
In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In the past, the mountain was breezy at night, and a large pu fan would bring coolness all night, and even in the middle of the night, it was necessary to be thin to keep out the cold. In the morning, the dew soaks the bamboo beds, and fireflies dance in the night. But now, the water level of the river is declining day by day, and even the flickering fireflies are rare to see, and the idyllic song of childhood has become a memory.

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

As a post-70s generation, he is now over half a hundred years old. Recalling the midsummer of my childhood, my heart is full of warmth. At that time, the whole family often went to the wheat field to enjoy the shade, lay down on the mat, look up at the starry sky, and guess riddles, which was fun and fun. I especially like to lean on my grandfather's bamboo chair and listen to his legendary stories, and I gradually fall asleep with the gentle sway of the fan in his hand. At that time, the neighbors always gathered enthusiastically, and the children listened to the stories told by the adults, and there was a lot of laughter. Although the times have changed, the simple joy and neighborhood friendship still make people yearn for it

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

The summer fan has become a must-have for everyone. "The scorching heat of June is not leaving, friends don't borrow it, you and I are worried." In those years, we each had a fence fan, swaying gently, which could not only bring cool breeze, but also disperse mosquitoes. Young scholars and girls prefer the delicate paper folding fan, which is painted with landscapes, flowers and birds, and has a unique charm with beautiful poems. Those who are well-off will choose a more noble goose feather fan, which is more tasteful and noble, although it is expensive

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?
In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

The banana fan gently shakes the wheat straw curtains, and all kinds of mats are laid out to bring the well water to cool. Prickly heat powder and cooling oil are a must-have for summer in the old days. The cold old popsicles, all kinds of straw hats and reed mats spread on the bamboo bed to cool off...... These memories are full of childhood laughter. Although poor but very happy, the cool breeze on the roof at night was the purest way to cool off at that time

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

Although modern toys are varied, it is difficult to find the joy of old-time games. It was a time when children had fun at night. Now that the summer night is known, no longer singing, the praying mantis is hard to find, the frogs are silent, and the Milky Way stars are hidden in the haze. Although life is rich, I always miss the innocent years when I was a child

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In the summer, we frolic in the pond, the banana fan gently shakes the mat, spreads the well to relieve the heat, the old popsicle is sweet, the straw hat shades the sun, and the bamboo bed dreams are long

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In the 70s, the summer temperature was usually only 37-38 degrees, and the dog days mostly hovered around 36 degrees, and it was even cooler in the morning and evening. At that time, the air was fresh, and people's houses were small, but they didn't feel baked. A puff fan and a cup of tea can spend the hot summer leisurely. Time flies, time flies, and the past has become a memory

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

Lying on the roofs of the bungalows in the summer, looking up at the stars is refreshing. Spread a mat and shake a puff fan to enjoy the cool night. Neighbors gather to share sweet watermelons, and childhood summer nights are so beautiful. That innocent time is gone, but it will remain in my heart forever

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

As a child, I lay on the clay floor at night in the countryside, looking up at the starry sky and the phosphorus fire looming on the hillside in the distance. Listening to the stories of the elders, I was both scared and longing. However, late at night, my mother would always call us back to the house to avoid joint pain caused by sleeping in the open until the early morning. Ah, the years of innocence that cannot be returned!

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

Thirty or forty years ago, the village life seems to be still yesterday, vivid. I was a naughty child at the time, and behind my parents' reproaches was my countless mischievous behaviors. The idyllic landscape dominates the entire view, with the river crystal clear and fish swimming, and the fields where frogs chirp and insects jump into a natural music. It is a picture of simplicity and happiness, where people are in a peaceful state of mind and enjoy simple pleasures

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In those old days, when there were no fans and air conditioners, people relied on the puff fans in their hands to survive the hot summer. I vividly remember that I once skillfully applied pen and ink on the pu fan, wrote a limerick poem, and then the poem was smoked by the oil lamp in a hollow posture, black and white is clearly quite literary and artistic. It was a unique memory of our time, simple and beautiful

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

Reminiscing about the summer days of childhood, the wheat fields were crowded, and the starry Milky Way reflected the night sky. The river is full of fish and shrimp, and the cicadas are singing in the green shade. Now the countryside is empty and lonely, and the stars are hard to find. Looking back on the past, my heart is like a tide, and the good memories will remain in my chest forever. The years go by, and the nostalgia for the past is stronger

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?
In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

The small river in the village used to flow day and night, and the fish were abundant and the snow was picturesque in winter. We used to play on the ice, catch loaches, fish for yellow eels, and enjoy innocent fun. At that time, we were basking in the sun, playing red football, hunting for duck eggs by the river, or riding bulls. As the years go by, although the river is drying up, our memories are still vivid. Playing with my cousin and neighbor's little sister, jumping rubber bands and grabbing stones, those young years are as nostalgic as arcade games

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

At night, people lie on the balcony or make beds on the street, and in the countryside, there are straw mats by the pond and the grain field, and the laughter is full of laughter, and during the day, they seek the shade of the trees and the open space, and enjoy the coolness

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

On hot summer afternoons as children, we used to cool off in the nearby creek or find shade under the old trees at the head of the village. When night falls, we climb to the flat roofs of adobe houses and gaze up at the stars. After the meal, the adults carried the bamboo beds to the courtyard and washed them with cool well water. After our children took a bath, we wore tank tops and shorts and lay on the bamboo bed and gently shook our fans to gaze at the bright moonlight and stars, and listen to the stories told by the elders, which was really very pleasant

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

At that time, the neighbors gathered on the platform, bamboo beds, TVs were readily available, watermelons were sweet in the homely chat, and children were playing and playing, and that time was really nostalgic

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?
In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In the sixties and seventies of the last century, the summer heat was unbearable, and there was a lack of refrigeration equipment, so people had to rely on all kinds of fans, such as pu fans and banana fans, to dissipate heat. At that time, on summer nights, we used to sleep outdoors on the team field, looking up at the stars and enjoying the natural coolness. If it rains, they will move to the house, and the bamboo beds are closely connected like a battle array. When there are not enough bamboo beds to sleep on, benches and planks are our beds. At night, adults sit around and chat, and the banana fan in their hands gently sends a cool breeze to the children

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

Thinking about the hardships and purity of rural life back then, it is unforgettable. At that time, I was still wearing long sleeves during the Dragon Boat Festival, and the heat in July was unbearable, and the peak temperature was only 31-32 degrees. Time flies and now it is 37-38 degrees at every turn, and even soars to more than 40 degrees, and it is still light and short in November. During the dog days, we were busy hoeing, trimming cotton, fertilizing, spraying, and fertilizing the roots of corn. When the flood came, we had to put on our coats and patrol the weir in the fields for fear that the dam would collapse. The hard work of farming is beyond words, it is a hardship that carries sweat and hope

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

The years go by, and my childhood memories are like yesterday. At that time, although he was poor, he was happy, his heart was simple, and his neighbors watched and helped each other. Do not close the door at night, do not leave the road behind, and have no heart of comparison, common prosperity. Hey, that innocent childhood is infinitely nostalgic!

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In those days, electricity instability was commonplace, and electric fans were often furnished even if they existed. At that time, my house was still dirt and there was no cold cement. Although the heat is unbearable, it rarely exceeds 40 degrees in my memory. It's a rare time for families to gather and share watermelons every night. On summer nights, we spread straw mats on the ground and enjoy the coolness of nature. Sometimes I take a cool spot at the gate, light a mosquito smoke to prevent mosquitoes, and don't go back to the house until late at night. Some people even set up mosquito nets directly outdoors, taking the sky as the quilt and the ground as the bed leisurely

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?
In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

At the age of seven or eight, children began to shepherd sheep and chop firewood to help their parents take care of their younger siblings. In contrast to the pampering of today's children, they are more wild and independent. In the scorching summer, the children jumped into the ditch at noon to play and catch fish. When they are a little older, they devote themselves to farming, pulling seedlings at dawn, threshing in the morning, and planting rice in the afternoon. At night, every family takes a dip in the shade on the Heping, looks up at the starry sky, chatting about endless stories and anecdotes about the countryside. This is the summer in the memory of the post-70s generation

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In the past, the sky was blue, the river water was crystal clear, the village was a small river, and the white sand beach was continuous. At night, people come with quilts, and the sky is the quilt and the ground is the bed until the first dawn of the morning. The river bathes in clear water, and fish can be seen, but now the river is dry, the pond has been filled in to build houses, and the cement pavement is covered with bungalows, and it is difficult to find a summer refuge

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In the 60s and 70s, the climate was mild and pleasant, with the highest summer temperatures barely exceeding 33 degrees Celsius, and there was plenty of rain. In winter, it can be bitterly cold, and the road surface can even freeze and crack. At that time, the river was so clear that we used to swim in it, and we learned to swim from a young age. At that time, factories and cars were scarce, and the air was clean and pollution-free, which is really nostalgic

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?
In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

At that time, in the summer, we would spread a mattress on the roof, courtyard or wide threshing field, and lay down to enjoy the natural coolness. Under the big tree, gently shake the puff fan, and the evening breeze blows lightly. The stars twinkle in the night sky as if they are within reach. The water of the river is sweet and delicious, and the wild fruits of the fields are delicious. We also catch flickering fireflies after the meal. Well, that kind of time can only be found in memory now, but it can never be recreated

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In those days, the temperatures were pleasant, far less than they are today. At that time, we did not rely on air conditioning, but naturally adapted to the changing seasons. I think back to when I was a child, there was a lot of rain, and the air and soil were moist. My father was amazed that it was as high as 33°C today, which was a rare high temperature at the time. Today, however, temperatures can climb to 43°C, and the climate has changed dramatically. In my memory, the land was wet when I dug it up, but now I have to dig several meters deep to find the wet soil. The thriving wetlands behind the village have now dried up, and even the vegetation can hardly survive if there is no rain for a long time

In the 60~70s, there was no fan, no air conditioning. How do rural people live dog days?

In the seventies, people didn't feel the heat outside bare-chested, comfortable during the day in the shade of the trees, and cool breezy on the bungalows at night. In the 90s, the ultra-high temperature swept in, and adults and children jumped into the clear river to enjoy the coolness and forget to return. Nowadays, the environment is deteriorating and extreme weather is frequent, and we can't help but miss the beautiful times when the mountains and rivers were beautiful and the nature was pure

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