
After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Statement: The content of this article is written by quoting authoritative medical information combined with personal opinions, the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked in the text, in order to facilitate everyone's reading and understanding, some of the storylines have fictional components, which are intended to popularize scientific health knowledge, please be aware.

"Dad, why have you suddenly fallen in love with playing chess lately?"

"I don't understand, I heard the doctor say that the elderly can prevent the emergence of Alzheimer's and other diseases by using their brains more, and live longer."

63-year-old Uncle Li can be described as an "old man", in addition to going out to buy vegetables, he usually watches TV at home, and his son suggests that he go out to chat and play chess with his neighbors, but he is too lazy to move. However, recently, Uncle Li has been very "consciously" playing chess with his neighbors, which makes his son very puzzled and doesn't understand why his father suddenly "changed his temperament".

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

In the end, I still couldn't hold back the "gossip" and asked my father, but it turned out to be a doctor's sentence that made my father understand.

Uncle Li told his son: "The doctor said that those of us who are old can simply live to the age of 90 as long as we can keep a few important organs in our body 'sensitive'.

After the age of 60, the 4 organs are "active", or closer to longevity

Do you know?

After the age of 60, our body is like an old car that needs regular maintenance to continue on the road.

The focus of maintenance is to keep the four "core components" of the brain, heart, blood vessels and skeletal muscles active. So, how do we get these organs "high" and let the flower of our life continue to bloom?

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After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Keep your brain "active", or get closer to longevity

Have you ever thought that our brain is like a delicate machine that needs to be constantly "refueled" and "maintained" to keep it in tip-top shape? If our brains are not "trained" enough, then aging may be accelerated.

It's like a car, if it doesn't run for a long time, its parts may gradually rust and lose their original function. In the same way, the brain needs to keep it alive and functional by constantly thinking and learning.

As recently as April this year, researchers at the University of Colombia and the Norway Institute of Public Health calculated the RTI index (i.e., the routine task intensity index) using the O*NET measurement method by combining information such as occupational attributes of more than 300 positions.

On this basis, the researchers divided 7,003 participants into four different groups according to the RTI index and found that the risk of dementia was 37% higher in the group with low occupational cognitive needs compared to the group with high occupational cognitive needs.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

What does this conclusion say? In middle age, if you use your brain less, the risk of dementia will increase in your later years; So, can we reduce the risk of dementia in turn?

This is okay, so the doctor advises everyone: even if you are young, don't be stingy with your brain!

Keep the heart "active", or closer to longevity

In healthy people, the heart rate is usually maintained at around 60 beats per minute, which is the most comfortable state for the heart to work. However, when the heart rate exceeds this range, the situation becomes a little more subtle. Each increase in heart rate means that the heart needs to expend more energy to work "hard", which undoubtedly increases the burden on the heart. Over time, the heart may become tired, aged, and even damaged, affecting its longevity.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

In fact, research has confirmed this. When the heart rate exceeds 70 beats per minute, life expectancy may decrease accordingly with each increase. What an astonishing discovery! Our heart, the organ that has been working for us silently, has such a direct impact on our longevity.

Keep blood vessels "active", or closer to longevity

Blood vessels can be described as the life channel that connects the whole body, and is the transmission route of nutrients and nutrients required by the body.

However, with physiological growth and lifestyle influences, blood vessels may quietly harden and lose their former elasticity, a process known in clinical practice as atherosclerosis.

It is like a looming rainstorm and lightning, quietly changing the structure of our blood vessels, increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke, and in severe cases, it may even threaten life.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

There are many cases of blood vessel problems that lead to heart involvement, in order to let you have a deeper understanding of this situation, let's briefly understand Ms. Li's real experience!

Ms. Li said:

For most of my life, I didn't pay much attention to my eating habits and lifestyle, and this negligence eventually led to the health crisis I am now facing – atherosclerosis, which seriously affected my heart health.

In retrospect, my habits have never been good.

When I was younger, I often stayed up late and ate a casual diet, with foods high in fat, salt and sugar being my regular choices. At the time, I always thought that my body was strong enough to withstand anything, and I never thought about the consequences of these habits for my future self.

As we get older, these bad habits gradually show their bad side.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

At first, it was a constant feeling of fatigue and shortness of breath, which I thought was just ordinary old frailty. However, when I started to feel the pressure in my chest and the occasional sharp pain, I realized that something could be more serious than I thought.

The doctor's diagnosis hit me like a hammer in the heart – atherosclerosis.

This is a condition in which too much fat, cholesterol, and other substances accumulate in the inner walls of the arteries, resulting in hardening, narrowing, or even blockage of the arteries. This is not just a lack of blood supply to the heart, it is a potentially fatal threat.

The treatment process is long and painful.

Daily medications, regular check-ups, and strict diet control have completely changed my life. What's even more painful is that even after following all the doctor's instructions, the attacks of that chest pain still come from time to time, and each time I feel the fragility of my life.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Illness brings not only physical pain, but also mental torture.

In the dead of night, I often wonder if I had realized the importance of health earlier, if I wouldn't have suffered today. I also often feel scared, afraid that one pain will never be relieved, that I won't be able to survive the next heart crisis.

Now, I try my best to spend time with my family and friends, and despite the many limitations that heart disease has put on my life, I have learned to cherish every breath, every moment I can move.

I began to try to convey a message to those around me: health is an irreversible gift, and each of us should take more care of our bodies from now on, and not wait until we lose it.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

I hope you can also learn some knowledge from Ms. Li's personal experience, don't indulge yourself because you are young, our bodies are really not so "indestructible"!

Keep bones and muscles "active", or closer to longevity

Imagine if our bones were a band, and calcium and phosphorus would be the shining stars among them. Without them, the band wouldn't be able to perform well! As they get older, the band may experience some "aging" problems, such as osteoporosis, which is like the band members start to go out of tune and the audience is not so happy.

And muscles are the "power factory" of our body, responsible for getting us moving.

However, over time, the muscles may experience a "strike", also known as muscular dystrophy. It's like the machines in the factory are starting to slow down and the productivity is greatly reduced.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Well, do you have a deeper understanding of the 4 important organs of the body? If you want to keep your organs alive in the elderly, here are a few tips to help you!

Are there any good ways to help older people keep their organs alive?

Read with your brain

If your brain is a vast forest, then reading a book and reading a newspaper is like sending a timely rain to this forest.

Every drop of rain is a new idea, a new point of knowledge, and they nourish every sapling in the forest and make them thrive. These saplings are your neurons, dancing merrily in the rain, making more and more connections with each other.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Reading a book or newspaper is like putting a supercomputer on your brain, allowing it to process information with ease.

You are no longer a passive receiver of information, but an active processor of information. Your brain is constantly making complex calculations in the process of reading, like playing a difficult mind game, making your brain more and more flexible and smarter.

Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep is known as the "talisman" of the heart.

When we fall asleep, the body enters a state of self-repair and recovery. In the process, the heart rate slows down, blood pressure decreases, and the burden on the heart is reduced. In this way, the heart can be fully rested and recovered, maintaining its normal working rhythm.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

In addition, when we are in a state of conscious tension or anxiety, the body automatically secretes stress hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline, which affect our heart rate, blood pressure, etc., and "put pressure" on the heart. Getting enough sleep can effectively reduce the levels of these hormones, reduce the inflammatory response to a certain extent, and help the body to be in a more relaxed state.

Control your weight

Maintaining body weight within the normal range is of great importance to the cardiovascular system.

Obesity, especially central obesity, can cause abnormal increases in blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and other lipid content, which are deposited on the lining of blood vessels, gradually forming atherosclerotic plaques. This pathological change leads to a decrease in the inner diameter of the vascular lumen and obstruction of blood flow, which significantly increases the incidence of heart disease, stroke and vascular diseases of the lower limbs.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

At the same time, obesity is also an important cause of hypertension. Excess weight means that the body needs to pump more blood to meet nutrient needs, which directly leads to increased workload on the heart and increased intravascular pressure. Prolonged hypertension can cause continuous damage to the inner wall of blood vessels, accelerate the aging process of blood vessels, and make blood vessels more prone to hardening and narrowing.

Regular medical check-ups

Because it enables early detection of potential problems and appropriate preventive or curative measures. Blood tests can assess levels of nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which are essential for healthy bones.

For muscle health, a physical exam can check creatinine and uric acid levels, which reflect how well the muscles are metabolizing. In addition, through grip strength tests and body composition analysis, muscle strength and muscle mass can be assessed and signs of muscle loss can be detected early.

After the age of 60, if the 4 organs can be well maintained, can they generally live past the age of 90? Listen to what the doctor has to say

The doctor summarizes the main points!

After the age of 60, the four key organs of the brain, heart, blood vessels, bones and muscles can be effectively prolonged and improved in terms of quality of life through scientific methods. Regular check-ups and a healthy lifestyle are the cornerstones of maintaining organ health, regardless of age. From now on, everyone should take action to scientifically and reasonably maintain the key organs of the body and help the body shine for a longer time.


[1] "The Brain Can Live a Long Life Only When the Brain is Young", Zhang Mei, 2017-07-01

[2] "Health and Longevity and Orthopedic Maintenance and Reasonable Exercise: On Bone Care and Health and Longevity for the Elderly", Zhuang Xiaoyin, 2010-05-01


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