, higher accuracy, and can fire a variety of ammunition, including armor-piercing shells, armor-piercing shells, high-explosive shells, etc., can effectively destroy various targets, including enemy tanks, armored vehicles, fortification bunkers, etc., and Z's main gun, although it is also 105 mm caliber, but it is said that it can only fire India's domestic ammunition, its power and accuracy are doubtful

The situation between China and India has changed, and the Indian army has found the key to winning the PLA?

The picture comes from the Internet

In terms of mobility, the Type 15 light tank adopts an advanced power system and transmission system, which can maintain good maneuverability in a plateau environment, with a maximum road speed of up to 70 km / h and a maximum range of more than 450 km, which can be quickly deployed to the combat area and carry out flexible tactical maneuvers, while the maximum road speed of Z is only 65 km / h, and the maximum travel is only 400 km, which is obviously inferior in maneuverability

In terms of protection, the Type 15 light tank adopts a modular armor design, which can flexibly replace the armor module and improve the protection capability according to different combat environments and mission requirements, and the Type 15 is also equipped with an advanced active defense system, which can effectively intercept incoming anti-tank missiles and other threats, while Z's protection ability is relatively weak, and it lacks an active defense system, and it may be difficult to parry in the face of the attack of the Type 15 light tank

The Dragon-Elephant Controversy: Who Will Dominate the Frontier in the Future?

The emergence of the Type 15 light tank has broken India's advantage in the field of light tanks, and has also made subtle changes in the military balance between China and India in the border areas

The situation between China and India has changed, and the Indian army has found the key to winning the PLA?

The picture comes from the Internet

On the India side, although it has ambitiously launched the Z light tank, with the consistent performance of India's military industry, whether this tank can be put into service on time, whether it can form combat effectiveness, and whether it can play a role in actual combat is still unknown, and more importantly, India's military strength compared with China, there is an all-round gap, even if India has advanced weapons and equipment, it is difficult to change its strategic disadvantage

China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development and is committed to developing good-neighborly and friendly relations with its neighboring countries, but it will never make any concessions on the issue of territorial sovereignty

We hope that India will recognize the situation, abandon confrontational thinking, and work with China to jointly maintain peace and stability in the border areas

Friends, do you think this new tank in India can really compete with the Type 15? How do you think the situation on the China-India border will develop in the future? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to talk about your views!

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