
Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

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Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

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On the screen, the swords and swords, the heroes and heroes flying on the wall, people are thrilled to watch, but as soon as the camera turns, the words "stuntman" appear on the subtitles, and the audience suddenly realizes that the thrilling scene just now was completed by the heroes behind the scenes

The word "stand-in" is nothing new in modern society, and in film and television works, stuntmen undertake difficult actions for actors and add color to the work; In real life, stuntmen are also active in various fields, using their professional skills to present us with one wonderful moment after another

Have you ever thought that in the long course of history, "stand-ins" have also played an important role? Why do those historical figures who are in high positions and in power also need "stand-ins"? Who are their "stand-ins"? Today, let's walk into the fog of history and explore the "shadows" hidden behind power

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

Surviving in troubled times: When the "stand-in" becomes the life-saving talisman of the powerful

Just imagine, in an era of war and turmoil, as the king of a country, holding the supreme power, but also means that he is always facing various threats, hidden arrows are difficult to defend, open guns are easy to dodge, the slightest carelessness may become a victim of political struggle, in order to save their lives, some rulers have started the idea of "stand-in".

These stand-ins, who usually come from ordinary backgrounds but have a very similar appearance to the rulers, are secretly recruited, carefully trained, learn the words and manners of the rulers, and even imitate their living habits, striving to hide the truth from the truth

In that era of frequent wars, Chiang Kai-shek can be said to have played the role of "stand-in" to the extreme, this Kuomintang leader, with his tough hand and iron-blooded policy, left a strong mark in history, and made a big move, Chiang Kai-shek, who was in the center of the power whirlpool, also knew that he had many enemies and was always facing the risk of being assassinated

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

In order to protect his own safety, Chiang Kai-shek found a person who was extremely similar to his appearance - He Yun, as his stand-in, He Yun was originally just an ordinary soldier, but because of his striking resemblance to Chiang Kai-shek, he was selected to become a "shadow"

He Yun is not only the same as Chiang Kai-shek in appearance, but also quite similar in temperament and demeanor, in order to better play the role of "Chiang Kai-shek", He Yun received strict training, learned Chiang Kai-shek's speech and demeanor, living habits, and even Chiang Kai-shek's accent and handwriting were imitated vividly

It is said that once, when Chiang Kai-shek's wife Song Meiling came back from going out, she saw He Yun standing by the window, and mistook it for her husband, and stepped forward to greet her cordially, until He Yun turned around, Song Meiling realized that she recognized the wrong person, and couldn't help but admire He Yun's "acting skills".

Chiang Kai-shek also trusted He Yun very much, and often asked him to attend some public occasions and even some important meetings on his behalf, and He Yun would also participate in them and give advice to Chiang Kai-shek

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

The existence of He Yun added a guarantee to Chiang Kai-shek's safety, and also made those with bad intentions elusive, in that turbulent era, He Yun was like an invisible barrier, silently guarding Chiang Kai-shek, and also witnessed the changing history

Courage and Courage: Not All Leaders Need a Shadow

Not all leaders in high positions choose to hide behind the "stand-in", there are some people, they are born with extraordinary courage and courage, in the face of danger and challenges, they never flinch, but choose to stand up bravely, with their wisdom and courage, to resolve the crisis, to win

Mao Zedong, the great leader who led the Chinese people to stand up, was a hero who was not afraid of danger and forged ahead bravely, and his life was full of legends, from the revolutionary struggle in the early years to the later national construction, he always stood on the cusp of the times, led the Chinese people to overcome obstacles, and opened a new era in Chinese history

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

In his long revolutionary career, Mao Zedong was in danger many times, but he never flinched, nor did he think of finding a "substitute" to take risks in his place, and he knew that the revolution needed the wisdom and courage of the leader, not the cowardice of hiding behind others

During the Long March, in the face of the enemy's encirclement and interception, Mao Zedong calmly and strategically led the Red Army to break through the blockade lines, and finally won the victory of the Long March; in Yan'an, in the face of the Kuomintang's military offensive and economic blockade, Mao Zedong led the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people to persist in the War of Resistance against Japan, and finally won the great victory of the War of Resistance against Japan

After the founding of New China, Mao Zedong led the Chinese people in socialist construction, and in the face of various challenges at home and abroad, he always maintained a clear mind and firm conviction, led the Chinese people to overcome one difficulty after another, and scored achievements that attracted worldwide attention

Mao Zedong's life was a life of struggle and a brilliant life, and he used his practical actions to explain what is a real leader and what is a real hero, and he does not need a "substitute", because he himself is a banner, a banner that guides the Chinese people forward

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

The fate of the president: even if you are the head of state, you will not escape the shadow of assassination

Even in times of peace, the security of the head of state cannot be ignored, United States, the superpower's presidential throne may seem glamorous, but it also hides deadly dangers, throughout the history of United States, presidential assassinations are not uncommon, the most shocking of which is the assassination of President Kennedy

On a sunny afternoon on November 22, 1963, President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline visited Dallas

No one could have imagined that what would have been a joyous trip would turn into a tragedy, when the motorcade drove to Dealey Plaza, gunshots suddenly rang out, and President Kennedy collapsed in a pool of blood

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

Although the murderers Lee· Harvey· Oswald were arrested shortly after the incident, the truth about the JFK assassination is still full of opinions and suspicions, some people believe that Oswald is just a chess piece, and there is someone else behind the scenes; Others believe that the JFK assassination was a political conspiracy in United States history, the truth of which may never be revealed

The JFK assassination case has brought a huge shock to United States society, and has also shown the world that even if you are the head of state, you cannot escape the shadow of assassination, and the president's security issue has once again become the focus of people's attention

An iron fist of extreme caution: Stalin and his "shadow army"

Stalin, the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, known as the "Iron Giant" for his tough political skills and iron-blooded ruling style, hides a little-known secret behind this strongman - he has a large team of "stand-ins".

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

Why was Stalin so keen on using stand-ins? This is inseparable from his upbringing and personality, Stalin came from a poor background, and was actively involved in revolutionary activities in his early years, for which he was arrested and imprisoned several times, an experience that left a deep imprint on his heart and made him full of desire for power and security

After becoming the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, Stalin vigorously consolidated his power on the one hand, and on the other hand, he also attached great importance to his own security, knowing full well that in that era of struggle and intrigue, his every move was closely watched by hostile forces, and the slightest carelessness could lead to death

In order to protect himself, Stalin began to secretly assemble a "shadow army" of "doubles", some of whom were similar in appearance to Stalin, and others were specially trained professionals who could imitate Stalin's speech and mannerisms

Stalin's stand-ins usually lived in seclusion and rarely appeared in public, and only on some special occasions, such as when Stalin needed to attend some important meetings or events, but he was worried about his own safety, would arrange for stand-ins to attend in his place

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

It is said that Stalin's stand-ins have undergone rigorous training, they are not only extremely similar to Stalin in appearance, but also imitate their voices, demeanors, and movements vividly

Stalin's "stand-in plan" ensured his safety to a large extent, but it also isolated him from the outside world and deepened people's sense of mystery about him

Kirov's assassination: The ringing alarm bell prompted the "stand-in program" to surface

On December 1, 1934, the Soviet Union L, cold wind, for Sergei · Kirov, a prominent figure in the Soviet political scene, what should have been an ordinary day, but unexpectedly became the end of his life

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

Kirov, a rising political star who was highly regarded by Stalin, collapsed in front of his office door, and a vicious bullet ended the life of this political star, and also brought a huge shock to the Soviet political arena

When the news of Kirov's assassination reached Moscow, Stalin was shocked, Kirov was not only his close comrade-in-arms, but also his successor, Kirov's assassination was not only a challenge to Stalin's authority, but also made Stalin realize that he was also in danger

The Kirov assassination case became a turning point in Stalin's "stand-in plan", before that, although Stalin also used stand-ins, but the number was not large, and the frequency of use was not high, and the Kirov assassination case made Stalin realize that the danger he faced was far more severe than he imagined

In order to ensure his own safety, Stalin decided to increase his investment in the "stand-in program", and he ordered the KGB to secretly search for people with similar looks throughout the country, and strictly train them to become "stand-ins" that he could use at any time

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

For a time, there was a craze in various parts of the Soviet Union to find "Stalin's stand-in", and countless people who looked like Stalin were secretly taken away and subjected to censorship and training by the KGB

From the Ordinary to the Legendary: Uncovering the True Identity and Experiences of Stalin's Stand-In

Among Stalin's many stand-ins, the most widely known is Yevsei · Lubensky, an ordinary worker from Ukraine who was chosen to become Stalin's stand-in because of his striking resemblance to Stalin, and has since changed his fate

Lubensky was only 39 years old when he was chosen, an ordinary factory worker, and he never imagined that his ordinary life would intersect with Stalin, the "iron giant".

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

One day, Lubensky was suddenly taken away by the secret police, and he was told that he had been selected to be the executor of a "special mission", and on the way to Moscow, Lubensky was in constant anxiety, and he did not know what would await him

After arriving in Moscow, Lubensky was placed in a secret dacha, where he met his "teachers", KGB agents, who told him that he was going to play the role of Joseph Stalin, the supreme leader of the Soviet Union

In order to make Lubensky look more like Stalin, the KGB carried out a series of "transformations" on him, they dyed Lubensky's hair black, glued a fake beard, and deliberately dotted a few "moles" on his face to make him look more like Stalin

In addition to the transformation of his appearance, Lubensky had to undergo rigorous physical and linguistic training, and he had to practice Stalin's walking posture, tone of speech, and even Stalin's smoking posture every day

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

After several months of training, Lubensky was able to distinguish the real from the fake, and even the staff around Stalin had difficulty distinguishing his true identity

Since then, Lubensky has appeared in various public occasions as "Stalin", attending meetings, reviewing the army, and receiving foreign guests, perfectly playing the role of Stalin and escorting Stalin's safety

Becoming Stalin's stand-in also meant that Lubensky lost his freedom, he could not contact his family, reveal his true identity, or even have his own life

After Stalin's death, Lubensky finally regained his freedom, and this special experience became an eternal secret in his heart

Stalin had more than a dozen stand-ins, one of whom was only in his 20s, but he couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake

The picture comes from the Internet

It is difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake: even the closest relatives can hardly recognize the disguise of the "stand-in".

Stalin's stand-ins were carefully disguised in appearance, speech and demeanor, and even the relatives who got along with Stalin day and night could hardly distinguish the real from the fake

It is said that on one occasion, Stalin's daughter Svetlana went to visit her father, and Stalin was working in the study at the time, and when she saw her daughter coming, she put down the documents in her hand and got up to greet her

Svetlana stepped forward and hugged her father, but suddenly she felt that something was wrong, she noticed that the smell of smoke on her father seemed to be lighter than usual, and her father looked at her a little strangely

Svetlana couldn't help but have a trace of suspicion in her heart, but she didn't say anything, but quietly exchanged a few words with her "father" and left the study

Afterwards, the more Svetlana thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, and she suspected that what she had seen that day was not her real father, but her father's substitute

Svetlana's suspicions are not groundless, according to the recollections of Stalin's staff, Stalin used stand-ins more and more frequently in his later years, especially on some important occasions, Stalin would arrange stand-ins to attend in his place for safety

Stalin's stand-ins are not only extremely similar to Stalin in appearance, but even their voices, demeanors, and movements are imitated so vividly that if they are not very familiar with Stalin, they will not be able to distinguish the real from the fake

The Fog of History: The Secret Behind the Avatar May Never Be Known

Stalin's "stand-in plan" is a secret in the history of the Soviet Union, and it is also a legend in the Cold War, these "shadows" hidden in the fog of history, for the interests of the country, for the safety of the leader, silently dedicated their youth, and even their lives

As time goes by, the truth about Stalin's stand-in becomes more and more confusing, how many people have served as Stalin's stand-in? What is their true identity? What is their ultimate fate? These are questions that may never be answered definitively

The wheels of history are rolling forward, and those secrets will eventually be sealed in the long river of history, but the stories of those "stand-ins" are still worth remembering, they use their actions to interpret the true meaning of loyalty, dedication and sacrifice, and also add a touch of mystery to that magnificent history

What other professions do you think need to use "stand-ins" in today's society? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views

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