
In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

In 2017, a program called "Thank You for Coming" was being recorded on a TV station in Nantong, Jiangsu. A middle-aged woman named Wang Shifen in front of the camera had a complicated expression, with expectation and apprehension flashing in her eyes.

What she is looking for today is a female entrepreneur named Chen Yan, a benefactor who gave her selfless help 17 years ago.

Wang Shifen took a deep breath and began to tell her story. However, this is not a simple thanksgiving. There was apology in her tone, as if she was hiding an untold secret.

Why did you wait a full 17 years to find your benefactor? What really happened back then? With Wang Shifen's eloquent narration, an emotional entanglement spanning nearly two decades slowly unfolded in front of the audience.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

In early 2000, at a food processing factory in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, Chen Yan was buried in a pile of papers. As the founder of this business, she is well known locally for her decisive decision-making skills and excellent business acumen.

Just as she was concentrating on her work, there was a soft knock on the office door.

"There are a few out-of-town girls at Mr. Chen's door who want to find a job." The assistant whispered.

Chen Yan raised her head and saw several plainly dressed young women standing outside the door. One of them, a girl named Wang Shifen, stood timidly at the front, but her eyes revealed firmness.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

"Where are you from?" Chen Yan asked gently.

"We're from Sichuan." Wang Shifen plucked up the courage to reply, "I heard that you need workers here, and we want to apply." "

Chen Yan looked at the group of girls carefully, and her heart was full of contradictions. The factory has been underperforming lately and is already saturated. But looking at Wang Shifen's earnest eyes, her heart couldn't help but soften.

"Why did you come so far to work?" Chen Yan continued to ask.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

Wang Shifen lowered his head and his voice was a little choked: "My parents died, leaving a large amount of debt. I wanted to help my brother pay off his debts, so I came here to find a job. "

Hearing this, Chen Yan trembled in her heart. She remembered the difficulties in the early days of her business, and couldn't help but feel sympathy for this strong girl.

"Okay, I can give you a chance." Chen Yan finally decided, "Try it for a month first, and if you perform well, you can stay." "

Wang Shifen raised her head excitedly, her eyes flashing with tears: "Thank you, Mr. Chen!" We will definitely work well! "

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

In this way, Wang Shifen and her companions began to work in Chen Yan's factory. At first, due to their lack of experience, they often have to scramble. But under Chen Yan's patient guidance, they quickly adapted to the rhythm of work.

Wang Shifen is especially diligent and always takes the initiative to work overtime to learn new skills. Her performance quickly caught Chen Yan's attention. Sometimes Chen Yan would bring some home-cooked meals to share with Wang Shifen and ask her about her family situation.

Under Chen Yan's care, Wang Shifen gradually took off the guard of his newcomer and began to regard the factory as his second home. She would save money every month and send most of her salary home to pay off her debts.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. Just when everything seemed to be on the right track, an unexpected event broke the tranquility of the factory and made a subtle change in the relationship between Chen Yan and Wang Shifen.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

This event will be a turning point that will change the fate of both men.

It was a normal working day, with machines roaring and workers busy in the food processing factory. Suddenly, a scream pierced the hustle and bustle of the workshop. Wang Shifen fell to the ground, her hands tightly clutching her abdomen, her face as pale as paper.

"Call Mr. Chen!" Someone exclaimed.

The news quickly reached Chen Yan's office. Without saying a word, she immediately rushed to the workshop. Seeing Wang Shifen's painful appearance, Chen Yan's heart tugged.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

She decisively called the emergency number and personally accompanied Wang Shifen to the hospital.

In the ambulance, Chen Yan held Wang Shifen's hand and comforted: "Don't be afraid, we will be in the hospital soon." "

The doctor's diagnosis in the hospital surprised everyone: the uterine fibroids in Wang Shifen's body had severely compressed the abdominal nerves and had to be operated on immediately.

However, the high cost of surgery made Wang Shifen fall into despair.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

"I don't have that much money," Wang Shifen said weakly, tears streaming down her face.

At this moment, Chen Yan did not hesitate to express her willingness to pay for the operation. "Don't worry about curing the disease first, and the rest will be talked about later." She said firmly.

At this moment, Wang Shifen felt incomparably warm, and tears rolled in her eyes. She held Chen Yan's hand tightly and was speechless.

The surgery was a success, and Wang Shifen's recovery was also very good. Chen Yan not only arranged for someone to take care of her, but also often sent nutritional products in person. Every time she visits Chen Yan, she encourages Wang Shifen: "Take care of your illness, don't worry about work, and wait until you recover."

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

Under Chen Yan's careful care, Wang Shifen was soon discharged from the hospital and returned to work. She is full of gratitude to Chen Yan and works more diligently, hoping to pay off the operation fee as soon as possible.

However, just when everyone thought that this heartwarming story would come to an end, an accident happened. One day after recovering, Wang Shifen suddenly disappeared, without saying goodbye or explaining, and left silently.

Chen Yan and other employees were confused. Some people began to talk behind his back, saying that Wang Shifen was an ungrateful person. But Chen Yan remained silent, believing that Wang Shifen must have her troubles.

"Maybe she's having some difficulties," Ms. Chen said to the other employees, "and we shouldn't jump to conclusions." "

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

Despite this, Wang Shifen's sudden departure still brought a lot of blows to Chen Yan. She often stood at the factory gate, looking into the distance as if waiting for something.

Time passed day by day, Wang Shifen never came back, and there was no news. Chen Yan began to wonder if she really knew the employee she once trusted.

But whenever this thought arises, she will try to dispel it and choose to believe in Wang Shifen.

This sudden parting cast a veil of mystery over this originally warm story. Why did Wang Shifen leave? Has she really forgotten Chen Yan's kindness? Only time seems to give answers to these questions.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

For Chen Yan, this experience strengthened her belief in helping others. She continues to run her own business, influencing everyone around her with kindness and warmth, and looks forward to seeing Wang Shifen again one day and hearing her explanations.

After leaving Nantong, Wang Shifen came to Shanghai with mixed feelings. Her heart was full of contradictions and pain, and every time she thought of Chen Yan's kindness, she felt a burst of heart-wrenching guilt.

However, the pressures of reality forced her to make this difficult choice.

It turned out that not long after Wang Shifen recovered, the creditor in his hometown came to the door. She thought that the money she sent home would slowly pay off her debts, but she didn't expect her brother to squander the money and the debts were not paid at all.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

Creditors threatened to find her, even threatening to harm her colleagues at the factory.

Faced with such a predicament, Wang Shifen felt both angry and desperate. She didn't want to involve Chen Yan and other colleagues, and she couldn't face this benefactor who had helped her so much.

Late one night, she tearfully packed her bags, quietly left the food processing factory that had given her warmth, and stepped on the train to Shanghai alone.

In Shanghai, Wang Shifen gets up early and works greedily at night. During the day, he worked as a general laborer in a factory, and at night he worked part-time as a waiter. She saves every penny to pay off her debts.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

The hardships of life made her often cry secretly in the middle of the night, but remembering Chen Yan's encouragement, she cheered up again.

Fortunately, at work, Wang Shifen met a fellow villager. The two knew each other and fell in love, and finally entered the marriage hall. With the support of her husband, Wang Shifen's life gradually improved.

Five years later, she finally paid off all her debts, and the burden of her long-standing burden was finally lifted.

However, the guilt in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. Whenever she thinks of Chen Yan's kindness and help, Wang Shifen feels ashamed. She began to secretly inquire about Chen Yan's current situation, and when she learned that Chen Yan's career was thriving, she was sincerely happy.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

But she never had the courage to take the initiative to contact Chen Yan, afraid of facing the embarrassment of saying goodbye back then. This secret is like a boulder, pressing on Wang Shifen's heart. She dreamed countless times that she returned to the food processing factory and apologized to Chen Yan, but every time she woke up, she could only face the helplessness of reality.

Seventeen years have passed. As Wang's life stabilized, she began sponsoring a poor high school student, hoping to pass on the kindness she had received.

But the guilt of Chen Yan has always been a knot in her heart that she can't let go.

Every time in the dead of night, Wang Shifen will think of that time in Nantong. Chen Yan's smile, the friendliness of her colleagues, and her determination when she left suddenly. How she wished she could go back in time and tell Chen Yan the truth instead of leaving a seemingly ungrateful back.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

As time passed, Wang Shifen became more and more aware that only by mustering the courage to face the past can he truly let go of the burden in his heart. She began to consider whether she should return to Nantong and find Chen Yan to apologize and express her gratitude in person.

This thought became a new ray of hope in her heart.

In 2017, with the encouragement of her husband, Wang Shifen finally made up her mind to find Chen Yan. With trembling hands, she dialed the phone number of the "Thank You for Coming" program team, hoping to use the power of the media to find the benefactor who had given her selfless help.

On the day of the recording of the program, Wang Shifen stood in front of the camera nervously. When Chen Yan appeared in the studio, tears instantly burst out of her eyes. Seventeen years have passed, although Chen Yan's face has changed slightly, but the warm smile is still the same.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

"Mr. Chen, I... Wang Shifen choked up and could barely speak a complete sentence.

Chen Yan gently patted her on the shoulder and encouraged her to continue. Under the gaze of the national audience, Wang Shifen took a deep breath and told the reasons for leaving seventeen years ago and the experience of these years.

She talked about the threat of creditors, the worries about the factory, and the guilt and longing in her heart over the years. Every time she said a word, her tears flowed more fiercely, as if she wanted to pour out her seventeen years of emotions at this moment.

Unexpectedly, instead of blaming Wang Shifen, Chen Yan gave her a warm hug. "Silly girl," Chen Yan said softly, "I have never held a grudge against you over the years.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

I've always believed that you were a good boy.

Wang Shifen couldn't cry, trembling and took out an envelope from her bag, which contained the money she had saved over the years.

But Chen Yan resolutely pushed open the envelope. "I'm very happy to see that you're doing well now, safe and healthy." She said sincerely, "That's my greatest gratification."

Witnessed by a national audience, the pair of bosses and employees who had been separated for 17 years hugged each other and cried. This belated reunion not only resolved the guilt in Wang Shifen's heart, but also relieved Chen Yan's worries for many years.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

At that moment, it seemed as if seventeen years had never existed, and they were still the bosses and employees who trusted and cared for each other.

This story, which spans seventeen years, is not only about gratitude and redemption, but also about how kindness is transmitted from person to person. Inspired by Chen Yan's spirit, Wang Shifen began to sponsor poor students and continue to pass on this love.

Now, every festival, Wang Shifen will return to Nantong and gather with Chen Yan. The friendship between them has long gone beyond the ordinary relationship between bosses and employees, and is more like a close friend like sisters.

This experience also made Wang Shifen understand that a small act of kindness can change a person's life.

In 2000, the female boss advanced money to the employee to see a doctor, and after recovering, she said goodbye without saying goodbye, and 17 years later she told the reason

This story teaches us that the power of kindness is endless. It can not only change the fate of one person, but also affect more people, forming a never-ending relay of love.

In this world, each of us can become the next Chen Yan, using our kindness to warm others and create more beauty.

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