
Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

Introduction: The iron pillar of Delhi, India is a big "god", he was built more than 1600 years ago, and it is still preserved as new and has never been rusted, is there any secret to the iron pillar?

Recently, we cooperated with scientists in India to study this iron pillar, and finally found out the secret of the iron pillar, the fundamental reason why the iron pillar is stainless is that it has an internal "oxide film" to protect the rust of the iron pillar.

What attracted the attention of scientists is how this "oxide film" is formed, after careful observation by scientists, they found that the phosphorus element in the rust composition will form a protective film after touching air and water, which can play a role in preventing the iron pillar from continuing to rust.

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

Iron pillar in Delhi, India.

When it comes to this iron pillar in Delhi, India, the local people will affectionately call it the "golden rod".

And this "golden rod" is called "Quiutuz" in Hindi, which means "victor", so the "golden rod" is the Indian people chanting their own victory.

The construction of the "Golden Pole" dates back to the 4th century BC, when King Ashoka, the king of the Great India Empire, ordered his four ministers to cast the iron pillar and engraved some of the king's speeches on the iron pillar, stating that the meaning of the iron pillar was "not for war, but for peace", and to erect the iron pillar in the "Nagardo" complex.

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

And this iron pillar is directly in front of "Nagardo", so the building of "Nagardo" is also called the "Palace of Victory", but with the development of India, this "Nagardo" has gradually been abandoned, and the "Palace of Victory" has gradually disappeared in the development.

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

After the "golden rod" encountered modern technology, it suddenly attracted the attention of the world, and even many experts and scholars came to inspect the "golden rod", they wanted to figure out why this "golden rod" was never stainless steel.

In India, people believe that the "golden rod" was forged by the soul of the snake god "Sand Valley" at that time, and this iron pillar has a very magical effect.

Neither India nor foreign scientists will believe this statement, on the contrary, they believe that the reason why the "golden rod" has been stainless for thousands of years must have his scientific principles in it.

The "golden rod" in Delhi, India is 7 meters high, but it weighs as much as 6.5 tons, and how is this 6.5-ton and 7-meter-high "golden rod" cast?

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

Scientists have figured out the cause of the stainless steel of the "golden rod".

The "Golden Rod" is in the form of a sharp spear with the head of a spear in front of it, and its spearhead is connected to an iron pillar with two grooves in the head.

And the two grooves on it are paired, and there is a small hole in the middle of each pair of grooves, scientists guess that the casting of this "golden rod" at that time required two sets of iron pillars and spear heads to be forged separately, so let's see that this iron pillar is indeed a thousand years of stainless steel, what is the reason?

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

In 1953, scientists from India and United Kingdom collaborated to analyze the "golden rod", but in the end scientists from these two countries did not find out the cause of the "golden rod" stainless steel, until 1997, an India scholar named "Manu Marti Aneka Rawat" tested the rusted parts of the "golden rod" and the parts without rust.

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

They analyzed the material composition of these two parts separately, and finally the two scientists found that the material composition of the two parts was extremely different, and after some comparison, they found that the rusty material without rust on the iron pillar had a thick "oxide film".

So, they began to find out how the "oxide film" was formed, and they thought that the rusty material without rust on the iron pillar must contain the element "phosphorus", so they tested the element "phosphorus".

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

In the end, they found that when the phosphorus in the rust hits air and water, it forms a protective film that prevents the iron pillars from continuing to rust.

Therefore, the reason why the "golden rod" does not rust is mainly because there is a layer of "oxide film" inside it to protect the rust of the iron pillar.

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

How the oxide film is formed.

Why can the "golden rod" form a thick layer of "oxide film" to protect the iron pillar from rust?

The reason why this iron pillar is stainless for thousands of years is that the inside of this iron pillar contains 0.1% phosphorus, and this element happens to have a very magical effect, which can prevent the chemical reaction between the oxygen element and water molecules in the iron to form a "rusty" substance.

When the phosphorus in the rust encounters oxygen and water molecules, the phosphorus envelops the oxygen, making it more difficult for them to come into contact with each other, which greatly reduces the rate at which rust is formed.

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

At the same time, it is also believed that phosphorus prevents the formation of rust substances such as "Fe2O3•2H2O" and "Fe3O4" by oxygen and water molecules in rust.

Why can the iron pillars of Delhi, India, be "stainless for thousands of years", and now scientists have found the reason?

Conclusion: The role of phosphorus.

It is precisely because the phosphorus element in the rust has a very magical effect that the "golden rod" can be stainless for thousands of years and maintain a state of new for thousands of years.

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