
Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

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Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

Reading guide: Stepmother's warm shelter and left-behind girl regains her life - when love meets responsibility, can the family rebuild happiness?

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

In this era of rapid information travel, we are often bombarded with all kinds of negative news. But occasionally, some heart-warming stories will be like a ray of sunshine, piercing through the haze and warming our hearts. Recently, a heartwarming story from Luoyang, Henan Province has caused heated discussions on the Internet. A stepmother uses love and a sense of responsibility to give a life to a left-behind girl who once lived in difficulty. This story makes one wonder: what role does love and responsibility play in complex family relationships? When love meets responsibility, how can the family rebuild happiness? At a time when the topic of "family of origin" is still hot, what kind of inspiration will this story bring us?


From "blackening" to "whitewashing": the metamorphosis of the stepmother's image

When you think of your stepmother, what image comes to mind? Is it the mean, cold bad woman in fairy tales? Or is it the vicious character in the TV series who is ruthless and targets stepchildren everywhere? However, real-life stepmothers are changing this stereotype with real actions.

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

Take this Ms. Weng from Luoyang, Henan Province, for example, her behavior is simply a textbook-level "stepmother model"! Four years ago, she met this little girl, who was only 6 years old. The scene at that time can be said to be quite "miserable": the little girl and her grandparents live in the countryside, covered in lice, and have to take care of her older brother. The stepmother didn't say a word, and took the girl to take care of her. Four years have passed, and the girl has become more confident and generous.

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

This kind of change is not only outwardly but also inwardly grown. From a little girl who is insecure and takes on too much responsibility to a sunny and confident girl, the effort and love involved in this is unimaginable. Ms. Weng's behavior is also quietly changing people's stereotypes of stepmothers, allowing us to see another possibility in family relationships.

Have you had a similar experience? Or have you heard the story of the "fairy stepmother" around you? Feel free to share it in the comment area!

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

"Left-behind children": flowers in forgotten corners

Speaking of which, we have to mention a poignant topic - left-behind children. This phenomenon is still relatively common in the mainland, especially in rural areas. According to data from the Ministry of Education in 2018, there are about 6.97 million left-behind children in rural areas across the country. Although this number is 22.7% less than in 2016, it is still a large group.

Some netizens commented: "Left-behind children, dad is working outside to earn money. In the past, we had a lot of this situation, and I was brought up by my grandparents. Mom and Dad work outside, come back for ten or twenty days a year, and arrive home at eight or nine o'clock in the Chinese New Year's Eve during the New Year, and they are very hard. "

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

This passage speaks to the hearts of many left-behind children. Their parents had to travel to other places to work in order to make ends meet. Although the grandparents did their best, after all, they were old and inevitably unable to educate and take care of them. These children are like forgotten flowers in the corner, lacking the nourishment of sunshine and rain.

The problems faced by left-behind children are not only difficulties in life, but also psychological and emotional deficiencies. Long-term lack of parental companionship can lead to introversion, insecurity, and even affect the development of learning and social skills. In this story, we see a possible solution: when the family of origin is unable to give enough love, a loving stepmother can be the key to changing the child's fate.

The Magic of Love: When the Soul Is Awakened

There is a hot comment on the Internet that says it well: "It turns out that once the soul is loved, flesh and blood will grow wildly." This sentence is simply the best interpretation of this story!

Ms. Weng's behavior not only gave the girl a warm home, but more importantly, awakened her soul. Just imagine, a 6-year-old girl should be carefree to play and study, but she has to take care of her older brother, what a heavy burden! And now, under the care of her stepmother, she has regained the happiness and confidence that belonged to her child.

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

This kind of change is not an exaggeration to describe it as "judging two people". From "full of lice" to "confident and generous", love has played a crucial role in this metamorphosis. It is like a ray of sunlight that pierces through the haze and allows the flowers that were originally cringe to bloom again.

Psychological research has shown that the experience of feeling safe and loved in childhood is essential to a person's development. Ms. Weng's love has not only changed the girl's present, but most likely her future as well. The power of this love, far beyond the shackles of blood relations, allows us to see another possibility of family relationships.

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

Balance of Responsibility and Love: The Secret of Family Happiness

In the final analysis, to form a happy family, love alone is not enough, but also a sense of responsibility. Ms. Weng's approach is the perfect combination of love and responsibility.

Some netizens commented: "Looking at this mother's mental state, her mood is stable and she speaks gently, thinking that the father of the child she likes should not be too bad, as for the old man, it should not be very excessive, and it is not a big problem to live separately." "

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

This comment points to an important issue: the harmony of family relationships. In this story, we see the love of the stepmother, the support of the father, and the good interaction with the elderly. It is this multifaceted balance that creates a warm and harmonious family atmosphere.

In modern society, reorganized families are becoming more and more common. How to deal with complex family relationships has become a challenge for many people. Ms. Weng's approach provides us with a good example of how she not only gives motherly love to her stepdaughter, but also maintains good relationships with her husband and the elderly. This balance requires wisdom as well as effort and understanding from each member of the family.

Do you think love or responsibility is more important in family relationships? Or rather, how do you balance the two?

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!


This story has a lot to teach us. It tells us that the power of love is infinite and that it can change a person's destiny; At the same time, it also reminds us that in complex family relationships, we need to use wisdom and a sense of responsibility to maintain happiness.

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!

In the face of the social problem of left-behind children, each of us should pay more attention and love. Maybe you and I can't change everyone's fate, but with a little more kindness, we can make this world a better place. As anthropologist Margaret · Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, determined citizens can change the world." In fact, it's the only force that can change the world. "

Finally, let's consider the question: how should we define "family" in this increasingly complex society? Is it blood relationship, or is it love and responsibility between each other? Today, when the topic of the original family is still hot, what kind of inspiration does this story give us? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area! #长文创作激励计划 ##头条创作挑战赛#

Blood is not as good as true love, and stepmothers are good at other people's families!
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