
What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

In 626 AD, Li Shimin ascended the throne and became Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, opening a glorious era of Zhenguan's rule. However, the brilliant emperor made fatal mistakes in his family life. His two sons, the crown prince Li Chengqian and the king of Qi Li You, rebelled with the intention of overthrowing his rule. This thrilling palace turmoil not only shocked the government and the opposition, but also made people ask: What did Li Shimin do wrong? In this article, we will reveal two absurd things committed by Li Shimin, explore how they led to this family tragedy, and had a profound impact on the course of Tang history.

The Xuanwu Change: From King of Qin to Emperor

Li Shimin, this name shines in Chinese history to this day. He was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the legendary monarch who pioneered the "rule of Zhenguan". However, before ascending to the throne, Li Shimin's path was not all smooth sailing.

Li Shimin was born in the turbulent years of the late Sui and early Tang dynasties. At that time, the Tang Empire was still just a prototype, and his father Li Yuan was leading his family and followers to fight everywhere. The young Li Shimin grew up rapidly in such an environment, showing extraordinary military talent and political wisdom.

In the process of capturing Chang'an and establishing the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin made great contributions. He led the army to fight in the south and the north, and laid down most of the country for his father Li Yuan. It can be said that without Li Shimin, there would be no establishment of the Tang Empire. However, the high level of merit often leads to suspicion.

What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

Although Li Shimin made great achievements, he was at a disadvantage in the right to inherit the throne. His elder brother Li Jiancheng was the crown prince, and his younger brother Li Yuanji was the king of Qi, and the two joined forces to suppress Li Shimin. The ministers of the DPRK and China were also divided into three factions, which leaned against each other. This situation has put Li Shimin under pressure and made him realize that he must take action.

It was in this atmosphere of crisis that Li Shimin made an astonishing decision. In 626 AD, he launched the "Xuanwumen Rebellion" that shocked China and the world. On this day, Li Shimin led his cronies to set up an ambush at the Xuanwu Gate of the Imperial Palace, killing the crown prince Li Jiancheng and the king of Qi, Li Yuanji.

As a result of this coup, Li Shimin successfully ascended to the throne. He forced his father, Li Yuan, to abdicate and became the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty himself. Although this method of seizing the throne was controversial in later generations, it is undeniable that Li Shimin's accession to the throne brought a huge turning point for the Tang Empire.

After ascending the throne, Li Shimin was eloquent and strategic, and soon showed outstanding ability to govern the country. He spoke widely, appointed talented people, and implemented a series of reform measures. Under his rule, the Tang Dynasty quickly prospered, creating the famous "Zhenguan Zhizhi".

Li Shimin was not only an outstanding military strategist, but also an outstanding statesman. He was a good listener to different opinions and often discussed state affairs with his ministers. He also attached great importance to the people's livelihood and reduced taxes many times, so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment. In foreign relations, Li Shimin also showed superb diplomatic wisdom, making the Tang Dynasty a superpower in Asia at that time.

However, history is always full of irony. Li Shimin ascended to the throne through extraordinary means, but faced the rebellion of his sons in his later years. This reminds people of an old proverb: sow melons and get melons, sow beans and get beans. Did Li Shimin's actions back then lay the groundwork for his future family tragedy?

In fact, Li Shimin made serious mistakes in handling family relationships. He repeated the mistakes of his father, Li Yuan, and created conflicts between his sons. At the same time, he also made some puzzling decisions, such as marrying the daughter of the enemy as a concubine and appointing the son of the enemy as a courtier. These seemingly absurd actions eventually led to the rebellion of the two sons.

Marrying a hater with a hater: Li Shimin's absurdity

After Li Shimin ascended the throne, he did an incredible thing. He married the daughter of the enemy as a concubine, and this woman was Concubine Yinde.

Concubine Yinde's father was the minister of the Sui Dynasty, Yin Shishishi, and had a blood feud with the Li family. When Li Yuan rebelled against the Sui Dynasty, Yin Shishi was ordered to arrest Li Yuan's family. Although Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji escaped, Li Yuan's young son Li Zhiyun fell into the hands of the Yin Shishi and was brutally killed.

The crimes of the Netherworld Master don't stop there. He went so far as to order the excavation of Li Yuan's ancestral grave, which is the greatest insult in traditional Chinese culture. After Li Yuan captured Chang'an, he immediately ordered the execution of the Yin Shishi to avenge the death of his son and ancestors.

However, Li Yuan did not rush to kill them all. He left behind Yin Shishi's daughter Yin Shi and son Yin Hongzhi. This decision may have been motivated by political considerations, but it laid the foundation for the future.

After Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, he actually married the Yin family as a concubine. This decision came as a big surprise to many. Some people say that this is to entrap the old ministers of the former dynasty, and some people say that it is Li Shimin's impulsiveness. Whatever the reason, the decision seems ridiculous.

Concubine Yin De gave birth to a son for Li Shimin, who was the later King of Qi, Li You. It stands to reason that Li Shimin should care for this son extraordinarily. But in fact, on the contrary, Li Shimin seems to have always had a grudge against Li You.

What's even more puzzling is that Li Shimin actually appointed Yin Hongzhi to assist Li You. Yin Hongzhi is the only son of Yin Shishi, and according to Chinese tradition, he is supposed to avenge his father. Li Shimin's decision is simply to hand over the sheep to the wolf to take care of.

What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

Yin Hongzhi quickly took advantage of his uncle's identity. He began to privately recruit dead soldiers in preparation for future operations. Li You grew up in such an environment since he was a child, and he was naturally influenced by Yin Hongzhi.

Li You's behavior soon aroused Li Shimin's dissatisfaction. This little prince doesn't learn or know, and he is idle all day long. To make matters worse, he also often befriended people of bad character. Li Shimin was very annoyed by this, and decided to send the minister Quan Wanji to supervise and teach Li You.

However, this decision was too late. Li You has grown up and his personality has been set. Instead of accepting Kwon Wan-ki's teachings, he regarded them as a thorn in his side. In the end, Li You actually made the astonishing act of killing Quan Wanji.

Li You's rebellious behavior completely angered Li Shimin. But Li You did not stop there, but intensified. He began to recruit men over the age of fifteen in the city as the king of Qi. This act clearly carries the intent of rebellion.

When Li Shimin learned of this, he was furious. He immediately dispatched the famous general Li Ji to lead an army to quell the rebellion. However, the development of events was unexpected. Before Li Ji's army arrived, Li You's men rebelled one after another.

Li You's plan of rebellion was defeated without a fight. The final result was that both Li You and Yin Hongzhi were executed, and Concubine Yin De was demoted to a concubine. This bane, which was planted by Li Shimin, finally ended in tragedy.

Looking back on the whole incident, Li Shimin's decision-making mistake is obvious. He married the daughter of the enemy as a concubine, and wanted to resolve the hatred, but he didn't expect to lure the wolf into the house. He made a grave mistake by appointing the son of his enemy to assist his son.

This incident sounded the alarm for Li Shimin. He realized that he had made a serious mistake in dealing with family relationships. However, this lesson does not seem to have fully awakened Li Shimin. Later in his reign, he made another major mistake that eventually led to the rebellion of another son.

What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

This lesson teaches us that even a monarch as eloquent as Li Shimin can make mistakes when dealing with family relationships. The balance between personal grievances and national interests is a difficult problem that every ruler needs to face.

The dispute between the princes: Repeating his father's mistakes and causing trouble

Li Shimin made the same mistake as his father Li Yuan in dealing with the crown prince. This mistake eventually led to the rebellion of his eldest son, Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian is the eldest son of Li Shimin and has been made a prince since he was a child. It stands to reason that he should be the most likely person to inherit the throne. Li Shimin also did place high hopes on Li Chengqian when he was a child, and personally taught him how to govern the country.

However, as time went by, Li Chengqian's performance made Li Shimin more and more disappointed. This prince is not enterprising, and indulges in pleasure all day long. He doesn't like to read, and he doesn't care about state affairs, but likes to hang out with some people with bad conduct.

At the same time, Li Shimin's other son, Li Tai, performed very well. Li Tai was intelligent and studious, and often discussed state affairs with his ministers. He was also proficient in literature and wrote good poetry. These are all very appreciative of Li Shimin.

Li Shimin began to favor Li Tai more and more, and even intended to let Li Tai replace Li Chengqian as the crown prince. This preference was soon noticed by the courtiers. The ministers began to divide into two factions, one supporting Li Chengqian and the other supporting Li Tai.

What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

The struggle within the court became more and more intense. The ministers who supported Li Tai began to belittle Li Chengqian in front of Li Shimin, and the ministers who supported Li Chengqian tried their best to defend the position of the crown prince. This situation is similar to when Li Shimin's brothers competed for the throne.

Li Shimin seems to have forgotten how he seized the throne through the Xuanwumen Rebellion. He repeated the mistakes of his father, Li Yuan, and created conflicts between his sons. This practice is undoubtedly playing with fire and self-immolation.

The turning point of events came after the death of Empress Changsun. Empress Changsun has always been a key figure in reconciling the relationship between Li Shimin and Li Chengqian. After her death, Li Chengqian lost his most important backer.

Li Shimin's dissatisfaction with Li Chengqian became more and more obvious. He began to openly criticize Li Chengqian, and even reprimanded the crown prince in front of hundreds of civil and military officials at the court meeting. This humiliation made Li Chengqian feel extremely uneasy.

At the same time, Li Tai's power is growing. He was not only favored by Li Shimin, but also supported by many ministers. Li Tai began to frequent the court and participate in the discussion of national affairs. All this made Li Chengqian feel a huge threat.

Various rumors began to circulate in the DPRK and China. Some people say that Li Shimin wants to depose Li Chengqian and make Li Tai the crown prince. Some people also said that Li Chengqian wanted to rebel and seize the throne. These rumors threw the entire court into chaos.

Li Chengqian's behavior has also become more and more abnormal. He began to make friends with people of bad character, and even recruited the dead in private. These actions quickly attracted Li Shimin's attention.

Li Shimin sent people to closely monitor Li Chengqian's every move. Everything in the Prince's Mansion is under Li Shimin's control. However, Li Shimin did not take immediate action, but chose to wait and see.

What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

This tense situation lasted for some time. Li Chengqian felt that his position was in jeopardy, and began to hatch a plan for rebellion. He contacted a number of ministers and generals who were dissatisfied with the imperial court and prepared a coup d'état.

However, Li Chengqian's plan was revealed before it could be put into practice. Someone told Li Shimin and exposed the prince's conspiracy. Li Shimin was furious and immediately ordered the arrest of Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian's plan of rebellion failed in this way. He was imprisoned in the palace and awaited Li Shimin's disposal. This dispute for the crown prince, which was provoked by Li Shimin, finally ended in tragedy.

Looking back on the whole incident, it is not difficult for us to find Li Shimin's mistake. He repeated the mistakes of his father, Li Yuan, and created conflicts between his sons. He favored Li Tai too much and ignored Li Chengqian's feelings. These practices eventually led to family divisions and political turmoil.

This lesson teaches us that even a wise monarch like Li Shimin can make mistakes when dealing with family relationships. Balancing family ties and national interests is a difficult problem that every ruler needs to face. Li Shimin's experience undoubtedly provided a profound lesson for later rulers.

Bloody Aftermath: Li Shimin's Painful Choice

Li Shimin faced the rebellion of his two sons and had to make a painful choice. This decision not only affected his family, but also deeply affected the course of the entire Tang Dynasty's history.

What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

After the rebellion of Li You and Li Chengqian was revealed, the imperial court fell into chaos. There was a lot of discussion among the ministers, some advocating severe punishment and others suggesting lenient punishment. Li Shimin was in a dilemma.

As a father, Li Shimin's heart is undoubtedly painful. However, as the king of a country, he must think about the stability of the entire empire. After some careful consideration, Li Shimin finally made a decision.

Li Shimin ordered the execution of Li You and Yin Hongzhi. This decision, although brutal, was necessary in the political environment of the time. Li You's rebellion has seriously threatened the stability of the imperial power, and must be severely punished to set an example.

However, Li Shimin took a different approach to Li Chengqian. He did not immediately execute Li Chengqian, but put him in solitary confinement. This decision shows that Li Shimin still has a trace of pity for his eldest son.

Li Shimin's decision sparked a fierce debate between the DPRK and China. Some people believe that Li Chengqian's crime is so heinous that he should be put to death. Some people also think that Li Chengqian is the crown prince after all and should be dealt with lightly. In the face of these different opinions, Li Shimin has remained silent.

However, Li Chengqian's fate was still inevitable in the end. In the days of solitary confinement, Li Chengqian still did not repent, but intensified. While in prison, he continued to recruit dead soldiers in an attempt to escape.

After Li Shimin learned the news, he finally made up his mind. He ordered Li Chengqian's death, ending this long-lasting political turmoil. After the news of Li Chengqian's death came out, the government and the opposition were shocked.

Li Shimin's decision completely quelled the turmoil in the DPRK and China. However, it also caused a huge scar on his psyche. Since then, Li Shimin has become more suspicious and sensitive.

What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

Li Shimin began to re-examine his rule. He realized that he had made a serious mistake in handling his family relationships. These mistakes not only led to the tragic end of the two sons, but also brought great turmoil to the entire empire.

Li Shimin began to adjust the personnel arrangements of the imperial court. He promoted a number of loyal ministers, while also eliminating a number of potential threats. These measures effectively stabilized the situation in the imperial court.

After dealing with these matters, Li Shimin began to reconsider the issue of the crown prince. The incident between Li Chengqian and Li You was a wake-up call for him, and he decided to choose his heir more carefully.

After careful consideration, Li Shimin finally chose his ninth son, Li Zhi, as the new crown prince. Li Zhi has a moderate personality and does not have too many political ambitions, which is exactly in line with Li Shimin's wishes.

Li Shimin has high hopes for Li Zhi. He personally taught Li Zhi how to govern the country, hoping to cultivate a qualified heir. At the same time, he also strictly supervised Li Zhi's every move to prevent the recurrence of incidents similar to Li Chengqian.

However, these efforts of Li Shimin did not completely eliminate the uneasiness in his heart. He began to become more and more suspicious, and was wary of even those closest to him. This mentality undoubtedly brought great trouble to his later years.

Li Shimin's rule in his later years became increasingly authoritarian. He began to concentrate more power and become less dependent on ministers. Although this approach has stabilized the situation in the short term, it has also laid hidden dangers for the future.

Looking back on the whole incident, it is not difficult to find that Li Shimin's ruling style has changed dramatically. From the initial enlightened and wise, to the later suspicious autocracy, this transformation is undoubtedly regrettable.

What did Li Shimin do wrong? led to the rebellion of his two sons, all because he did two ridiculous things

However, we cannot deny the decisiveness shown by Li Shimin in handling this crisis. His decisive disposition, although brutal, effectively stabilized the situation and laid the foundation for the continued prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

This lesson teaches us that even the wisest monarch can find himself in a dilemma when faced with the contradictions of family and state. Li Shimin's experience undoubtedly provides a profound lesson for future rulers.