
What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking? Netizens told the truth

What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking? Netizens told the truth

Today's topic: What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking's?

In the vast scientific starry sky, there are two bright stars that are particularly eye-catching - Yang Zhenning and Hawking. One of them is a master of theoretical physics, who shocked the academic community with the law of non-conservation of the universe; The other is a legend of cosmology, using "A Brief History of Time" to lead us to explore the mysteries of the universe. In this regard, some people have raised a thought-provoking topic: Is Yang Zhenning's academic achievements really greater than Hawking's?

Netizens have fried the pot:

What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking? Netizens told the truth

Isn't that true? Anyone who knows a little bit about Yang Zhenning knows it. It is no exaggeration to say that Yang Zhenning is basically the C position of the world's living physicists.

I majored in physics, and my teacher talked about the four most famous bulls: Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and Yang Zhenning, respectively: heaven and earth, electricity and magnetism, classical view of space-time and narrow view of space-time, everything and field theory.

What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking? Netizens told the truth

Yang's achievements are a grade higher than Hawking's, Hawking is widely circulated because of his disability, professional achievements in physics, but anyone who has studied college physics should know that Yang is a god-like existence in high-level textbooks in the post-Einstein era, and Hawking is more like a science worker.

I don't think these two can be compared. Stephen Hawking is widely known because of his disability, and Yang Zhenning should be regarded as a leader in modern physics.

What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking? Netizens told the truth

To be exact, Hawking only worked on a small project in the renovation team and had to quit due to physical reasons, but he still insisted on working, writing promotional copy and PPT for the building in the office.

Everyone knows that the ant forest has made a great contribution, but there is little mention of how strong the country's afforestation efforts are. That's the difference between propaganda and professionalism.

What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking? Netizens told the truth

Yang Zhenning: The greatest living physicist.

Yes, our physics teacher admires Yang Zhenning the most, and he thinks that Yang is the greatest theoretical physicist in the world today, and there is no one.

What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking? Netizens told the truth

This actually has nothing to do with Angsa's right to speak. The key to Hawking is that he has good scientific research results and world-renowned popular science works, which is very powerful. What's more, suffering from ALS can only move one finger and publish a book, this kind of deeds is enough to move ordinary people who don't know much about physics. The vast majority of people can't understand what Hawking is doing, nor can they understand what Yang Zhenning is doing. But out of a very simple respect for tenacious will, it is natural for people to think that Hawking has indeed made good achievements.

Turing is famous because of computers, not mathematics. It's like Minkowski is famous because of the theory of relativity, not because he was a mathematician. Hawking is famous for his popular science books that have been on the bestseller list for several years, not because of his achievements in physics. Compared with the popularity of British and Russian mathematicians, Perelman is obviously more present than Atia in the public perception, and the weight of the indicator theorem is not inferior to the Poincaré conjecture, not to mention that the Poincaré conjecture was not proposed by Perelman (but Attia announced the proof of the Riemann conjecture the year before last and brushed a wave of existence).

What do you think of the statement that some people say that Yang Zhenning's academic achievements are greater than Hawking? Netizens told the truth

Yang Zhenning's academic ability does surpass Hawking, and Hawking's advantage is that he is not only a scientist, but also a popular science writer.

Although Mr. Huo's academic achievements are much worse than Mr. Yang's, they are by no means as unbearable as many people say, at least the black hole radiation is also Nobel Prize-level if it is confirmed. And anyway, Hawking is also Professor Lucas, look at who can sit in this seat in history, Newton, Dirac, Stokes......

Therefore, Yang Zhenning and Hawking are both rare academic wizards. They have each made outstanding achievements in the fields of physics and cosmology, and have made indelible contributions to the development of science. Many authoritative scholars have stated that it is impossible to simply judge which of the two masters is superior in their academic achievements, as their contributions are unique.

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