
Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

It's been a lot of fun lately. A 16-year-old female high school student, who was supposed to be in her youth, ran into a bad thing.

I was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! Let's talk about it today, see what the hell is going on, and see what lessons we can learn from it.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

This is not a sweet Mary Sue pet drama full of sweet fantasies, but a 16-year-old female high school student, with her intelligence and fearlessness, gave us a solid lesson in "anti-deception and anti-wolf".

Let's call this heroine "Shizuka" for the time being, her series of operations really make people can't help but scream and shout "master"!

Online dating is risky, and you need to be cautious

While Shizuka was writing her math homework that gave her a splitting headache, a handsome guy who called himself "Li Yue" broke into Shizuka's small world on a rampage.

Please watch the explosion video


He told her that he was unmarried, 28 years old, and a university teacher.

This attraction is much more powerful than the trigonometric functions that the math teacher talks about endlessly.

Shizuka fell into it so defenselessly, and the two of them quickly developed from chatting across the screen to meeting offline, and they also warmly confirmed their relationship.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

But you should be aware that this is not a fairy tale opening for princes and princesses to live happily ever after, but an opening gong and drum of a "special love teaching".

Shizuka is called a heart, and carefully selected a bunch of luxury goods, cigarettes and health products to give to each other.

What's even more exaggerated is that in the two moments that she considered "romantic nights", she was called a generous person, and she didn't say a word about all the expenses and bore them herself.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

I have to talk about it here, in this era, why do you even have to make any AA system for the funds for a relationship? Shizuka's "bold" energy is really angry and funny!

Just as Shizuka was immersed in the sweet honey jar of love, a "identity reveal" like a thunderbolt from the sky suddenly dragged her back to the cruel reality.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

It turned out that the so-called "Li Yue" was just a fake name, and his real identity turned out to be Cao, a married teacher at Shandong University of Technology.

What's more, this guy is also very good at "casting a wide net" everywhere, and maintains that kind of ambiguous and ambiguous relationship with many other women.

Shizuka didn't choose to endure silently without saying a word, but resolutely stood up and sounded the alarm for everyone with her own personal experience.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

She skillfully used the powerful tool of the Internet to bravely and fearlessly expose Cao's true face.

This move not only fully demonstrated her extraordinary courage, but also allowed us to see the spirit of contemporary young people who dare to shout loudly and fight hard in the face of unfairness.

Justice arrived late, and the school responded quickly

In the face of Shizuka's brave report, Shandong University of Technology did not flinch or delay in the slightest, but launched a comprehensive and in-depth investigation with lightning speed.

Moreover, after some careful verification, it was confirmed that the content of Shizuka's report was true.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

The school was not ambiguous at all, and decisively made a series of severe punishments to Cao, such as expulsion from the party, revocation of position, termination of employment contract, etc., and quickly handed over relevant clues to the judicial organs.

This series of operations is simply a "textbook-level" way of dealing with crises, and people have to give a thumbs up to the school's efficiency and determination.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

As soon as this matter was exposed, it really exploded on the Internet, and it was very lively.

Netizens expressed their shock and anger one after another, and questioned one after another: "How did such a person get into the teaching team?" ”

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

"Where did the school's construction of teacher ethics and teacher style go?" There are even some emotional netizens who shouted directly at the top of their voices: "The education circle should also have a thorough cleaning!" These angry voices are not only a strong condemnation of Cao's bad behavior, but also a deep reflection on the entire education community.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

There are also some netizens who put forward different opinions.

They feel that individual cases are not representative of the teaching profession as a whole, let alone that the efforts of the education sector should not be completely denied because of this one person.

This kind of more rational voice also adds a bit of calm and in-depth thinking space to this heated discussion.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

Shizuka's experience, although it is only an isolated case, is like a loud alarm bell, buzzing in our ears.

On the road of youth, which is full of unknowns and challenges, we must not only pursue our dreams bravely and enjoy the beauty of love, but more importantly, we must learn to protect ourselves and distinguish between right and wrong.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

Love is not a joke, every sincere relationship should be treated with care, but there is a premise, that is, the other party must be the person who is really worthy of your trust.

Let's talk about it

In these uncertain and unpredictable times, youth is like a wonderful performance without a script written in advance.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

We may encounter all kinds of problems and temptations, but as long as we always keep a clear head, have unwavering faith and a brave and fearless heart, we will definitely be able to find a brilliant path of our own.

Shizuka bravely made her voice heard, which not only brought justice back to herself, but also set an excellent example for countless friends of her age.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

She used her own personal experience to tell us: in the face of unfairness and deception, don't choose to remain silent or avoid retreating; Instead, we must have the courage to stand up and use our wisdom and courage to defend our rights and dignity.

We should also look at this matter with a rational attitude. A few such cases do not represent the whole story, and the efforts and contributions of the entire education community cannot be negated because of this one person.

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

We should learn lessons from this, sum up experience, and constantly improve ourselves and improve ourselves.

In this way, we can make our youth more beautiful, richer and more fulfilling, and more regretless.

What do you think about this?

Subsequent! A 16-year-old female high school student was cheated out of money and sex by a university teacher! The room was opened twice, and high-definition photos flowed out

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