
Xiang reads Zhou Yi: small hexagrams

Hexagram 62 Minor transgression

[Hexagram Discussion]

Small over: Thunder Mountain, small take Gen, over take earthquake (encounter). From "sixty-two, past its ancestors, meet its concubines." If you are not the king, you will meet your ministers. No blame. From the point of view, a small fault is the meaning of a miss, which can be extended to the meaning of the mean, not a small fault. Correspondingly, a major fault is not a major fault, but too strong to be cautious.

"Little Too": Heng. Lizhen. But it's a small thing, not a big thing. The sound of the birds' remains should not be up, but should be down. Daji.

[Origin of the Phrase]

The thunder mountain is too small, and the upper and lower earthquakes are gone. The origin of the hexagram is simple, the Gen is small, the shock is large, and the size meets and passes; Earthquake is action, and there is the righteousness of encounter. Stop going up, stop and be able to do, Heng; If you can stop (positive), you will benefit.

"But small things, not big things". Gen is small, can stop and can be right, and small things can be done (Gen). The earthquake is big, and it is difficult to return (the earthquake has a return to righteousness), and it is easy to get lost in the big road (the earthquake is a big tu), but it will not be successful. You can refer to Lei Tiandazhuang's "On the sixth, the sheep touches the domain, can not retreat, can not succeed, no profit, difficult is auspicious".

Xiang reads Zhou Yi: small hexagrams

"The sound of the birds, it is not suitable to go up, it is appropriate to go down". The big is above, not the big thing, not the above; Small is below, but small things are appropriate below. "The sound of the bird's legacy", the same as "Guanyi", the small hexagram hears the sound, and the Fu hexagram in the wind Ze is "on the nine, Hanyin ascends to the sky, and is fierce." "In the Zhongfu hexagram, Xun is a bird and grows taller, that is, the higher it flies, it cannot be seen, and the bird's flight can only be judged by the sound, if the sound is not heard (that is, the thunder mountain is too small on the hexagram), it is dangerous. In the small hexagram, two to four are (birds), three or five are redeemed (destroyed), and Zefeng is a big one.

"Daji". According to the above, the earthquake is big, and the evil phenomenon should be "appropriate" for good luck.

[Interpretation of the Word]

Just use the original biography. "Yi" said: The small is too small, and the small one is too long. Over Elizhen, with the times. Soft and medium, it is a small thing to be auspicious. Just out of position and not hit, it is not a big thing. There is the image of a flying bird, "the sound of the bird's legacy, not suitable for up, should go down, good luck", up and down also smooth. Zefeng is too big to say that the end is too weak, and the small is not only weak, but the yin is stronger and weaker; The big ones are self-defeating, and the small ones are powerless. Small, hexagram gen; over, the upper hexagram shock; The original meaning of Gen is small, the earthquake seems to be big, as the beginning, it is also small and weak, the two do not meet (over), and the end is reversed (greater than the inside and outside).

Xiang reads Zhou Yi: small hexagrams

[Six Elephant Solution]

On the sixth day of the first month, the birds are fierce.

On the sixth day of the first month, the yang position is yin and yin. The bird flies through the yard without stopping (Ben Genzhi), a bad omen (can be regarded as a continuation of Zhongfu Shangliu). Reset, the next hexagram is separation, bird, song, house; 24 for Xun, birds; Gen is the gate; Yin, more than the elephant, bird wings.

Sixty-two, past his ancestors, meet his wife. If you are not the king, you will meet your ministers. No blame.

Sixty-two, upright. Originally, I went to see my grandfather but only saw my grandmother, and I originally went to see the king but only saw the minister (that is, where the murderer was), and I didn't have anything to do with myself. Twenty-four is Xun, the subdued of the Qianjun (ancestor), and the image of the concubine. Ancestors, ancestors, and separation; Gen also has the image of a temple.

Ninety-three, Fu is too guarded, 従 or 戕, fierce.

Ninety-three, upright. Just in case, don't ask for a visit anymore (there is no deviance), otherwise you may be implicated and harmed. Pho, Gen; Defense, thunder and earth hexagram (that is, ninety-three from the lower two yin into the kun hexagram); Shock, shock, blow. Twenty-five into Xun (rope, implicated) to (broken, hurt) image.

Xiang reads Zhou Yi: small hexagrams

Ninety-four, no blame. If you encounter it, you must quit if you go to it, and don't use eternal chastity.

Ninety-four, yin and yang. With the sixth year of the first month, there is no blame. Although you don't take the initiative to ask for a meeting, you will meet the other person, so you should be vigilant to avoid getting into trouble, and it is best to stay calm. Hexagram shock, pass, encounter, to, ring (shock); Restore yin, Fu, do not use, Yongzhen (soft); Again, two or four into a hurdle, trapped, predicament.

Sixty-five, dense clouds and no rain, self in the western suburbs. Gong Yi takes the other in the hole.

Six-five, yang and yin. Put down the shelves in order to solve the misfortune; Although he waited for a long time, the prince finally came to the rescue. Refer to the windy day small animal hexagram "Heng, dense clouds do not rain, self western suburbs". Here Xun is under (wind, clouds) and not a hurdle; Western suburbs, dry exchange. Lei Shui solves the hexagram "on the sixth, the public shooting falcon is above the high Yong, and there is no disadvantage in obtaining it". male, earthquake; Yi, using arrows with ropes to shoot birds, Xun; Acupoints, kan is nine three to yin, three or five is kan, no kan has been out of the kan; Take, take, exchange.

On the sixth, the Buddha has encountered it, the birds have left it, and the fierce is called a disaster.

Upper six, upright. (If) you don't meet the prince and you are in a hurry to see you, like a bird throwing itself into a snare and asking for trouble (i.e., an affirmation that the time is ripe for June Five). Shock, encounter, pass, impatience; It is also a lack of separation, that is, the birds are not in place, and there is no disaster.