
When I was a soldier, the director's son was bitten by a snake, and my seemingly absurd approach saved his life, and my life counterattacked

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When I was a soldier, the director's son was bitten by a snake, and my seemingly absurd approach saved his life, and my life counterattacked

If you don't want to be lucky, it's hard to even be lucky! As long as you pay attention and like, good things are not a dream! What are you waiting for? Let's get started!

The hustle and bustle of the city was gradually swallowed up by the night, I stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the lights of thousands of homes, but my thoughts drifted back to more than 20 years ago, that period of military career full of sweat and glory, take off the military uniform, return to the ordinary, everything in the past seems to be gone, only that thrilling experience, still deeply engraved in my mind, often emerge in dreams, reminding me that the trajectory of life sometimes changes because of a seemingly accidental event......

A young man from a mountain village enlisted in the army

I was born in a remote mountain village in Yunnan, for generations to grow tobacco for a living, in my memory, the sky in my hometown is always so blue, the trees on the mountains are always so green, the air is filled with a faint aroma of tobacco, this beautiful land, but carrying the hard work and sweat of my parents and fellow villagers

Every year to the tobacco harvest season, the whole family has to get up early and be busy in the dark, from planting seedlings, hoeing, fertilizing, to picking, baking, sorting, every process is full of hardships, especially to the baking link, it is not sloppy, you need to wait day and night in the roasting room, always pay attention to the heat and humidity, a little careless, it will affect the quality of tobacco leaves, and a year's hard work will be in vain

Although my parents are experts in growing cigarettes, but the meager income can only barely maintain the family's food and clothing, looking at my parents' increasingly rickety backs and rough hands, I secretly made up my mind that I must go out of the mountains, change my fate, and let my parents live a good life

Fate seems to have played a joke on me, in the year of the college entrance examination, I missed the university because of a few points, looking at the disappointed eyes of my parents, my heart was full of guilt and self-blame, just when I was confused, the news of conscription came from the loudspeaker in the village

When I was a soldier, the director's son was bitten by a snake, and my seemingly absurd approach saved his life, and my life counterattacked

The picture comes from the Internet

Army! This was like a dawn for me at that time, illuminating the way forward, I couldn't wait to tell my parents about this idea, my father was silent for a long time, took a deep breath of dry smoke in his hand, and said slowly: "Baby, it is a good thing to join the army, protect the family and defend the country, and glorify the ancestors, but you have to think clearly, the suffering of the army is not less than that of the family......"

Although my mother said that she was reluctant, I knew that she, like me, hoped that I could go out of the mountains and see the outside world, so with my parents' expectations and instructions, I stepped on the train to the barracks

Strict training when he first entered the barracks

After arriving at the troops, I was assigned to an automobile regiment near Ya'an, Sichuan, and when I first entered the barracks, everything was so strange and fresh, the towering barracks, the wide training ground, the mighty military posture, and the loud slogans all made my blood boil and I was full of longing for the future

The life of the recruit company is intense and fulfilling, every day before dawn, we have to get up and go out to exercise, sort out the housework, and then start the day's training, standing in a military posture, practicing queues, running three kilometers, shooting targets and bombs...... Every training session is a test of physical strength and will

My squad leader's surname is Zhang, and he is a shrewd and capable Sichuan veteran, and he often says: "When you enter the barracks, you must treat yourself as a brick, move where you need to, and you must not be afraid of hardship and tiredness in order to become a qualified soldier."

After three months of recruit training, I was selected to stand guard in the regimental guard platoon because of the standard movement of the queue and the upright military posture

When I was a soldier, the director's son was bitten by a snake, and my seemingly absurd approach saved his life, and my life counterattacked

The picture comes from the Internet

Sticking to the post of contingency

The task of the guard platoon is to protect the safety of the regimental organs, and we have to take turns to stand guard at the gate of the regiment headquarters every day

My platoon commander's surname is Wu, he is a tall and mighty Shandong man, he is upright, vigorous and resolute, he often teaches us: "The guard platoon is the façade of the team, representing the image of the team, we must pay attention to every word and deed, we must always be vigilant, to ensure that nothing goes wrong"

Under the leadership of Platoon Commander Wu, I was more strict with myself, conscientiously studied military skills, practiced hard to kill the enemy, and worked hard to improve my own quality

In the summer of that year, the army organized a summer training and was stationed at a nearby training ground, and one afternoon, I was patrolling the camp with two soldiers, and when I walked to a small bamboo forest behind the cooking class, I suddenly heard a rapid cry for help

Startled, I realized that something might have happened and immediately ran with two fighters in the direction from which the voice came

"Narrow Encounter" with poisonous snakes for life and death rescue

When I was a soldier, the director's son was bitten by a snake, and my seemingly absurd approach saved his life, and my life counterattacked

The picture comes from the Internet

Pushing aside the dense bamboo branches, the scene in front of me made me nervous suddenly, only to see a group of children gathered together, their faces full of horror and helplessness, in the center of the crowd, the lover of Director Liu of the Political Department was holding a seven or eight-year-old boy, the child's face was pale, his lips were purple, and two small tooth marks could be seen on his right calf, which were oozing blood beads

"Xiao Li, hurry, save Doudou, he was bitten by a snake!" When Director Liu's lover saw me, he seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and shouted with a crying voice

I hurriedly stepped forward to inquire about the situation and learned that Doudou and several children were playing in the bamboo forest when they accidentally stepped on a poisonous snake and were bitten on their right leg

The situation was urgent, and while comforting Director Liu's lover, I arranged for the soldiers to hurry to the health team to call the military doctor, at this time, I noticed that Doudou's wound had begun to turn black, and the child had begun to be groggy, and the situation was very critical

"It's too late, the wound must be treated immediately!" In my mind, some of the earthy methods that the old people in my hometown often talked about, which were said to delay the onset of toxicity

I didn't have time to think about it, I immediately leaned down, put my mouth at Doudou's wound, sucked it hard, sucked out the poisonous blood and spit it out, and just like that, repeated several times, until I felt my lips tingle, and then stopped

At this time, Dr. Wang Jun of the health team also arrived, and after examining Doudou's wound, he said: "Fortunately, the treatment was timely, and the toxicity did not spread, so I immediately took him back to the health team to inject antivenom

When I was a soldier, the director's son was bitten by a snake, and my seemingly absurd approach saved his life, and my life counterattacked

The picture comes from the Internet

Watching Doudou being sent to the ambulance, my hanging heart finally relaxed

Twist of fate military academy for further study

After the "snake bite incident", I was praised by the leaders and comrades-in-arms for my timely treatment and avoiding more serious consequences

It didn't take long for me to be called to Director Liu's office, and Director Liu said to me earnestly: "Xiao Li, thanks to you this time, Doudou was able to save the day, and I thank you on behalf of the whole family!" ”

I hurriedly said, "Director Liu, this is what I should do, you don't have to take it to heart"

Director Liu nodded, and then said: "Xiao Li, I heard about your situation, you have a good academic performance, and you are also down-to-earth and willing to work, have you ever thought about continuing your studies?" ”

I was stunned for a moment and said, "Director of the report, I joined the army after graduating from high school, and my cultural foundation is relatively weak, so I'm afraid I won't be able to get into the military academy."

When I was a soldier, the director's son was bitten by a snake, and my seemingly absurd approach saved his life, and my life counterattacked

The picture comes from the Internet

Director Liu smiled and said: "It's man-made, as long as you are willing to work hard, I believe you will be able to, so let's do it, I have some review materials for the military school exam here, you take it back and study hard to strive to be admitted to the military school next year!" ”

When I listened, I was very excited, and I took the review materials handed over by Director Liu with both hands, as if I had received a thousand pounds of burden, and it was also like I had received the hope of changing my fate

From that day on, I began to use all my rest time to study hungrily, training during the day, studying at night, often studying late at night, washing my face with cold water when I was sleepy, and continuing to fight at night

After nearly a year of hard study, I finally achieved excellent results in the military academy entrance examination in the second year and received an admission letter from a military academy in Kunming

Looking back, I am full of emotion

Now, more than 20 years later, I have returned to work in the local area after being transferred from the army, and whenever I think of that unforgettable military career, my heart is always full of gratitude and nostalgia

It was the army that gave me, a young man from a mountain village, the opportunity to go out of the mountains, broaden my horizons and increase my knowledge; It is the army that has honed my will and cultivated my quality of hard-working and courageous responsibility; It was the army that gave me the opportunity to change my destiny and made my life path broader

When I was a soldier, the director's son was bitten by a snake, and my seemingly absurd approach saved his life, and my life counterattacked

The picture comes from the Internet

Looking back, I deeply feel that although the road of life is long, there are often only a few key steps, and these critical steps often require us to take the first step bravely and persevere

(The picture comes from the Internet, deleted jointly, for smooth reading, there are fictional interpretations of individual plots, please treat them rationally)

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