
Melania GQ model photo, which was turned out by the hostess who supported Harris, "the attack began"

Melania GQ model photo, which was turned out by the hostess who supported Harris, "the attack began"

Melania · Trump, the former first lady of United States, although there is still a possibility of entering the White House again, she herself has behaved very scheduled, and can even be said to be a little out of the way. There were few more appearances other than his recent support for her husband, Donald ·, at the Republican National Convention.

But even so, with the 2024 presidential election about to begin, she had to be pulled into a "dirty attack......

Melania GQ model photo, which was turned out by the hostess who supported Harris, "the attack began"

According to news on July 25, local time, Melania's old photos from 24 years ago were turned over by a female program host named Anna ·Navarro.

"Some Republicans have made vicious sexual remarks about Kamala · Harris on television and social media and want to make her dating history an issue. Take your liking. Do you want to treat this as a problem? Come on! I've never seen a photo of Harris or her spouse," Mr. Navarro, 52, wrote.

Melania GQ model photo, which was turned out by the hostess who supported Harris, "the attack began"

Navarro posted two photos on social media, the first of which was Melania modeling for GQ magazine. She was lying on a fur blanket with nothing to cover her body except jewelry and high heels.

In fact, this photo was identified as a weapon to attack Trump as early as 2016, and some people even pointed out that "if Trump is elected, Melania will become the first first lady in United States to take an L photo." ”

That came true, Trump was president for four years, and Slovenia-born Melania became first lady. It can be seen that the voters at that time did not seem to be too affected by Melania's past.

Melania GQ model photo, which was turned out by the hostess who supported Harris, "the attack began"

In addition to this "stain", another thing that makes Harris supporters make a big fuss is that the Trump couple once crossed paths with the notorious Jeffrey · Epstein.

More than a decade has passed, but the investigation surrounding Epstein and related events has not ended, and the relationship between Trump and Epstein made "headlines" earlier this year. Although there are so-called "victims" who tell about Trump's extremely disgraceful past, because there is no real evidence, the matter is not settled. The "victim" cannot be found to have lied, nor can she be used to accuse Trump of her words.

Melania GQ model photo, which was turned out by the hostess who supported Harris, "the attack began"

But in any case, things such as having crossed paths with Epstein in the past and paying "hush money" to actresses will indeed become Trump's "weakness" during the campaign. Even the incumbent President Joe ·, who played poorly in public debates, described Trump's state in private life with "wit", "His morality is no different from that of a stray cat." ”

Melania GQ model photo, which was turned out by the hostess who supported Harris, "the attack began"

But then again, who hasn't had a little bit of an unbearable past?

Navarro wants to turn up old photos of Melania because Harris, whom she strongly supports, is under attack, and the often laughing vice president had a relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie · Brown, who is 31 years her senior. Dating wasn't a problem, the point was that Brown was married at the time, and Harris was his lover.

Activist Laura · Loomer was one of the first to voice concern. She claimed that Harris, 59, was an "escort" and that "she started her career serving successful, wealthy black men, right?" ”

Melania GQ model photo, which was turned out by the hostess who supported Harris, "the attack began"

This has sparked strong dissatisfaction among Harris's supporters, not only Navarro, but also female hip-hop singer Cardi B, who has angrily denounced it, claiming that Harris has dated someone else and does not do other people's business.

Now Beyoncé is also allegedly supporting Harris, and although she has not stated it publicly, she has agreed to Harris using her song "Freedom" as campaign music.