
Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

1. "The Story of Rose" has been updated to episode 17, and the protagonist Huang Yimei's life journey is like a blooming rose, experiencing the sweetness and bitterness of first love. In the play, Huang Yimei's first love ended in failure, and this experience left a deep imprint on her.

With this emotional frustration, Huang Yimei decided to go to Shanghai to pursue her studies, hoping to find herself again in a new environment. During her studies in Shanghai, Huang Yimei rented a simple apartment.

Huang Yimei, played by Liu Yifei, wears more casual student uniforms in this plot, and also ties up a high ponytail, which perfectly shows a student's relaxed mentality. This period of study allowed her to gradually get out of the haze of the past and embrace life again.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

However, a twist of fate struck again. By the time the story developed to the 17th episode, Huang Yimei had already started the second relationship experience in her life. She met Fang Xiewen, the two knew each other and fell in love, and soon decided to enter the palace of marriage.

Although the new relationship brings hope, Huang Yimei seems to have a premonition of the challenges of married life, as the original text said, "She is about to marry Fang Xiewen and will suffer the hardships of marriage."

With her unique acting skills, Liu Yifei vividly shows Huang Yimei's emotional changes at different stages. From the pain of falling out of love to the ease of studying, to the anxiety of entering marriage, every subtle expression makes the audience empathize.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

2. As stated in the original text, "Liu Yifei skillfully conveyed Huang Yimei's emotions at different stages to the audience through the changes in clothing and appearance. Huang Yimei's story continues, and the audience is looking forward to how she will face the ups and downs of married life in future plots.

This journey of life shows a true portrayal of a young woman groping her way forward in love and career, which arouses the audience's resonance and thinking. Out of school, Huang Yimei stepped into the challenging world of the workplace.

She works for an art management company, and every day is a test of her abilities. In this new environment, Huang Yimei not only has to adapt to the rules of the workplace, but also has to find a balance between art and reality.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

The owner of the company, Jiang Xueqiong, is a woman who exudes elegance and sharpness in her gestures. Jiang Xueqiong played by Zhu Zhu left a deep impression on the audience. As described in the original text: "Zhu Zhu appeared for the first time, wearing tens of millions of jewels, but the audience can see Zhu Zhu's outstanding luxury and sexy facial features through the expensive outfit."

Jiang Xueqiong's appearance always attracts everyone's attention, and she perfectly interprets the charm and wisdom of a successful woman. In getting along with Huang Yimei, Jiang Xueqiong often spoke amazingly, giving Huang Yimei a lot of inspiration in life.

The original article mentioned: "Boss Jiang himself is very good, and he is a powerful character in the industry.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

For example, she told Huang Yimei to make good use of her strengths, including taking advantage of the opportunities brought by her boyfriend Zhuang Guodong. Although Jiang Xueqiong's own love life is not smooth, she always insists on taking the choice into her own hands.

3. Under the guidance of Jiang Xueqiong, Huang Yimei gradually learned to find a balance between art and reality. Every appearance of her is eye-catching, whether it is a formal dress to attend a conference or a dress to attend a banquet, it shows her unique charm.

As the original text said: "Huang Yimei played by Liu Yifei in this drama, she will change her clothes almost every time she changes scenes, she has formal clothes for work in the art company in the early stage, dresses for banquets, home clothes at home, pajamas, etc., each set highlights the advantages of Liu Yifei's appearance."

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

With her natural and generous image, Liu Yifei perfectly interprets Huang Yimei's growth in the workplace. She does not deliberately pursue the aesthetic standard of "white and thin", but has won the love of the audience with her healthy and confident image.

The original article mentioned: "Liu Yifei's figure has never been 'white and thin', not only her cheeks are childish little fleshy faces, but it can also be seen from the swimsuit lens that she also makes no secret of her healthy thick waist and thick thighs."

"This performance not only conveys positive values, but also leads to a new aesthetic trend. The story of Huang Yimei's growth in the workplace shows how a young woman finds her place in a complex environment, and also reflects the challenges and opportunities faced by women in the workplace today.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

Huang Zhenhua, the architect in his 30s who has not yet been in love, is an impressive character in "The Story of Roses." As described in the original text: "Huang Zhenhua is a leftover man who has never been in love in his thirties, and he only graduated with a master's degree in terms of education."

Tong Dawei's superb acting skills injected fresh vitality into this role, allowing the audience to see a single man who was both shy and charming. Although he is a little sluggish in terms of feelings, Huang Zhenhua is a capable person at work.

The original article mentions: "Huang Zhenhua has a cheerful personality, strong ability in work, learns usefully, and manages a team of architects of his own. This kind of self-confidence in the workplace and the clumsiness in the relationship form an interesting contrast, adding a unique charm to the character.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

When Huang Zhenhua met Bai Xiaohe, who graduated with a doctorate, he experienced the feeling of heartbeat for the first time. However, fate seems to be playing a game on him. As stated in the original text: "Huang Zhenhua fell in love with Bai Xiaohe, who graduated with a doctorate, at first sight, but Bai Xiaohe, who was angry with the book, was stuck in a past relationship and couldn't get out and rejected Huang Zhenhua."

Fourth, this failed attempt to fall in love hit Huang Zhenhua hard, but it also laid the groundwork for his subsequent relationship development. Just when Huang Zhenhua thought that he was destined to die alone, Su Gengsheng appeared.

This woman, who seems to be cold as frost but is actually fiery in her heart, has become a happy pair with Huang Zhenhua. The original article mentioned: "Su Gengsheng and Huang Zhenhua are a pair of happy enemies, and Huang Zhenhua fell in love with Su Gengsheng in the gradually increasing contact."

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

The interaction between the two was full of drama, whether it was an accident when buying and selling dumbbells or a burn when pouring water, the audience couldn't help but laugh. As the original text said: "The scenes of Tong Dawei and Wan Qian are designed to be funny, such as Huang Zhenhua was smashed and injured when the two were buying and selling dumbbells, Huang Zhenhua burned his foot when pouring water for Su Gengsheng, etc., the plot is designed very vividly and naturally, adding a lot of drama to the play."

The wonderful cooperation of Tong Dawei and Wan Qian has added infinite charm to this happy couple. Every interaction between them is filled with sparks and makes one look forward to how their relationship will develop.

Huang Zhenhua's emotional world, from a bachelor to falling in love, shows the growth and transformation of a middle-aged man in love, bringing laughter and emotion to the audience. Su Gengsheng, the character played by Wan Qian, is a charismatic presence in "The Story of Rose".

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

As described in the original text: "Wan Qian plays Su Gengsheng, an executive of an art company in the play, with short capable hair and an unsmiling expression", such an appearance leaves a strong first impression and makes people daunting.

Fifth, under this cold appearance, there is a soul that has been hurt but is still strong. The original text mentions: "The plot also depicts the various unsatisfactory conditions of her original family, and she herself has been hurt.

These experiences left deep scars in Su Gengsheng's heart and shaped her complex inner world. Despite all the misfortunes he has experienced, Su Gengsheng has not been defeated by life.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

Instead, she recovers from her injuries through her own efforts. As the original text says: "But Su Gengsheng is a very strong person psychologically, and she is slowly recovering from her injuries.

This kind of strength and resilience has become the core of Su Gengsheng's character. However, past injuries also leave after-effects. The original article mentions: "The only sequelae is that in the face of the relationship between men and women, they become rejected.

This makes Su Gengsheng extremely cautious in the face of feelings, always turning others away. Life is always full of surprises. The lively and outgoing Huang Yimei broke into Su Gengsheng's world, and the two gradually became good girlfriends.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

Sixth, as stated in the original text: "Su Gengsheng is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and the lively and outgoing Huang Yimei has gradually become good girlfriends." This friendship was like a ray of sunshine shining into Su Gengsheng's heart, allowing her to gradually learn to open her heart again.

Wan Qian's superb acting skills show Su Gengsheng's complex inner world vividly. The vigilance in her eyes, the confidence in her gestures, and the occasional vulnerability all moved the audience.

Su's story, as her name suggests, is a story of rebirth. She came out of her hurt and relearned to trust and love, a process that gave hope and strength.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

Su Gengsheng's character not only enriches the plot, but also presents a complex and real character image for the audience, triggering people's deep thinking about life and emotions. The broadcast of "The Story of Rose" can be described as an unprecedented event.

As stated in the original text: "The Story of Rose" is broadcast simultaneously on CCTV and online platforms", this multi-platform linkage broadcast method allows the audience to follow the drama anytime and anywhere, which greatly improves the convenience of watching the drama.

As of now, the show has been updated to episode 17, and there are only 38 episodes in total, which means that the wonderful plot is more than halfway through. The most remarkable thing is the commercial value and influence of "The Story of Rose".

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

The original article mentions: "At present, the cooperation of 41 brands has been officially announced", which is enough to prove the huge attraction of the show. Its ratings are like the roses in the play, blooming delicately and beautifully, becoming a well-deserved "queen of ratings".

And all this is largely due to the "Liu Yifei effect". As the original text said: "The first point must be the heroine played by Liu Yifei, Huang Yimei, Liu Yifei's starlight alone has driven the ratings of "The Story of Rose", and her words and deeds in the play have become a hot topic.

As the leading actor, Liu Yifei's every move has become a hot topic. Especially in episode 14, the short seconds of Liu Yifei's appearance in a swimsuit instantly detonated social media.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

7. The original text described: "For example, Liu Yifei appeared in a swimsuit in episode 14, and the shot of just a few seconds was immediately on the hot search. This sensational effect fully proves Liu Yifei's influence.

Liu Yifei's natural and healthy image in the play has sparked extensive discussions among the audience. The original article mentioned: "Since Liu Yifei became a big star, her state has always been very relaxed, and she has never allowed anxiety about her appearance, she has never tossed her appearance, and has shown a very confident attitude."

This confidence and calmness not only conveys positive values, but also leads a new aesthetic trend. The success of "A Story of Rose" is a testament to the strong appeal of high-quality content and star effect.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

It is not only a wonderful TV series, but also a cultural phenomenon, which has triggered people's thinking about love, work and life. As the plot develops in depth, the audience is looking forward to more exciting content.

Each character in "The Story of Rose" has their own unique charm, and their portrayal adds a lot to the whole show. Huang Yimei, played by Liu Yifei, has won the love of the audience with her natural and healthy image.

As stated in the original text: "Liu Yifei's figure has never been 'white and thin', not only her cheeks are childish little fleshy faces, but it can also be seen from the swimsuit lens that she also makes no secret of her healthy thick waist and thick thighs."

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

She does not deliberately pursue the aesthetic standard of "white and thin", but shows people with a healthy and confident body. Whether it's a healthy body when you appear in a swimsuit, or a plump shoulder when you go to a banquet, it conveys a positive attitude towards life.

Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng, played by Tong Dawei and Wan Qian, showed an excellent tacit understanding. The original text mentioned: "The scenes of Tong Dawei and Wan Qian are designed to be funny and stalked, for example, Huang Zhenhua was smashed and injured his foot when the two were buying and selling dumbbells, Huang Zhenhua burned his foot when pouring water for Su Gengsheng, etc., the plot is designed very vividly and naturally, which adds a lot of drama to the play."

8. Their interaction is full of drama and fun, which makes the audience laugh. The wonderful cooperation of the two actors adds infinite charm to this happy couple. The successful shaping of these characters not only enriches the plot, but also brings deep thinking to the audience.

Reasons why "The Story of Rose" is out of the circle: Liu Yifei's thick legs, Wan Qian's story, and Zhu Zhu's face

Each of them represents different attitudes and values towards life, making "The Story of Rose" not only an entertaining TV series, but also a mirror that reflects social reality.

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