
The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Guan Xiaoping is an ordinary Northeast duo turned artist who has worked the stage of Changchun for nearly 20 years. He lives a simple and regular life, performing thousands of two-person performances every year, earning up to 200,000 yuan.

Although the work is hard, he feels that the income is already very good.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

In 1999, the god of luck favored the hard-working performer. When the "hype king" Deng Jianguo was on a business trip in Changchun, he happened to see Guan Xiaoping's two-person performance. Guan Xiaoping's vivid Zhao Benshan imitation show deeply attracted Deng Jianguo.

He believes that Guan Xiaoping is a good material for filming, and the transfer of the Northeast duo to the southern city of Guangzhou is also a business opportunity with great potential.

Deng Jianguo found Guan Xiaoping, invited him to go to Guangzhou to develop together, and promised to let him appear in the movie. For Guan Xiaoping, this was a sudden opportunity. Movie? That's something he wouldn't have dreamed of! With excitement, Guan Xiaoping resolutely signed a three-year contract and stepped on the southbound train.

However, the gap between ideals and reality is far deeper than he imagined. Due to the aesthetic differences between the north and the south, it was difficult for the two of them to gain a firm foothold in Guangzhou, and their film career was also struggling.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

In Guangzhou for more than a year, Guan Xiaoping starred in the first movie in his life "Love in Extraordinary Moments", because he had never learned acting, it took seven or eight times to succeed when recording a simple USB flash drive shot, which made the director very distressed.

Deng Jianguo lost a lot of money in continuous investments, and Guan Xiaoping never got another chance to make movies. After the contract expired, Guan Xiaoping and his wife returned to Changchun to continue his two-person career.

However, a year of living in the South made him lose his original feeling. Guan Xiaoping recalled that when he participated in the opera performance after he returned, he couldn't find any feeling at all, and even his daughter felt that his performance was no longer interesting.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Once, he even threw his family's costumes on the ground and tried them on one by one, hoping to get back the feeling of acting, but to no avail.

After a whole year of hard work, Guan Xiaoping's acting skills slowly returned to their original level. Just when he thought that his career might be overcome, fate once again extended an olive branch to him, and this opportunity would completely change the trajectory of his life.

Fate always likes to play tricks on people. Just when Guan Xiaoping was worried about regaining the feeling of turning the two, an unexpected opportunity quietly came. This opportunity is due to a special layer of kinship.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

It turned out that Guan Xiaoping's wife Li Xiaoyu was also a two-person actor in her early years. Her sister Li Lin is the wife of actor Wang Xiaoli. This family relationship became a turning point in Guan Xiaoping's life.

After Guan Xiaoping's family returned to Changchun, Wang Xiaoli, Wang Xiaobao and Li Zhengchun and other Zhao Benshan's personal disciples came to persuade one after another: "Since you are back, then come to my master's side, there will definitely be a future in the future."

Guan Xiaoping is very happy, as a two-person actor, no one wants to worship under Zhao Benshan. So under the recommendation of Wang Xiaoli, Guan Xiaoping was able to show himself in front of Zhao Benshan, for which he improvised a wonderful two-person performance.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Zhao Benshan's eyes lit up, Guan Xiaoping, a young man, is really talented! Zhao Benshan immediately agreed to accept him as an apprentice and let him perform on the big stage of Liu Laogen. Guan Xiaoping's heart was full of excitement, as if he had seen a new peak in his career.

With his superb acting skills, Guan Xiaoping has attracted a large number of fans in a short period of time. Zhao Benshan is optimistic about his potential and arranges for him to play the role of the owner of the marriage agency in "Ma Dashuai". In December 2005, under the recommendation of Zhao Benshan,

Guan Xiaoping got acquainted with Han Zhijun, the director who came to the Northeast to shoot "Two Women Wrapped in Red Turbans", and played an ordinary two-person actor in this movie, and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 2006 Changchun Film Festival.

Guan Xiaoping was very excited, he spent 500 yuan to buy a red dress and specially participated in the award ceremony. still showed off in front of reporters, but when Han Zhijun told him: "Don't always tell reporters that you spent more than 500 yuan to buy clothes, and Aaron Kwok's clothes cost more than 100,000 yuan."

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Guan Xiaoping couldn't cry or laugh after hearing this, this little episode made him realize the gap between himself and the big star, but it also inspired him to be more self-motivated.

In 2006, Guan Xiaoping's opportunity came again. He was selected by Zhao Benshan to play Zhao Si in "Country Love". He played this affectionate character very infectiously, and this drama became popular all over the country as soon as it was broadcast.

When he walked on the street, passers-by often called him Zhao Si, and his acting career reached its peak because of this.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

However, just as he was developing steadily, an unexpected turmoil shattered his vision. Guan Xiaoping did not expect that he would face a difficult choice that would once again change the trajectory of his life.

One night in July 2007, just after the performance ended, Guan Xiaoping received a call from Secretary Tian of the regiment. Hurried to the agreed place, Secretary Tian's words made him fall into an ice cave: "There are too many people in the regiment now, Xiaoping, you go out and leave the regiment, go elsewhere to work for three months, and then come back after three months." "

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Guan Xiaoping was stunned, and his mind went blank. "Secretary Tian, did I do something wrong? Am I not good at acting, or am I not good at acting? He asked hurriedly. Secretary Tian kept shaking his head and denying it, but just asked him to go out for three months and come back, and he was still a member of the group.

The doubts and dissatisfaction in Guan Xiaoping's heart came like a river. He had a straightforward personality and a stubborn temper, and this vague explanation deeply pierced his self-esteem. "Why me? There are so many newcomers and young actors in the troupe, I have been working for more than two years, why let me go? The thought echoed in his mind.

In a fit of anger, Guan Xiaoping made a decision that changed the trajectory of his life: "That's it, I won't do it for three months, I'll leave the group completely." After speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Secretary Tian with a stunned face.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

However, fate always likes to joke. In less than a month after Guan Xiaoping left, "Country Love" was broadcast on CCTV 1, and he played the role of "Zhao Si" and instantly became popular all over the country.

Zhao Benshan realized the value of Guan Xiaoping, and called him four times in a row, persuading him to come back and continue to play Zhao Si.

Zhao Benshan said sincerely: "If you can continue to play that little Zhao Si, you will definitely become more popular than Liu Neng and Xie Guangkun." Although those two are very popular now, as time goes by, people are more willing to look at characters like you, because characters like you are more righteous.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

But at this time, Guan Xiaoping's heart could no longer be calm, full of anger and grievances. He was angry at Zhao Benshan's distrust at the beginning, and felt aggrieved deep in his heart. "I was called away by him (Zhao Benshan) at that time, I really lost face, and I didn't have the face to go back.

He thought so, so he directly rejected Zhao Benshan's invitation.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Regarding the reason why Guan Xiaoping left Zhao's class, there are different opinions on the Internet. Some people think that he violated the internal rules of Zhao Jiaban and privately took over the filming of director Zhang Huizhong's drama "Pomegranate Blossom".

In addition, there are rumors that Zhao Benshan had a falling out with Zhang Huizhong, and even specially instructed Daolang to let the apprentices stop having any dealings with Zhang Huizhong, but Guan Xiaoping bucked the trend.

Some people use the story of Yan Xuejing and Wang Xiaoli as an example. It is said that Yan Xuejing was scolded by Zhao Benshan for taking private work, and was even almost expelled, and Wang Xiaoli was also locked up in a small black house for taking private work, and even fined 100,000 yuan.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

However, the truth is often simpler than the rumors. Many years later, Guan Xiaoping clarified in the live broadcast: "Master said that someone told him at that time that I was a little dirty acting on stage, but I was a little buried.

That's it, Master said that I could go out and work in the small class for a few months, purify and come back."

Because of a misunderstanding and Guan Xiaoping's stubborn character, it eventually led to a regrettable separation. "Zhao Si", who was in his youth at the time, left his mentor Zhao Benshan like this.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

This decision not only changed the direction of Guan Xiaoping's life, but also made "Country Love", a highly rated work, lose a character loved by the audience.

After leaving Zhao Benshan, Guan Xiaoping was not depressed. He soon found a new backer - comedy master Pan Changjiang. Pan Changjiang taught him and provided him with many resources to help him perform well in film and television dramas and variety shows.

However, leaving Zhao Benshan's aura, Guan Xiaoping's development in the entertainment industry was not smooth. Although he has starred in many works, he has never been able to cause much repercussions. The "Zhao Si" with infinite scenery in the past seems to be a thing of the past.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

But Guan Xiaoping did not give up. He keenly captured the new rise of the live broadcast industry, and resolutely transformed into an Internet celebrity anchor. With years of acting skills and a sense of humor, he quickly established himself in this new field.

He also started live streaming like a young man, and with the help of the former name of "Zhao Si", Guan Xiaoping rediscovered his own world in the online world.

Not only that, Guan Xiaoping also entered the business field. He established the company and acquired Chouli Liquor and established a new distillery. In June last year, he proudly showed off his new distillery during a livestream: "The new plant is more than 3,000 square meters in total, which is bigger than seven basketball courts.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Some experts speculate that the investment required for a plant and internal facilities of this scale is at least tens of millions.

Guan Xiaoping's successful business acumen and decisive decision-making have enabled him to achieve excellent results in a very short period of time. He has not only established a solid position in the live streaming industry, but has also successfully expanded his business scope to the physical industry.

This diversified development strategy has brought him considerable benefits.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

From the stage to the screen, to the live broadcast room and the commercial field, Guan Xiaoping has experienced ups and downs in life. Although he left Zhao Benshan, a big backer, he still gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry and business world with his own efforts and wisdom.

This tough man from the Northeast has proved his strength and resilience with practical actions.

He looked at the gifts and messages in the live broadcast room with a satisfied look, and he realized that he had taken some detours, but today's life may be another kind of success. The duo-turned-actor who used to sweat profusely on stage has now become a successful businessman and Internet celebrity anchor.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Guan Xiaoping's story is the growth history of an artist, and it is also an inspirational story of ordinary people rising up in the face of adversity. He taught us not to give up easily when we encounter setbacks, because one day we will find our own place.

With the development of his career, Guan Xiaoping's life became more and more affluent. He lived in a mansion worth more than 5 million, which was in stark contrast to the days when he spent 500 yuan to buy a red dress for the Changchun Film Festival award ceremony.

The walls of the house are full of antique porcelain, showing the owner's taste and financial resources In the live broadcast, he will show his collection to the audience from time to time, his eyes are full of pride, and he can't hide it.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Guan Xiaoping's wife, Li Xiaoyu, often broadcasts live together, and every time she appears, she is sparkling and full of wealth. In a live broadcast, she also showed off the designer bag given to her by her husband, which attracted envious comments from the audience.

This kind of lifestyle is unimaginable to Guan Xiaoping and his wife, who played the duo in Changchun back then.

However, for Guan Xiaoping, what makes him most gratified is the outstanding performance of his daughter Guan Sihui. She has a sweet appearance and has shown a high talent for acting since she was a child. Although she did not inherit her parents' two-person career, she found another way and studied Peking Opera for five years from 2001.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

This choice surprised Guan Xiaoping and his wife, but they also felt secretly happy.

With her personal strength and hard work, Guan Sihui has flourished in the entertainment industry, participated in many film and television works, and performed very well in various variety shows.

Whenever he sees his daughter flying confidently on the stage, Guan Xiaoping's eyes will always unconsciously burst into tears, he knows that this excellent daughter is the proudest achievement in his life.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

From an ordinary duo turned an artist, he has successfully transformed into a businessman and Internet celebrity anchor today, Guan Xiaoping's life has undergone a huge change. This transformation stems from his tireless efforts and willingness to experiment.

His story is certainly a vivid example of how hard work pays off.

The years have passed, and the grievances of the year have long been forgotten. In an interview in recent years, Guan Xiaoping said that he was grateful to Zhao Benshan: "Without Mr. Zhao, the two would not be where they are today." These words are not only a reminiscence of the past, but also an affirmation of one's own growth.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

Guan Xiaoping deeply realized that his experience under Zhao Benshan laid a solid foundation for his future development. Although he chose to leave due to a misunderstanding, that period was undoubtedly the most important period of his artistic career.

Now, he and Zhao Benshan have resumed contact, and the misunderstanding has disappeared.

Looking back on the past, Guan Xiaoping was full of emotion. His life started from an ordinary two-person artist, and became popular with his role as "Zhao Si", and later chose to leave Zhao Benshan and start his own business.

The first generation of Zhao Siguan Xiaoping: Why did you leave Zhao Benshan back then? turned around and threw himself under Pan Changjiang's door

All of these turning points had an important impact on his life, and although he took some detours in the entrepreneurial process, he eventually found his own path to success.

Standing at a new starting point in life, Guan Xiaoping cherishes everything in front of him even more, and he knows that these are hard-won. This experience of ups and downs became the most valuable asset of his life.

Guan Xiaoping's experience is also the history of the artist's growth, and it is also a life fable about understanding, tolerance and growth.

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