
Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

Princess Xincheng, as the youngest daughter of Tang Taizong Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, her birth not only has special significance in the royal family, but also occupies an extremely important position in the life of Empress Changsun. Empress Changsun, as Li Shimin's empress, has always been known for her wisdom and virtue, and is deeply favored and respected by Tang Taizong. However, Empress Changsun's health had deteriorated before she gave birth to Princess Xincheng, and the birth of Princess Xincheng was undoubtedly a huge test of the limits of her life.

In that era when medicine was not developed, Empress Changsun's serious illness was not effectively treated and alleviated. Her condition gradually worsened with the passage of time, and the birth of Princess Xincheng brought an unprecedented burden to her body. Despite this, Empress Changsun was full of anticipation and joy for the birth of Princess Xincheng, and she knew that this child was the crystallization of her love with Tang Taizong and the continuation of her life.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

The birth of Princess Xincheng is also of extraordinary significance to Tang Taizong. As a wise monarch, he was well aware of his responsibilities and missions, but as a husband and father, his love for his family was equally deep. The birth of Princess Xincheng made him more concerned about his family in addition to national events. He often visited the eldest grandson's queen in person in addition to government affairs, caring about her condition, and at the same time full of expectations for the growth of Princess Xincheng.

During the growth of the princess of Xincheng, she was highly valued and favored by the royal family. As the youngest daughter of the royal family, she was endowed with special pampering and attention from an early age. Both Tang Taizong and Empress Changsun hoped that she would grow up healthy and happy and become a virtuous and virtuous princess. To this end, they arranged the best education and training for her, from literature and music to etiquette and martial arts, Princess Xincheng received a comprehensive and in-depth education.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

However, the road to the growth of the princess of Xincheng was not all smooth sailing. The death of Empress Changsun brought a huge blow to her heart, and she lost her mother's love and guidance, which was undoubtedly a severe test for her growth. But Princess Xincheng is not discouraged by this, she is strong in the face of life's difficulties and challenges, and strives to become an independent woman. She is well aware of the glory and responsibility of the royal family, so she studies and exercises harder, hoping to live up to her parents' expectations.

The talent and beauty of the princess of Xincheng soon spread the word inside and outside the court. Her literary attainments are profound, she is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and is especially good at poetry and songs, and her poems are fresh and refined, full of feminine tenderness and wisdom. Her musical talent is equally impressive, whether it is a guzheng or a pipa, she can play it with great charm and intoxication. In terms of etiquette and martial arts, Princess Xincheng also showed extraordinary talents, her demeanor was elegant and generous, and her martial arts were strong, whether it was riding archery or sword dance, she could show the demeanor of a royal princess.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

These talents and virtues of Princess Xincheng not only won the appreciation of Tang Taizong, but also allowed her to gain great prestige in the court. Many literati and doctors were proud to be able to communicate with the princess of Xinshi, and her poems and musical works were widely circulated, becoming a symbol of the culture of the time. However, Princess Xincheng did not become complacent because of this, she always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, and used her talents and virtues to influence and infect the people around her.

As time passed, the princess of Xincheng gradually grew up, and her beauty and talent attracted the attention of many aristocratic youths. However, Princess Xincheng has her own considerations and choices about her marriage and future. She hopes to find a partner who truly appreciates her and supports her, rather than just her royal status and beauty. In the process, Princess Xincheng shows her independent personality and firm determination, she is not bound by traditional ideas and worldly visions, but hopes to be able to choose her own life path according to her own wishes.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

The story of the princess of Xincheng is a royal story full of legends. Her upbringing not only reflects the glory and responsibility of a royal princess, but also shows the strength and independence of a woman in the face of life's challenges. Her story is still praised and remembered by people today, and has become an immortal story in Chinese history.

Tang Taizong's favor for the princess of Xincheng is a well-known fact. In those days, royal princesses were not usually treated so specially, but Princess Xincheng was an exception. Tang Taizong's love for her is not only because she is the youngest daughter of Empress Changsun, but also because her birth is closely linked to the death of Empress Changsun, which makes Princess Xincheng occupy a special place in Tang Taizong's heart.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

Soon after the birth of Princess Xincheng, Empress Changsun died of illness, and Tang Taizong lost his beloved wife, and this grief was transformed into deep affection for Princess Xincheng. He turned this emotion into love and protection for Princess Xincheng, and even personally participated in her upbringing. In that era, it was extremely rare for the emperor to raise the princess in person, but Tang Taizong broke the convention, he not only taught the princess of Xincheng personally, but also often took her to participate in court politics and court activities, so that she was exposed to the power center of the royal family from an early age.

When Princess Xincheng was eight years old, Tang Taizong made an exceptional decision - to crown her as the princess of Hengshan County. This move caused a lot of controversy at the time, because according to the regulations of the Tang Dynasty, the title of princess was usually obtained only after reaching adulthood, and the award of the title also required a series of ceremonies and procedures. However, Tang Taizong ignored these regulations and directly gave the noble title of Princess Xincheng in the name of the emperor. This decision not only shows his affection for the princess of Xincheng, but also reflects his spirit of challenging traditional rules and reforming.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

After Princess Xincheng was named the princess of Hengshan County, her status and influence were greatly improved. Not only did she have more resources and power, but she was also able to participate in more political and cultural activities. Tang Taizong's decision undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for the future development of Princess Xincheng.

Under the favor and cultivation of Tang Taizong, Princess Xincheng not only showed outstanding talent in literature, art and martial arts, but also showed extraordinary wisdom in politics and diplomacy. She often participated in various banquets and diplomatic activities with Tang Taizong, and communicated with envoys and nobles from all over the world, and her speech, demeanor and knowledge were extensive, winning the respect and praise of many people.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

The talent and wisdom of Princess Xincheng also gave her a high prestige in the court. Many literati and doctors were proud to be able to communicate with the princess of Xinshi, and her poems and musical works were widely circulated, becoming a symbol of the culture of the time. However, Princess Xincheng did not become complacent because of this, she always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, and used her talents and virtues to influence and infect the people around her.

Tang Taizong's love for Princess Xincheng is also reflected in his consideration of her marriage. He hopes that Princess Xincheng can marry a partner who truly knows how to appreciate her and support her, rather than just valuing her royal status and beauty. In the process, Princess Xincheng shows her independent personality and firm determination, she is not bound by traditional ideas and worldly visions, but hopes to be able to choose her own life path according to her own wishes.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

Tang Taizong's love for the princess of Xincheng is not only reflected in his concern for her personal growth, but also in the selection of horses for her. At that time, the marriage of the royal princess was often closely linked to political marriage, but Tang Taizong hoped that the princess of Xincheng would marry a talent who was truly worthy of her, not just out of political considerations.

Originally, the horse chosen by Tang Taizong for the princess of Xincheng was Wei Zheng's son Wei Shuyu. Wei Zheng was an important advisor under Tang Taizong, known for his loyalty and wisdom. His son Wei Shuyu also inherited his father's intelligence and morality, and was considered an ideal candidate to match the princess of Xincheng. Tang Taizong was very appreciative of Wei Shuyu's talent and personality, and thought that he could give Princess Xincheng the respect and love she deserved.

Why did Li Zhi bury his sister Xincheng Chang Princess with the queen ceremony? A thousand years later, the truth is revealed

However, the twist of fate came so suddenly. Wei Zheng died tragically in a political struggle, and his family was also implicated. In that complex political environment, Wei Zheng's death was not only a personal tragedy, but also triggered a series of political changes. The power of the Wei family has been weakened, and the original marriage contract with the princess of Xincheng has become precarious.

Although Tang Taizong was very satisfied with Wei Shuyu, he also had to take into account the political reality. After weighing the pros and cons, he made a difficult decision - to cancel the marriage contract between Princess Xincheng and Wei Shuyu. This decision undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Princess Xincheng, who had a deep affection for Wei Shuyu, but this relationship had to be given up for political reasons.

The cancellation of Princess Xincheng's engagement was not only a loss of her personal feelings, but also attracted widespread attention both inside and outside the court. Many people expressed their understanding of Tang Taizong's decision, but others thought it was disrespectful to the feelings of Princess Xincheng. In this case, Tang Taizong had to worry about the marriage of Princess Xincheng again.

In the process of re-selecting the horses, Tang Taizong was more cautious and meticulous. He had to take into account not only the family background and personal qualities of the colt, but also the political balance and stability. In the process, Princess Xincheng also showed her wisdom and independence. She was not discouraged by the cancellation of the marriage contract, but strengthened her determination to choose her life path.

In the process of selecting the horses, the princess of Xincheng not only actively participated, but also put forward her own opinions and requirements. She hopes that her future husband will not only have talent and moral character, but also an independent mind and a broad vision. She does not want to fall prey to a political marriage, but wants to be able to find a partner who can truly understand and support her.

Tang Taizong expressed his appreciation for Princess Xincheng's persistence and independence, and he respected Princess Xincheng's choice and gave her more freedom and space. With the joint efforts of father and daughter, Princess Xincheng finally found a colt that met her requirements. Although this process is full of twists and turns and challenges, Princess Xincheng's persistence and independence have won the respect and admiration of more people.

The first marriage experience of Princess Xincheng is a story full of twists and turns and challenges. It not only reflects the strength and independence of a royal princess in the face of political and emotional pressure, but also shows the courage and determination of a woman in the pursuit of her own happiness and ideals. The story of the princess of Xincheng is still praised and remembered by people today, and has become an immortal story in Chinese history.

The remarriage of Princess Xincheng is a story full of twists and turns and helplessness. Under the careful arrangement of Tang Taizong, Princess Xincheng married another outstanding young man of the eldest grandson family, Changsun Quan. The eldest grandson family was a prominent family in the Tang Dynasty, and the eldest grandson Quan was not only born in a famous family, but also had outstanding talent and morality, and was regarded as an ideal candidate for the horse by Tang Taizong.

The combination of the eldest grandson Quan and the princess of Xincheng should have been a happy marriage. Under the witness of Tang Taizong, the two held a grand wedding, and the entire Chang'an City was immersed in the joy of this royal wedding. The princess of Xincheng, accompanied by her eldest grandson, felt unprecedented happiness and stability. She thought she had finally found someone she could trust for life, but fate played a cruel joke on her again.

After the death of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, the political situation of the Tang Dynasty changed dramatically. The eldest grandson family was suspected and suppressed by the new emperor because of its involvement in a political struggle. As a member of the eldest grandson's family, Changsun Quan was not spared from this political turmoil, and was finally forced to leave Chang'an and exiled to a remote place.

Princess Xincheng lost her husband's company, and her life fell into chaos and despair. She couldn't accept the departure of her eldest grandson, and she couldn't bear the fact that she was facing the change of her marriage again. However, in that era, the marriage of the royal princess was often involuntary, and the fate of the princess of Xincheng was once again engulfed by the giant wheel of politics.

Shortly after the exile of the eldest grandson, the princess of Xincheng was forced to begin her path of remarriage. This time, her marriage was no longer motivated by love, but by political necessity. Her heart is full of helplessness and resistance, but as a royal princess, she knows that she has no choice. She must accept this reality, and for the honor of her family and her own survival, she must enter the palace of marriage again.

The remarriage of Princess Xincheng is an experience full of pain and struggle. She has to face not only the departure of her husband, but also a new husband and an unknown life. Her heart is full of contradictions and struggles, and she doesn't know if she will be able to adapt to this new environment, let alone find happiness again.

However, Princess Xincheng did not give up. With her strength and wisdom, she strives to adapt to her new living environment and strive to find her own happiness. She knows that no matter how fate plays tricks, she must be strong to live, for herself and for the sake of those who care about her.

The remarriage experience of Princess Xincheng is a story full of challenges and growth. It not only reflects the strength and independence of a royal princess in the face of political and emotional pressure, but also shows the courage and determination of a woman in the pursuit of her own happiness and ideals. The story of the princess of Xincheng is still praised and remembered by people today, and has become an immortal story in Chinese history.

The remarriage of Princess Xincheng is a process full of bitterness and helplessness. After the exile of her eldest grandson, she was forced to marry Wei Zhengju. Wei Zhengju was born in an influential family, and he himself has a certain talent and status, but his relationship with Princess Xincheng has always been difficult to harmonize.

Although Wei Zhengju is a suitable colt in the eyes of outsiders, the emotional foundation between him and Princess Xincheng is weak, and there is a big difference in the personalities and values of the two. Princess Xincheng has been influenced by the royal family since she was a child, she is independent, strong, and has her own opinions and opinions. Wei Zhengju, on the other hand, paid more attention to the interests and status of the family, and he hoped to increase his family's influence through his marriage to the royal family.

Life after marriage was not as happy as Princess Xincheng expected. The contradictions and conflicts between the two gradually revealed, and some of Wei Zhengju's behaviors even aroused the suspicion of domestic violence. Although Princess Xincheng maintains her nobility and dignity in front of outsiders, her heart is tormented. She couldn't stand Wei Zhengju's roughness and incomprehension, and this mental and emotional torture made her feel lonely and helpless like never before.

Wei Zhengju's domestic violence caused an uproar inside and outside the court. Many people expressed sympathy and indignation at what happened to the princess of Xincheng, and they could not understand why a royal princess would be treated in such a way. However, in that era of patriarchal supremacy, women's voices were often ignored, and the suffering of the princess of Xincheng did not receive the attention and resolution it deserved.

Princess Xincheng did not give up on asking for help and support because of this. She began to secretly seek allies inside and outside the court, hoping to find a way out of this unhappy marriage. Her wisdom and courage were on full display in the process, and she showed extraordinary strategy and wisdom not only in court struggles, but also in emotional struggles.

The remarriage of Princess Xincheng is a story full of pain and challenges. She had to face not only her husband's incomprehension and rudeness, but also public opinion and pressure inside and outside the court. However, Princess Xincheng was not crushed by these difficulties, and with her strength and wisdom, she worked hard to find her own happiness and a way out.

The story of the princess of Xincheng is a royal story full of legends. Her upbringing not only reflects the strength and independence of a royal princess in the face of political and emotional pressure, but also shows the courage and determination of a woman in the pursuit of her own happiness and ideals. Her story is still praised and remembered by people today, and has become an immortal story in Chinese history.

The life of Princess Xincheng is a legendary but tragic story. She has been endowed with royal glory since birth, but she has also endured unimaginable pressures and constraints. Under the favor of Tang Taizong, she once enjoyed the glory and wealth of the world, but with the twists and turns of fate, her life gradually entered a haze.

After being forced to marry Wei Zhengju, Princess Xincheng's life fell into deep misfortune. The marriage between her and Wei Zhengju was not out of mutual affection, but out of the arrangement of imperial power and the consideration of family interests. Wei Zhengju's rudeness and incomprehension made Princess Xincheng feel unprecedented loneliness and despair. Her heart is full of longing for freedom and yearning for happiness, but the cruelty of reality makes her feel powerless and suffocated.

Princess Xincheng's mental state gradually deteriorated, and she began to be depressed, losing her former vitality and brilliance. There was no longer a smile on her face, and her eyes were full of melancholy and confusion. Her life has become monotonous and tedious, and every day seems to repeat endless pain and suffering.

During these difficult years, Princess Xincheng did not give up on seeking change and relief. She tried to connect with the other women in the court, hoping to find some solace and support. She also tries to express her emotions through literature and art, hoping to find some solace and strength in her creation.

However, these efforts did not change the fate of Princess Xincheng. Her physical condition began to deteriorate, and she felt overwhelmed by mental stress and physical illness. She began to fall ill frequently, each of which seemed to remind her that her life was passing little by little.

Princess Xincheng's family and friends are concerned about her health and they do their best to help and care for her. But deep in the heart of Princess Xincheng, she has never been able to get rid of that deep sense of powerlessness and despair. She felt like she was trapped in an invisible cage, unable to break free and unable to breathe.

As time passed, the flame of life of Princess Xincheng gradually extinguished. Her countenance began to grow haggard, and her body became weak. There was no longer brilliance in her eyes, and her voice was full of exhaustion and helplessness. She began to refuse to eat and be treated, and her life slowly passed away in silence.

The melancholy end of the princess of Xincheng is a story full of tragedy. Her life was full of glory and glory, but it was also full of pain and struggle. Her story is not only the tragedy of a royal princess, but also the helplessness of a woman in the face of fate and reality.

The life of Princess Xincheng is an unremitting pursuit of freedom and happiness, but also a helpless struggle against fate and reality. Her story is still praised and remembered by people today, and has become an immortal story in Chinese history. Although her life was short, her spirit and courage will always remain in people's hearts.

Although Princess Xincheng's life was bumpy, her funeral was unprecedentedly grand, and Tang Gaozong's deep affection for her was fully reflected at this moment. The scale and etiquette of the funeral exceeded the specifications of ordinary princesses, and even used the etiquette of the queen, which was extremely rare at the time.

Tang Gaozong was very saddened by the death of Princess Xincheng, and he was well aware of the pain and pressure his sister had endured throughout her life, so he decided to express his condolences and respect for her with the highest funeral. The preparations for the funeral were personally handled by the high-ranking officials in the court, and every detail was carefully planned and arranged to ensure the solemnity and dignity of the funeral.

On the day of the funeral, both inside and outside Chang'an City were immersed in solemnity and sorrow. The coffin of the princess of Xincheng was placed on an ornately decorated hearse, led by eight white horses, and slowly walked through the streets of Chang'an. On both sides of the street, countless people spontaneously gathered to see off the princess who had a rough life. Holding white flowers, they silently expressed their sorrow and respect for the princess of Xincheng.

The funeral ceremony was held in the royal mausoleum, where the emperors and empresses of the Tang Dynasty rested. The coffin of Princess Xincheng is placed in a carefully selected location, surrounded by pines and cypresses, symbolizing her eternal tranquility and dignity. At the funeral, Tang Gaozong personally presided over the ceremony, he was dressed in black mourning clothes, his face was solemn, and his voice was low, expressing his deep nostalgia for his sister.

At the funeral, Tang Gaozong read a eulogy that reviewed the life of Princess Xincheng, praised her virtues and talents, and also expressed sympathy and condolences for her misfortune. In the eulogy, Tang Gaozong mentioned the special status of Princess Xincheng in the royal family, as well as her achievements in culture and art, and her poetry and musical works will be remembered forever by future generations.

The funeral ceremony also included Buddhist and Taoist rituals, and monks and priests prayed for the soul of Princess Xincheng for liberation and peace in the afterlife. In addition, there are mourning music performed by court musicians and mourning dances performed by dancers, all of which are ceremonies to express respect and remembrance for the princess of Xincheng.

Princess Xincheng's funeral is not only a personal mourning for her, but also a collective memorial for the entire royal family. Through this funeral, Tang Gaozong showed the world his deep affection for his sister, and at the same time sent a message: even members of the royal family will be tricked by fate and experience the hardships of life.

The funeral of Princess Xincheng is a story full of sorrow and solemnity. It not only reflects Tang Gaozong's deep affection for his sister, but also shows the respect and nostalgia of the Tang Dynasty royal family for family members. Although Princess Xincheng has passed away, her spirit and story will be remembered forever by future generations.

After the death of Princess Xincheng, Tang Gaozong's heart was full of deep guilt and self-blame. He realizes that he has played an inescapable role in his sister's tragedy. Princess Xincheng's life, from the initial favor to the later unhappy marriage, to the final depression, every step seems to be related to the mercy of the imperial power and the family's expectations. In addition to grief, Tang Gaozong began to reflect on his decision-making, he felt that he had failed to give Princess Xincheng the freedom and happiness she deserved, but instead made her suffer too much pain and constraints.

In order to express his guilt and remorse, Tang Gaozong decided to take a special approach in the tomb of Princess Xincheng. He ordered the destruction of the tomb frescoes of the maidservants, which were originally used to accompany the royal family in the afterlife, according to Tang custom. In Tang Gaozong's view, these murals symbolized the imperial power's control and restraint on the life of the princess of Xincheng, and were a symbol of his failure to protect her as a brother.

The act of destroying the frescoes was an extremely rare act at the time. It is not only a subversion of traditional funeral customs, but also a direct expression of Tang Gaozong's inner feelings. In this way, he hopes to convey his apologies to the soul of Princess Xincheng, hoping to alleviate the suffering she suffered during her lifetime.

In the tomb of the princess of Xincheng, in addition to destroying the mural of the maidservant, Tang Gaozong also ordered the addition of some special decorations and inscriptions. These decorations and inscriptions not only show the virtues and talents of Princess Xincheng, but also express Tang Gaozong's nostalgia and admiration for her. He hoped that the soul of the princess of Xincheng would be at peace and respect, accompanied by these decorations and inscriptions.

This decision of Tang Gaozong soon attracted widespread attention and discussion inside and outside the court. Many people expressed understanding of Tang Gaozong's guilt and remorse, which they believed was a true manifestation of an emperor's deep affection for his sister. But there are also those who have questioned it, arguing that it is an overly extreme expression that may cause unnecessary controversy and unease.

However, Tang Gaozong was not in the world of unexpectedly views and discussions. He is well aware of the guilt and remorse in his heart, and in this way, he hopes to express his apologies to Princess Xincheng and show the world how much he misses his sister. He hopes that through this funeral, the soul of Princess Xincheng can rest in peace, so that her name and story will be remembered forever by future generations.

The tomb of the princess of Xincheng has become a symbol of Tang Gaozong's guilt. It not only reflects an emperor's reflection on his own decisions, but also shows the deep nostalgia of an older brother for his sister. Although the story of Princess Xincheng is full of tragedy, her spirit and courage, as well as Tang Gaozong's guilt and remorse, will be remembered forever by future generations.

In 1994, archaeologists discovered the tomb of Princess Xincheng by chance, a discovery that immediately attracted widespread attention from the academic community and the public. As the daughter of Tang Taizong and the younger sister of Tang Gaozong, Princess Xincheng's tomb not only carries rich historical information, but also becomes an important clue for the study of Tang Dynasty royal culture and imperial power behavior because of its special specifications and the destruction of murals.

The tomb of the princess of Xincheng is large-scale and rigorously arranged, showing the typical characteristics of the royal tombs of the Tang Dynasty. The structure of the tomb is complex, the decoration is exquisite, the frescoes are brightly colored, and the content is rich, covering many aspects such as religion, mythology, and court life. However, the most striking thing is the destruction of the frescoes in the tombs.

In the frescoes of the tombs, it is clear that some of the murals of the images of handmaidens have been vandalized. The damage to these murals is not the result of natural weathering, but has obvious traces of man-made. After careful research and analysis by experts, these damages are believed to have been intentional by Tang Gaozong at the funeral of Princess Xincheng.

Through in-depth study of the tombs and the records of historical documents, experts further interpreted the destruction of murals by Tang Gaozong. They believe that Tang Gaozong's behavior is not only a deep reflection on the tragic fate of his sister Princess Xincheng, but also a self-blame and remorse for his own decision-making mistakes as emperor.

In the Tang Dynasty, the tomb murals of royalty were often used to depict scenes of life and religious beliefs during their lifetimes, while murals of maidservants symbolized the servants of the royal family in the afterlife. Tang Gaozong's destruction of these murals may have been an expression of the release of his sister's shackles during her lifetime, hoping that she would be able to achieve true freedom and tranquility in the afterlife.

In addition, experts also note that other frescoes and decorations in the tomb of the princess of Xincheng show extremely high artistic and historical value. These murals not only depict the prosperity of court life in the Tang Dynasty, but also reflect the religious beliefs and cultural characteristics of Tang society. Through the study of these murals, experts were able to gain a deeper understanding of the social life and cultural landscape of the Tang Dynasty.

The discovery of the tomb of the princess of Xincheng provides valuable material for the study of the royal culture of the Tang Dynasty. Through the excavation and study of the tombs, experts can not only have a more comprehensive understanding of the life and experience of the princess of Xincheng, but also explore the characteristics and social impact of imperial power in the Tang Dynasty.

Although Tang Gaozong's act of destroying the murals may have caused some controversy at the time, from today's perspective, this act is undoubtedly a profound reflection on the tragic fate of the princess of Xincheng and a self-criticism of the behavior of imperial power. The tomb of Princess Xincheng is not only a witness to the tragedy of her life, but also an important material for the study of imperial culture and imperial power behavior in the Tang Dynasty.

Although the story of Princess Xincheng is full of tragedy, her spirit and courage, as well as Tang Gaozong's guilt and remorse, will be remembered forever by future generations. Her tomb is not only the end of her life's legend, but also an important starting point for the study of Tang Dynasty royal culture and imperial power behavior. Through the study of the tomb of the princess of Xincheng, we can have a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the Tang Dynasty, and a more comprehensive understanding of the life of this legendary princess.

The discovery of the tomb of the princess of Xincheng has provided historians and archaeologists with a new perspective to reinterpret the history and culture of the Tang Dynasty. Through in-depth study of the tombs, experts gradually uncovered the deeper historical meaning behind the destruction of the murals by Tang Gaozong. They believe that Tang Gaozong's behavior is not only a mourning for his sister, but also an expression of self-blame and remorse.

During the Tang Dynasty, the tomb murals of members of the royal family often had important cultural and symbolic significance. The murals not only reflect the life scenes and religious beliefs of the tomb owners during their lifetimes, but also symbolize their expectations and imaginations for the afterlife. The frescoes in the tomb of Princess Xincheng originally depicted her court life and religious ceremonies during her lifetime, but some of the murals of the maidservants were artificially destroyed. This act of destruction is extremely rare in archaeology and is of great interest to experts.

Through a careful analysis of the tomb frescoes, archaeologists have found that the destroyed frescoes are mainly focused on the part depicting the handmaid. These handmaidens played an important role in the Tang court, taking care of the daily lives of the royal family. Experts speculate that Tang Gaozong may have destroyed the murals because he blamed the maids for not taking good care of the princess and failing to give her the love and support she deserved during her lifetime.

Tang Gaozong's behavior reflects his deep love for his sister and deep reflection on his own decision-making. He may have thought that if the maidservants had taken better care of Princess Xincheng, her fate might have been different. Therefore, by destroying these murals, he tried to express his guilt and self-blame for his sister. This self-blame is not only a reproach to the maidservant, but also a reflection on his failure to protect his sister as an emperor.

Experts also noted that other frescoes and decorations in the tomb of the princess of Xincheng show extremely high artistic and historical value. These murals not only depict the prosperity of court life in the Tang Dynasty, but also reflect the religious beliefs and cultural characteristics of Tang society. Through the study of these murals, experts were able to gain a deeper understanding of the social life and cultural landscape of the Tang Dynasty.

Through the study of the tomb of the princess of Xincheng, experts gradually unveiled the mystery of the imperial culture and imperial power behavior of the Tang Dynasty. They found that the lives of the Tang Dynasty royals were not as glamorous as the outside world imagined, and they also faced various pressures and challenges. The tragedy of Princess Xincheng is not only her personal misfortune, but also a product of the social and cultural background of the Tang Dynasty.