
In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56
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In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

On July 12, 2007, the "World's First Mongolia Baotianjiao Camp" in Ordos, Inner Mongolia ushered in an extraordinary wedding. The groom, Bao Xishun, is over half a hundred years old and has an astonishing height of 2.361 meters, which is the "world's tallest natural growth person" certified by Guinness World Records.

And the bride Xia Shujuan standing next to him is young and beautiful, only 28 years old, and her height of 1.68 meters is in stark contrast to her husband. Why did the couple, who have only known each other for a month, enter the marriage hall in such a hurry? Will they be able to bridge the age and height divide and spend the rest of their lives together? What kind of twists and turns and bizarre stories are hidden in Bao Xishun's life? Let's uncover the legendary life of this giant.

Bao Xishun was born in a poor family in Inner Mongolia in 1951. Since he was a child, he has been in the spotlight because of his unusual height. However, this attention brought endless troubles and troubles to the young Bao Xishun.

On the construction site, Bao Xishun's height became his advantage. The average worker needs to throw the dirt with great effort, and he can reach the roof with just a light release. However, this "talent" cannot make up for the many inconveniences in life.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

The ordinary bed was like a crib to him, and he could only curl up on the cold, damp ground and barely sleep. Long-term discomfort led him to develop severe rheumatism at the age of 20.

In order to treat their son, Bao Xishun's parents devoted everything they had to Shenyang to seek medical treatment. There, fate gave him an unexpected twist. Basketball coach Leng Wanju took a fancy to this tall young man at a glance and warmly invited him to join the team.

For Bao Xishun, this is undoubtedly a ray of hope to escape from the predicament.

However, the basketball dream was soon shattered. Suffering from rheumatism, he was unable to devote himself to training and to show the speed and passion he should have on the pitch. Two years later, he had to return home to face the world that didn't seem kind.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

After returning to his hometown, Bao Xishun was once again faced with strange stares and a social environment that was difficult to fit in. Whenever he walked down the street, he would attract sideways glances and whispers from passers-by.

This situation, which attracted much attention but was unable to communicate normally, made him gradually become silent and almost cut off from the outside world.

During these difficult years, his mother became Bao Xishun's biggest spiritual support. She never complained about her son's specialness, but thought about him everywhere. When he retired from the basketball team, his mother gently comforted him, telling him that he could live happily ever after returning home.

She even sewed clothes and shoes for him with her own hands, trying her best to create a comfortable living environment for this special son.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

However, fate once again dealt Bao Xishun a heavy blow. When he was 40 years old, his beloved mother died. Before her death, the mother was still concerned about her son's future, and used her last strength to make a few pairs of warm cotton shoes for him.

Having lost his most important spiritual pillar, Bao Xishun fell into an unprecedented trough.

Facing a challenging future, Bao Xishun, who is tall but fragile in his heart, seems to be a huge question mark standing on the vast grassland.

Just when Bao Xishun almost lost hope in life, the god of fate finally smiled at him. He was approached by a successful businessman named Xin Xing and invited him to be the welcome of his hot pot restaurant.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

The offer initially made Mr. Bao hesitate, fearing that he would once again become a "monster" in the eyes of the people. However, Xin Xing's sincerity and enthusiasm touched him, and Bao Xishun plucked up the courage and decided to take this life-changing step.

This short 10-day experience completely changed the trajectory of Bao Xishun's life. Xin Xing tailor-made a classic Chen Zhen outfit and oversized shoes for him, which made him look particularly energetic when standing in front of the hot pot restaurant.

To Bao Xishun's surprise, customers reacted very differently to him. They no longer looked at him strangely, but threw a friendly smile and a kind greeting.

This feeling of being respected and treated well made Bao Xishun rekindle his enthusiasm for life.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Bao Xishun, who was still unsatisfied after the work, took the initiative to contact Xin Xing, hoping to have more job opportunities. Xin Xing happily agreed not only to arrange a comfortable place for him to live in Chifeng City, but also to hire him as an "ambassador" for the cultural company.

In this way, Bao Xishun began a new chapter in his life, from a "giant" who avoided the world, and gradually became a "star" in the eyes of people.

However, what really made Bao Xishun famous was another noble person he met - media person Tang Jun. Tang Jun keenly discovered Bao Xishun's uniqueness and planned a series of reports, making Bao Xishun gradually known to the public.

This proposal made Bao Xishun both excited and apprehensive. With Tang Jun's encouragement and assistance, he decided to give it a try. First, they went to the hospital for a comprehensive medical examination to prove that Bao Xishun's height was the result of natural growth and not due to illness.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Tang Jun then helped Bao Xishun prepare detailed application materials and submit them to the Guinness World Records headquarters.

In 2005, under the strict supervision of notaries, doctors measured Bao Xishun's height on the spot. When the final data of 2.361 meters was confirmed, the audience erupted in applause.

Bao Xishun officially won the Guinness World Records title of "the world's tallest natural growth person". This honor not only made Bao Xishun famous all over the world, but more importantly, it gave Bao Xishun great confidence and courage.

Since then, Bao Xishun's life has changed dramatically. He is no longer a "monster" that people avoid, but a popular celebrity. Invitations poured in, and his story was widely reported, inspiring countless people facing hardship.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

However, even at the peak of his life, the 56-year-old Bao Xishun still has an unfulfilled wish in his heart - he longs to have his own family. For many years, due to the peculiarity of his height, he has not been able to achieve his wishes in terms of feelings.

Now when he finally gains the recognition and respect of society, he is even more eager to find the other half of his life and form a warm family of his own.

From a discriminated "giant" to a revered world record holder, Bao Hee-shun's story illustrates the power of perseverance and courage. His experience has taught us that everyone is unique in their own way, and the key is how to perceive and exploit that uniqueness.

Bao Xishun has found a stage to show his self-worth, but his life story is far from over, and a new chapter is waiting for him to write.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Fate always seems to love to surprise Bao Xishun. Under the introduction of a friend, the 56-year-old met Xia Shujuan, a 28-year-old girl from Inner Mongolia. The two hit it off at first sight, as if they had reunited with old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

They had a great conversation and soon discovered that they had many languages in common. In just one month of getting along, they were convinced that the other party was the one they had been waiting for.

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. Xia Shujuan's parents have a lot of complaints about this family business. They were worried that Bao Xishun was too old to take care of their young daughter.

What worries them even more is that the future child may inherit Bao Xishun's special constitution and face a similar dilemma to his father. But Xia Shujuan's persistence touched her parents.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

She expressed to her family the indescribable sense of security and comfort she felt when she was with Bao Xishun. In the end, under the power of love, Xia Shujuan's parents chose to bless the couple.

On July 12, 2007, Bao Xishun and Xia Shujuan held a grand wedding in Ordos, "the world's first Mongolia Baotianjiao camp". This wedding is not only the union of the two people, but also the beginning of a new chapter in Bao Xishun's life.

When Bao Xishun, who is 2.361 meters tall, led Xia Shujuan, who is 1.68 meters tall, into the marriage hall, the guests at the scene were all moved. The couple used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of "as long as you love each other, all differences are not a problem".

Soon after marriage, Xia Shujuan became pregnant. The news made Bao Xishun both excited and apprehensive. He is looking forward to becoming a father, but he is also worried that his children will face problems because of inheriting their height.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

On October 2, 2008, their son "Tianyou" was born by caesarean section and weighed 4.2 kilograms. Holding his healthy son, Bao Xishun burst into tears with excitement.

He secretly vowed in his heart that he would train his son to be a basketball superstar like Yao Ming who would win glory for the country.

For example, today You is 14 years old and his height has exceeded 1.7 meters. Doctors predict that Tianyou's future height may reach a staggering 2.2 meters. In the face of his son's rapid growth, Bao Xishun is both proud and worried.

He is well aware of the inconveniences that tall people may face in life, but he believes that as long as he maintains a positive and optimistic attitude, height will not be an obstacle in life.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

He often encouraged his son to be confident, to use his strengths well, and not to be constrained by appearances.

Bao Xishun and Xia Shujuan have a happy married life. Despite the large age gap, the two get along well and understand and support each other. Xia Shujuan is not only Bao Xishun's wife, but also his intimate companion and spiritual pillar in life.

Her gentleness and thoughtfulness made Bao Xishun feel unprecedented warmth, and also gave him more courage to face all kinds of challenges in life.

This belated happiness made Bao Xishun cherish his current life even more. He often said that being able to meet his true love in the second half of his life and form a happy family is the greatest gift given to him by God.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

The story of Bao Xishun is not only a fairy tale about love, but also a legend about hope and perseverance.

Looking back, Bao Xishun was full of emotion. From a discriminated "monster", to a respected "giant", to a happy husband and father, Bao Xishun's life has experienced too many ups and downs.

This experience of ups and downs has given him a deeper understanding and perception of life.

He deeply realized that the real obstacle did not come from the outside world, but from the inner inferiority complex and cowardice. It is precisely because he bravely stepped out of his comfort zone that he can meet a noble person who changes his fate, gain the recognition of the world, and find the true love of life.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Bao Xishun often said that if he hadn't accepted Xin Xing's invitation at the beginning, he might never have been able to get rid of the shadow of inferiority.

Over the years, Bao Xishun has been trying to adjust his mentality. He learned to accept his own special and turn it into an advantage. He realizes that everyone is unique and that the key is how you see yourself as different.

Bao Xishun often admonishes his son: Don't be bound by appearance, real growth lies in the heart. He hopes that his son will be confident, optimistic and brave enough to pursue his dreams.

At the same time, he also encouraged his son to learn to be empathetic and treat everyone kindly, because everyone may be facing their own difficulties.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Today's Bao Xishun still maintains a low-key attitude to life. He cherishes his current happy life and does not forget to give back to the society. He often participates in public welfare activities, using his experience to encourage those who feel inferior because they are different.

He told them that as long as they have the courage to accept themselves and dare to pursue their dreams, they will definitely find their own world.

Bao Xishun's story tells us that every challenge in life is an opportunity for growth given to us by God. No matter what kind of "difference" life gives us, as long as we maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, we can create an extraordinary life in ordinary life.

Bao Xishun's life is like a legendary novel of ups and downs, from the "giant" who is discriminated against to the happy husband and father, he uses his own experience to explain what true growth is.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Now, Bao Xishun, who once "got married" at the age of 56, has become a happy husband and loving father. His story tells us that no matter what kind of "difference" life gives us, as long as we have the courage to accept ourselves and dare to pursue our dreams, we will definitely be able to write our own wonderful life.

Bao Xishun used his experience to prove that everyone can create extraordinary stories in ordinary life, and the key lies in how we see ourselves and how we face life's challenges.

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