
Under Mr. Chen's hands, in addition to the mighty Huaye Three Tigers, what other fierce generals do they have

At the beginning of 1948, it was a cold winter night. The headquarters of the East China Field Army was brightly lit, and General Chen Yi was plotting an earth-shattering battle with several generals. Their goal was to completely destroy the main force of the Kuomintang in East China. This battle that is about to break out will not only change China's fate, but also shock the whole world.

Under Mr. Chen's hands, in addition to the mighty Huaye Three Tigers, what other fierce generals do they have

The War of Liberation has entered a white-hot situation, and the East China battlefield has become a key point

The War of Liberation entered the decisive stage, and the East China Battlefield became the key to the situation of the war. Both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have gathered heavy troops here to prepare for a decisive battle. As the second largest field army of the Communist Party, the East China Field Army shoulders an important mission. General Chen Yi commanded this strong force and vowed to create miracles on this land.

At that time, East China was an important ruling area of the Kuomintang. Not only is there abundant material resources here, but Chiang Kai-shek's ace troops are also stationed. If this area can be conquered, it will undoubtedly deal a fatal blow to the Kuomintang regime. Therefore, every move of the East China Field Army affects the situation in the whole country.

Chen Yi's fierce generals vowed to level East China

Under Mr. Chen's hands, in addition to the mighty Huaye Three Tigers, what other fierce generals do they have

The East China Field Army led by General Chen Yi can be said to be a fierce general. In addition to the famous "Huaye Three Tigers" Ye Fei, Tao Yong, and Wang Bicheng, there are also a group of commanders who can fight well. All of them have been through a hundred battles and can be called the trump cards of the Communist Party.

The combat effectiveness of this strong force has been fully demonstrated in many large-scale battles. From the Battle of Subei to the Battle of Menglianggu, and then to the Battle of Huaihai, the East China Field Army passed all the way and made one brilliant record after another. Every victory made the Kuomintang army panic and demoralized.

General Chen Yi knew very well that the strength of the East China Field Army was no longer what it used to be. Now, it's time to launch a general offensive and wipe out the entire East China region in one fell swoop. He was secretly determined to set off an unprecedented revolutionary storm in this land.

The East China Field Army won successive victories, and the Kuomintang retreated one after another

As the war progressed, the prestige of the East China Field Army became more and more prestigious. Under the command of General Chen Yi, this iron army was invincible and marched all the way. The elite troops of the Kuomintang were like papier-mâché tigers in front of them, vulnerable.

Under Mr. Chen's hands, in addition to the mighty Huaye Three Tigers, what other fierce generals do they have

First of all, in the Battle of Subei, the East China Field Army annihilated more than 20,000 enemies in the first battle and made its own name. Then, in the Battle of Menglianggu, they created a miracle of defeating the strong with the weak, and completely annihilated the integrated 74th Division, known as the "trump card of trump cards". This victory caused Chiang Kai-shek to lose a trump card and his vitality was greatly damaged.

But what really frightened the Kuomintang was the later Huaihai Campaign. In this earth-shattering Armageddon, the East China Field Army worked closely with other field armies to annihilate the main force of the Kuomintang in one fell swoop. This battle completely laid the foundation for the victory of the War of Liberation.

The thrilling battle of Huaihai General Chen Yi strategized

In November 1948, the Battle of Huaihai began. This is a decisive battle for the fortunes of the country, and both sides give it their all. As the commander-in-chief of the East China Field Army, General Chen Yi shouldered a heavy responsibility.

At the beginning of the campaign, the situation was not optimistic. The Kuomintang gathered heavy troops and tried to divide and encircle our army. However, General Chen Yi responded calmly and skillfully used the tactics of "embattled" to successfully break the morale of the enemy army.

Under Mr. Chen's hands, in addition to the mighty Huaye Three Tigers, what other fierce generals do they have

Subsequently, the East China Field Army launched a fierce counterattack. The "Three Tigers of Huaye" showed their magic and led the troops to break through the enemy formation. General Ye Fei led his troops to forcibly cross the canal and conquered Xuzhou in one fell swoop; General Tao Yong commanded the troops to surround Huang Baitao's corps and completely annihilate the elite of the Kuomintang; General Wang Bicheng led the cavalry troops and staged a modern version of "encircling Wei to save Zhao".

In the middle of the campaign, the Kuomintang vainly tried to send reinforcements. General Chen Yi immediately made a decision and ordered General Xu Shiyou to lead his troops to meet the attack. General Xu lived up to expectations and blocked the enemy's retreat at a critical moment, gaining precious time for our army.

Later in the campaign, the main forces of the enemy army were besieged. At this time, General Chen Yi once again showed his might and sent a "fire brigade" headed by Zhou Zhijian to launch a final blow against the enemy. General Zhou led his troops down the mountain like a fierce tiger and crushed the enemy's last resistance in one fell swoop.

The victory at the Battle of Huaihai marked the collapse of Kuomintang rule in East China. General Chen Yi used his wisdom and courage to compose a magnificent war symphony.

Under Mr. Chen's hands, in addition to the mighty Huaye Three Tigers, what other fierce generals do they have

The legendary story of the East China Field Army still makes people's blood boil to this day. They exchanged their blood and lives for the birth of New China. Today, we look back on this period of history, not only to remember the martyrs, but also to draw strength and continue to move forward.

General Chen Yi and the soldiers under his command used practical actions to explain what is the true military spirit. They are always worthy of our memory and praise. In the new era, we should all the more carry forward this spirit and work hard to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. #头条首发大赛#