
ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

In this hot summer file, "Catching the Doll" is like a clear stream, successfully detonating the enthusiasm of the audience. This movie launched by Happy Twist not only marks Happy Twist's strong comeback after two years, but also quickly climbs to the box office peak with its unique comedy charm and profound family education topics. The film exceeded 500 million at the box office in the screening and pre-sale stages, broke through the 1.7 billion mark in just 9 days after its release, won the single-day box office championship for 7 consecutive days, and locked 31 new records. Industry insiders predict that the final box office of the film may hit 3.7 billion+, and it is expected to reproduce the glory of "Lonely on the Moon".

Behind such a box office hit, the actors naturally benefited a lot. Below, we take a look at the 10 actors who have benefited the most from "Catching the Doll" and reveal how they made a leap forward in their acting careers through this film.

Shen Teng's local tyrant father Ma Chenggang played in "Catching the Doll" is really a surprising role. On the surface, he pretended to be a poor middle-aged man, wearing shabby clothes, and even pretending that his family was poor. However, in fact, his status as a wealthy man has caused countless laughs and emotional fluctuations in the film.

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

In the film, Shen Teng's character Ma Chenggang not only brought many hilarious moments, but also profoundly showed the true heart of a father. This contrasting and cute setting allows the audience to feel the emotional depth behind the characters while laughing. Shen Teng grasped every detail of Ma Chenggang just right, from his embarrassing behavior to hide his identity as a wealthy man, to those moments when he showed his true emotions at critical moments, which made people feel the three-dimensional and fullness of the character.

Ma Li plays the complex mother character Chunlan in "Catching the Doll", which is full of contradictions and conflicts. On the one hand, she wants her son to make a difference in society, and on the other hand, she constantly hides the true situation of the family. Ma Li performed particularly well in the emotional outburst scenes, her acting skills not only made the role more three-dimensional, but also made her personal box office performance exceed 20 billion, consolidating her position in the film industry.

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

In addition to her achievements in her acting career, Ma Li has also been actively involved in public welfare, using her influence to help those in need. This is not just a personal choice of a star, but also a value that she has always adhered to.

Ma Li pays attention to many public welfare projects, such as the activities she once initiated to care for poor children. During a fundraiser, she personally went to schools in remote areas and brought books and school supplies to the children. It was really hard for her to see the children frustrated by the lack of learning resources. She shared this experience on social platforms, and in the photos, she interacted with the children cordially, showing her sincere concern for public welfare. A netizen wrote in the comment area: "It's really touching to see Ma Li doing this. She is really remarkable to help those children in need with practical actions. ”

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

In addition to educational assistance, Ma Li also focuses on environmental protection. She once participated in a tree planting activity to contribute to the cause of greening. During the event, she not only planted a few trees herself, but also called on everyone to pay attention to environmental protection. She posted several photos of the tree planting on social media and wrote a text: "Each of us can make a small contribution to protecting the environment, and I hope everyone can participate in environmental protection actions." This passage resonated with many netizens, and some people commented: "Ma Li is really a responsible star, she not only works hard in the entertainment industry, but also actively participates in environmental protection, I really admire her." ”

She is also regularly involved in fundraising activities for the underprivileged, and she often uses her influence to rally, to call on fans to donate and support those in need. Once, she mentioned the current situation of some poor families in her live broadcast and encouraged everyone to help these families. Her fans also responded positively, and a lot of money was raised in a short period of time. Fans left messages on the barrage: "Ma Li is really amazing, she uses her influence to do meaningful things, and we have to learn from her." ”

In general, Ma Li not only performed well on the screen, but also interpreted the social responsibility of a public figure with her actions in life. Her public welfare activities have made her image more three-dimensional in the hearts of fans and the public, and also made her influence go beyond the entertainment industry and become a real social role model.

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

Sarina shows her versatility in "Catching the Doll", where she plays both the hilarious image of a "paralyzed grandmother" and the serious teacher who hides her identity. Sarina successfully subverts the previous image of a mother, bringing unexpected comedic effects and moving crying scenes, showing her ability to switch between different roles.

Shi Pengyuan played the growing Ma Jiye in "Catching the Doll", from a victim of educational experiments to a sports school student. Despite his young age, Shi Pengyuan has already left a deep impression on high-scoring dramas such as "The Hidden Corner" and "The Long Season". His mature acting skills and deep understanding of the role add a lot of highlights to the film.

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

As the young Ma Jiye in the film, Xiao Bochen successfully showed the well-behaved and responsible character of this character. Although he is young, his mature performance in acting skills is amazing. Xiao Bochen's performance not only made the audience feel the growing pains of the character, but also laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Jia Bing played a cameo role in "Catching the Doll" as Mr. Jia in a "poor sour" family. Although the character does not appear for much time, Jia Bing adds a lot of laughter to the film through improvisational comedy effects and natural performances. His impromptu reaction in the filming footage also sparked widespread attention from the audience.

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

Although Wei Xiang played a political teacher in the film, he did not have many scenes, but he successfully left a deep impression with his humor and unique style. His performances bring ephemeral characters to life and amusement, showing his special charm in comedy.

Zhang Zidong played Ma Dajun in "Catching the Doll", a character who is under pressure in the midst of family reorganization. He used real acting skills to show the character's inner struggle and optimism, which won the recognition of the audience.

Ma Wenbo played the shrewd grandfather who protects his grandson in "Catching the Doll", although there are not many scenes, but every time he appears, he can cause hilarity. Ma Wenbo successfully evoked the audience's warm memories of his grandparents with his performance.

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

Li Jiaqi played the arrogant Zhang Feifei in "Catching the Doll". Although her acting skills have been subject to some controversy, her re-collaboration with Happy Twist is also an opportunity for her to save her reputation, bringing her more exposure and attention.

Overall, the success of "Catching the Doll" not only brought a huge box office to the movie itself, but also allowed the participating actors to receive rich dividends. Each actor contributed to the success of the film with their outstanding performances and unique role positioning. With the advancement of the summer file, there is still room for further improvement in the film's influence and box office results, which is worth looking forward to.

ranked the 10 actors who benefited the most from "Catching the Doll", Ma Li only ranked second, and the first place was not disputed

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