
Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Text: Resourceful and stir-fried entertainment

Editing|Resourceful and stir-fry entertainment

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Do you remember Cho Ruzhen, who is known as "Korea's No. 1 star"? The actress who was once popular all over the country because of large-scale bed scenes, how is it now? Will you continue to take the sexy route, or will you have been left behind in the entertainment industry? Let's take a look at the wonderful life of this Korea goddess.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Zhao Ruzhen of Girls' Generation

In 1981, Zhao Ruzhen was born in an ordinary family in Busan, Korea. Since childhood, she has dreamed of becoming an actress. At the age of 18, the opportunity finally came. In 1999, Zhao Ruzhen officially debuted with the TV series "I Don't Know the Speed of Others". However, debuting does not mean success. Zhao Ruzhen, who just debuted, did not attract much attention, and her acting career can be said to be mediocre.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

At that time, Zhao Ruzhen was like an unpolished diamond, although she had an outstanding appearance, she had not yet found her own light. She took on some inconspicuous roles and climbed in the entertainment industry in obscurity. Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary girl would become a bright pearl in the Korea film industry in the future?

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

In 2010, 29-year-old Zhao Ruzhen received a role that changed her life. The film is called "The Legend of Fangzi", adapted from the classic Korea novel "The Legend of Chunhyang", which tells the erotic story of a geisha. In this film, Zhao Ruzhen made a bold attempt and showed a lot of nudity.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

This decision made Zhao Ruzhen the hottest actress in Korea overnight. The title of "Korea's No. 1 star" followed, but at the same time, controversy ensued. Some praised her courage and dedication, while others criticized her for doing whatever it took to get out of the box.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

This film not only changed the trajectory of Zhao Ruzhen's career, but also affected her private life. According to reports, her boyfriend at the time chose to break up because he couldn't accept her large-scale performance in the movie. The price Zhao Ruzhen paid for art is far greater than we imagined.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

However, Zhao Ruzhen did not stop there. She continues to make her mark in erotica and sexy works. In 2012, she starred in the movie "Harem: The Emperor's Concubine", playing a noble but ill-fated heroine. The film once again showed Cho Joo-jin's sexy charm and further consolidated her position in the Korea film industry.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

The Road to Transformation: From Sex to Strength

However, Zhao Ruzhen is not content to just be a "sexy symbol". She craves more recognition, not just because of her appearance, but also because of her acting skills.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

2014 was a turning point for Zhao Ruzhen. She played the wife of the male protagonist in the movie "Human Poisoning", a strong and kind female character. This role shows a new side of Zhao Ruzhen, and her acting skills have been praised by audiences and critics alike.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

In "Human Poisoning", the image of the commander's wife played by Zhao Ruzhen is very typical. She is able to switch between mildness and sneer, interpreting this complex character with ease. This role earned Zhao Ruzhen multiple nominations for Best Supporting Actress, marking the official beginning of her transformation into a powerful actor.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

The road to transformation is not smooth, but Zhao Ruzhen has proved herself with strength. In 2016, she starred in the miniseries "Baby Nanny", which was once again well received. In 2017, she played the villain Female No. 2 in "The Perfect Wife" and won the KBS Acting Award for her superb acting skills.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Zhao Ruzhen's acting skills are becoming more and more perfect. In "Baby Nanny" and "The Perfect Wife", she played the role of a villain, creating a scheming and emotionally complex character. Her performance makes people hate and love, and fully demonstrates the charm of her acting skills.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Recently, Zhao Ruzhen played the role of a mother with complex emotions in the hit drama "Beautiful World". Her performance allowed the audience to see a new Zhao Ruzhen, a powerful actor who can handle various roles. In this drama, the role of the mother she plays is full of contradictions, which makes the audience hate and pity her. Zhao Ruzhen's acting skills have once again been affirmed by the audience and industry insiders.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

The pinnacle: the success of Parasite

In 2019, Zhao Ruzhen ushered in the peak of her acting career. Her film "Parasite" won the Palme d'Or at the 72nd Cannes International Film Festival, the first time a Korea film has won the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

In "Parasite", Zhao Ruzhen plays the role of Mrs. Park. This character seems simple, but in fact it contains profound social significance. Zhao Ruzhen used her superb acting skills to interpret this role perfectly. Her performance added a lot to the film and won herself the Blue Dragon Award for Best Actress.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

The success of "Parasite" is not only a personal victory for Cho Jo-jin, but also a milestone for the Korea film industry. The film went on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture, becoming the first non-Spanish film to receive this honor. Zhao Ruzhen's acting skills are indispensable, and she has proved with her strength that she has transformed from a "sexy symbol" to a real powerful actor.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Although glamorous on the screen, Zhao Ruzhen's life is not all smooth sailing. In 2004, her father owed 300 million won in debt due to a failed business. As a filial daughter, Zhao Ruzhen took on the heavy responsibility of repaying debts. This experience allowed us to see Zhao Ruzhen's strong side, and also made us understand that even glamorous stars will encounter the same life difficulties as ordinary people.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Today's Zhao Ruzhen is 40 years old, but she is still well maintained and maintains a girlish feeling. She used to have a stage of gaining weight, but through hard exercise and diet management, she maintained a hot figure and was known as the representative of "skinny beauty".

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Zhao Ruzhen's life experience tells us that success is never smooth sailing. From an unknown newcomer, to a "star" in large-scale movies, and then to today's powerful actor, every step is full of challenges and hardships. But it is these experiences that have shaped today's Zhao Ruzhen.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Conclusion: The power of metamorphosis

Back to the beginning question: What happened to the former "Korea's No. 1 star" now? The answer is obvious. Zhao Ruzhen has not only not been forgotten by the entertainment industry, but has become a well-respected and powerful actor through continuous efforts and transformation.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

From "The Legend of Fang Zi" to "Parasite", Zhao Ruzhen has completed a gorgeous transformation in 20 years. Her story tells us that as long as we continue to work hard and have the courage to challenge, we will be able to break through ourselves and realize our dreams.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Zhao Ruzhen's acting career is not only her personal growth history, but also a microcosm of the development of Korea films. From relying solely on her appearance to attract audiences to conquering fans with superb acting skills, Cho Rujin's growth has witnessed the progress of the Korea film industry.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Today's Zhao Ruzhen no longer needs to define herself by "sexy". She used her strength to prove that a good actor can handle any role. Her story will undoubtedly inspire more actors to continue to improve and bring more excellent works to the audience.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

Let's look forward to Zhao Ruzhen's future performance, and I believe she will bring us more surprises. After all, age is never an issue for a true actor, the important thing is that she always maintains her love and pursuit of acting.

Korea's top Cleopatra Zhao Ruzhen, once she became famous, three o'clock was exposed, and the bed scene was first-class?

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