
The secretary of the county party committee was suspected of sexually assaulting his subordinates, and the woman's father came forward to report it with his real name, which attracted attention

In this land of Wannian County, Jiangxi, the story of Li Mouxia is like a heavy sad song, silently telling the fierce collision between power and justice. She was once a talented and passionate female cadre, shining in the local political arena and the light of hope in the hearts of the people of Shangfang Township. However, all this beauty gradually dimmed in the shadow of the county party secretary named Mao until it disappeared.


What happened to Li Mouxia was a silent nightmare. At first, she just felt a strange gaze from her boss, a gaze mixed with a lust for power and a morbid interest. She tried to ignore and cover up her inner turmoil with the busyness of work. But over time, those subtle hints gradually turned into blatant harassment and even coercive indecency and sexual assault.

The secretary of the county party committee was suspected of sexually assaulting his subordinates, and the woman's father came forward to report it with his real name, which attracted attention

Whenever night falls, Li Mouxia's home is no longer a warm haven, but a battlefield where she faces fear and humiliation alone. Mao took advantage of his power to mentally control her, making her wander in fear and helplessness. She tried to resist, but each time she struggled, it was as if she had fallen into a deeper quagmire, unable to extricate herself. Her voice was drowned in the torrent of power, and her tears could only flow silently in the corners that no one knew.

The secretary of the county party committee was suspected of sexually assaulting his subordinates, and the woman's father came forward to report it with his real name, which attracted attention

In this long dark night, Li Mouxia's soul experienced unprecedented torment. She asked herself countless times, "Why me?" Why suffer such pain? But reality gave her the cruelest answer: because she was weak, because her voice was not loud enough, because in this world of supremacy of power, justice is often buried deep underground.

The secretary of the county party committee was suspected of sexually assaulting his subordinates, and the woman's father came forward to report it with his real name, which attracted attention

However, Li Mouxia did not completely give up hope. She knows very well that only by standing up bravely can the truth be revealed to the world, and only then can those sins hidden in the shadows be punished as they deserve. So, she began to collect evidence and record Mao's evil deeds with audio recordings and pictures. She knew she might be in greater danger, but she knew better that it was fighting for herself and all those who suffered injustice like her.

The secretary of the county party committee was suspected of sexually assaulting his subordinates, and the woman's father came forward to report it with his real name, which attracted attention

On the day of May 23, Li Mouxia finally mustered up the courage and had a fierce dispute with Mao. She complained hoarsely about the other party's crimes, saying that she had conclusive evidence and wanted to report it to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. However, her voice for justice has not received the response it deserves. Just three days later, she was taken away by the county Commission for Discipline Inspection and has not yet regained her freedom.

The secretary of the county party committee was suspected of sexually assaulting his subordinates, and the woman's father came forward to report it with his real name, which attracted attention

At the moment when Li Mouxia was taken away, her family seemed to see the despair and unyielding in her eyes. They know that Li Mouxia has made the most difficult choice, at the cost of her own freedom and even her life, to expose the dark side hidden behind power. They are convinced that justice may be late, but it will never be absent. One day, Li Mouxia's experience will receive the attention and sympathy of the whole society, and those criminals will also be punished by the law.

The secretary of the county party committee was suspected of sexually assaulting his subordinates, and the woman's father came forward to report it with his real name, which attracted attention

Li Mouxia's story is a hymn to courage, justice and hope. She used her own experience to tell us that in this complex and ever-changing world, we may not be able to completely avoid injustice and darkness, but as long as we maintain our faith and have the courage to fight, we will definitely be able to usher in a bright future of our own.